Speaking at the "Ukraine: The Year 2025" forum on Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told an audience of all heads of ministries, agencies, and top officials that he's ready to resign as president if it brings peace. He suggested the country be guaranteed NATO membership in exchange for his stepping down.
"I am ready to leave my post if it brings peace. Or exchange it for NATO," Zelensky said in response to journalists' questions, and at a moment he's feeling immense pressure from US President Donald Trump.
Readers are aware that we have been in the middle of a Mars retrograde cycle since early December. On Jan 16 a Sun-Mars opposition broke the cycle midway, resulting in a noticeable turning-point and the ensuing period was a time of reconsidering any new directions which had emerged in the first half. (In our example Trump came to power on Jan 20 and the problems of the US - Ukraine relaionship started to get worse.) The opposition point can be an explosive moment that clears the air or it may ignite a series of frustrations which will not abate until Mars turns direct again, exposing that which has been repressed.
Now that Mars has come to a standstill before slowly resuming direct motion(Feb 24) , we have reached a turning point and enter a new chapter of our maturation journey. The energy that had been internalized for the past weeks can now begin to flow more freely, asking us to take action according to the insights gained during the retrograde. It is a time to move forward with newfound clarity, sense of direction, and self-awareness.
The Mars station [17cn] activates the Neptune [14cp] opposite Soutn Node [18cn] in Ukraine’s radix chart. An extract from a previous post explains the dynamics.
Neptune represents our dream (delusions?) ...... The South Node is the spot in the heavens that shows us our connection to the past, and points out the need to let go. When Neptune opposes the South Node, the bottom falls out of any dream or utopian idealism as soon as reality hits.
The Mars station is accompanied by the TNPs Kronos [15cn] -Hades [13cn].
Mars-Kronos-Hades: Anger at or action (Mars) to remove leaders (Kronos) who have failed, are in decline,or have made mistakes etc (Hades).
At the direct station (and the period following) themes that first surfaced before and during the retrograde began are likely to return to the spotlight and we have an opportunity to relate to them in new ways. This is what we can expect from the Trump-Zelensky drama.
Readers whose charts are affected by the Mars station may find themselves taking aggressive action against declining or painful issues since the beginning of the retrograde motion.
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