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USAID Staff Cry For Their Fiefdom


The largest foreign aid agency on earth has, courts willing, abruptly closed its doors in the past week and sent most of its staff home. Finding their virtue has no place to strut its worth, the response of many has been indignation and assurances of retaliation.



President John F. Kennedy signed the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (USAID) on November 3, 1961 at 10:29 AM. The act established the United States Agency for International Development. A horoscope with such precise time is a delight for astrologers since the angles (MC and Asc) can be progressed with extreme confidence.


Notice how meaningful the Sabian symbol for the radix Sun [11sc] is in the context of aid. 

Scorpio 11 (10° - 11°): A drowning man rescued

An inherent attitude of willingness to take care of strangers in danger that defines our humanity

By this we mean that we have an in-built sense of responsibility for the well-being of others, even strangers and, if they are in peril, we would even risk our own safety for them.


Surely we can see how the Sabian for the Sun is already beginning to show the purpose of the horoscope? But the Sun is conjunct Neptune (and the asteroid Arachne) opposite the TNP Hades which can have either a positive manifestation or a negative manifestation depending on one’s motives. The interpretations below are from Martha Wescott:



(+) To feel great compassion for the poverty of others (-) deception, pretense or subterfuge mask the early stages of malicious intent. 


Have you ever read (or seen on one of those National Geographic specials) how dolphins or turtles get caught in those huge tuna or shrimp nets? In some ways, that's a great metaphor for some of the events you'll be aware of. People can get trapped because: they were too trusting, naive, unsuspecting, susceptible, lonely, dependent or too accepting of what others do. They can also get roped in because: they didn't see it coming, others were deceptive and there were a host of pretenses that made "the net" all but impossible to detect. This is kinda' like walking into a fallen spider web in the dark; hey, who knew it was there? You may see attempts to "catch" someone in a lie or with "a baited hook" (that only the susceptible would fall for!) Sometimes with this, people have dreams where they're trapped or tied up, but you may be aware of those silvery invisible threads that bind people to each other on an intuitive level. 

 Readers will be aware that the solar arc progression (close to a-degree-for-a-year) is one of the oldest predictive techniques in astrology. As an extension of this technique, astrologers also use a multiplier e.g. twice the solar arc (2) or even a fraction say 1/2 or 1/3 etc and method will faithfully reveal astounding details. 

The current progressed solar arc (Feb 2025) is 64.3 degrees. Let us use one third (1/3) as the fractional solar arc. In this case the progressed MC will be 199.35 degrees [19li21] + 64.3/3 = 220.78 [10sc47] which is exactly conjunct the radix Sun [10sc58]! 

In other words, the radix combination Sun-Neptune-Arachne-Hades is triggered. But the original lofty purpose (+) has been degraded and we now see manifesting only the (-). USAID has become a method for self-enrichment [1] and control.


To find what in the USAID chart caused an end to the shenanigans of the Deep State under the garb of foreign aid, we really do not have to look far. Saturn in tropical Pisces is placed amid stars in the stream of water from the urn of humanitarian Aquarius and entering the mouth of the Southern Fish. In the USAID chart Saturn has been opposing Moon in the 9th house (foreign affairs). Pisces in its typical manifestation symbolizes disorder and disintegration. In such cases Saturn brings order to the chaos.




