So essentially the entire town of Washington, D.C. has been stealing. The anomalies are those who are not stealing. $4.7 trillion, almost impossible to trace, represents two-thirds of the annual U.S. budget. And if it’s happening in the U.S., it is happening everywhere: France, Canada, the U.K., Germany, where budgetary processes are probably even more opaque than those of the U.S...The level of the theft has now to be dawning on everyone not living off the public purse which is, what, 60%, 70% of us? The anger setting in is soul-deep, and very very powerful. People who live straightened lives, the poorly pensioned, those living off the laughable social security stipend, those waiting for health care, those whose children can’t even dream of an education, of college, of a six-figure salary which is now subsistence in the ruined cities.
That the government has been stealing and that level of theft is unbelievable is only now dawning on Americans. However, anyone who studies the US Sibly can see all this there - potentially. A national chart provides excellent insight into the nation’s character. Bill Herbst in his essay on the US Sibly wrote:
Pluto in Capricorn
Pluto in late Capricorn/2nd opposite Mercury in Cancer/8th. In any natal chart, Pluto reveals the fault lines between the raw, unconscious power of compulsion versus self-aware choices. For Americans, that volcanic fault concerns money, land and natural resources, and possession/ ownership/wealth in general. The institutional vehicle for our obsession with money is the corporation, which is forbidden by law to honor any other consideration than profits. That device is a bargain with the devil, however, for now corporations control nearly everything, with nary a whit of care about people, despite the endless propaganda of public relations posturing. Pluto’s passage through Capricorn (2008-2023) represents a watershed confrontation with our obsessions about wealth and money.
(Note: The article by Elizabeth Nickson is simply recognizing what was so far hidden till the Pluto return in the US Sibly. Whether in an individual chart or that of a nation, we are confronted by our dark side when Pluto is activated).
The Sun-Saturn Square in the USA Chart
The Sun and Saturn are arguably the most important symbolic indicators in any natal chart. The Sun in astrology represents the gravitational center, the core, the source of both power and meaning within a given life. Saturn represents responsibility and physical limitations — experienced as fears of failure or denial, but also as deep ambition to overcome obstacles to achieve eventual fulfillment. The Sun reveals our life-purpose; Saturn shows the path of slow maturation over time. In America’s birth-chart, these two critical symbols were located at right angles to each other, in mid-Cancer/8th house and mid-Libra/10th house respectively. That square is of particular importance in revealing central facets and paradoxes of the American character.The Sun-Saturn square in the USA chart implies that, as a nation, America has at its core a fundamental dilemma: Are we a nation of social justice and equal opportunity for all (Saturn in Libra), regardless of background or station in life, or are we instead a nation of untrammeled ambition to amass personal wealth through success in business (Sun in 8th) , with accumulated wealth that will then be kept within our biological families to be handed down from one generation to the next? (Sun in Cancer).
In the first perspective, no one is above the law, and anyone can grow up to be President (meaning that one can rise or fall based solely on individual merit, rather than being aided or limited by the station in life occupied by one’s father or family). In this view of social organization, governmental legislation and cultural morality would both support a level playing field of opportunity by limiting the power of the most fortunate and distributing some of that power more equitably throughout the population. This is exactly what happened in the 1930s New Deal and post-World War II policies that built a burgeoning middle class in America. From the other perspective, every person is free to pursue the acquisition and accumulation of wealth, without any particular social responsibilities attached. (Note: The author of the article is complaining about just this...probably without knowing that the opposing tendencies were contained in the national character). Whether the wealth is acquired through personal diligence, hard work, and business success, or by inheritance through family makes no difference. Ownership of property by individuals is a sacred right, inviolable, protected by the constitution. In this view, concentrations of capital are what drives the economic engine of the society, and thus are considered necessary and correct. A person may feel motivated to return some of his wealth to society for the greater good, but that is his choice and should not be mandated by legal coercion. Those who embrace the first perspective often feel that overwhelming disparity of wealth is an evil that harms society, while those who embrace the second perspective may feel with similar passion that forced re-distribution of wealth is also an evil that harms society. This contradiction lies at the very heart of the American consciousness. Are we all in this together? Or is it every man for himself? Do we have a duty to share what we have with others? Or should we be free to do whatever we want and choose with whom we will share whatever we have? Even if the choice isn’t black and white, the problem still remains: How do we allocate the gray shades of responsibility to others versus freedom to be ourselves?
(Note: In astrology, the 8th house deals with the shadow-self. If we have not been conscious with the way we have been behaving with others this is the place where life holds up a “psychological mirror.”)
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