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Massive Increase In “Despair And Burn Out” Among Democrats



Leftist outlet Axios has published an article claiming that mental health experts are seeing a huge increase in patients who are Democrat voters complaining of “despair and burn out” in the wake of President Trump winning the election and taking office for the second time. The piece claims that the worn out whiners are whinging about not being able to keep up with the pace of Trump’s “rapid fire policies.”



The horoscope of the Democratic Party [1] has a prominent Sun-Neptune conjunction opposite Saturn aligned very significantly with the meridian. An extract from Saturn-Neptune: The Vibe Shift [2] explains how the combination can push us towards waking up from delusions. 

Fundamentally, the Vibe Shift is a return to—a championing of—Reality, a rejection of the bureaucratic, the cowardly, the guilt-driven; a return to greatness, courage, and joyous ambition... The Vibe Shift is spurning the fake and therapeutic and reclaiming the authentic and concrete. ...A Saturn-Neptune combination is about knowing the difference between fact and fiction. At worst, under the influence of this square those already committed to veiling the truth will be spreading even more stories intended to distract, and manipulate others. At best, this square could end the denial of reality. 

Currently directed Pluto [17cp] completes a T-square with the radix Saturn-Neptune-Sun. At we find how this direction manifests. (Read transit as similar to a direction..although directions are of longer duration and more powerful..the essence is the same)

 Pluto Square Neptune Transit

When transiting Pluto forms a square aspect with natal Neptune, you will experience a dissolving and shedding of numerous aspects of your life. You will let go what you had previously been strongly attached to as sources of security and identity. You may become swept up by hubris that leads to conflicts that wound your pride and ego. Ultimately, through the difficulties, you will have the opportunity to shed any inflated or delusional beliefs. You will need to surrender to deep-seated changes that can also provoke feelings of disillusionment. Structures, people, and situations you had felt you could count on in the past are no longer reliable. You will become aware of unconscious patterns and hidden information you had not been aware of, bringing you the opportunity to initiate a holistic healing process.

Next we examine how the folks who come and rip the Neptune veil of delusion may also have a Saturn-Neptune combination. The only difference is that they are sitting on the Saturn end of the see-saw so to speak and are tasked with acting out the reality check that Saturn is known for. Elon Musk [28 June 1971] and Kash Patel [25 Feb 1980] share hard aspects between Saturn and Neptune. 

So it is as though a planetary combination will produce all possible events contained in its “astro-picture”. If I am siiting on the delusional Neptune end of the see-saw, I will draw Saturnian hard task master type of individuals into my life. Notice how this world-view is similar to that of Quantum Mechanics. 

The Many-Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics holds that there are many worlds which exist in parallel at the same space and time as our own. This implies that all possible outcomes of quantum measurements are physically realized in different "worlds". 

The two different "worlds" are both contained in the Saturn-Neptune “astro-picture”. The despairing democrats (Neptune) and Elon Musk/Kash Patel - reality fact checkers (Saturn) are both there.

Mars stationing at [17cn] conjunct the radix Saturn on the IC of the chart is the “immediate cause” of the despair of the Democrats. 

The quote below from Jung should now make sense.







