Rajesh Kumar pulled out the bulk of his bank savings and and shifted to the stock market
Six years ago, only one in 14 Indian households channelled their savings into the stock market - now, it's one in five. But the tide has turned.For six months, India's markets have slid as foreign investors pulled out, valuations remained high, earnings weakened and global capital shifted to China - wiping out $900bn in investor value since their September peak. India's benchmark Nifty 50 share index, which tracks the country's top 50 publicly traded companies, is on its longest losing streak in 29 years, declining for five straight months. This is a significant slump in one of the world's fastest-growing markets. Stock brokers are reporting that their activity has dropped by a third. March 6 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz7vlezv05no
National charts and their derivates (e.g. solar or lunar returns etc) are an excellent source of information to help track major events like the one reported above. India’s current solar return chart (precession corrected) has a Grand Cross Venus-Saturn-Mars-Jupiter with Mars-Jupiter in the 5th house. Among areas ruled by the 5th house, Skyscript lists:
Fifth House
All forms of gambling and speculation. Speculation on the stock market is often assigned here but where the investment is based upon financial or business decisions the 2nd house has more relevance. Although Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson popularised the notion that it rules speculation on the stock market, she defined its influence as ruling "everything whose outcome is a matter of chance". https://www.skyscript.co.uk/5.html
About Mars-Jupiter, Hindustan Times writes:
You may experience a desire to gamble on the stock market, but it is wise to avoid it. Jupiter's influence may bring some windfalls or opportunities for growth, but Mars' impulsiveness may lead to hasty decisions. One has to be conservative when it comes to money.
An additional warning comes from cautious Saturn (in 2nd house of finance) making a square aspect to Mars-Jupiter. About Jupiter-Saturn, Martha Wescott writes:
People are seeing the results of a loss of perspective (and, in some people, that loss of perspective means that they inflated themselves or their possibilities, they--in a sense, "got carried away with it," refused to see some things--and now have to "pull in their horns" and deal with harsh realities . While a person may have great promise and/or self-confidence, they have to be self-responsible, practical, play by at least some of the rules, make the effort and not think (or act like) the "the world owes them a living." You may also see that people are being taken to task and must take full-responsibility for what they've done while they believed that "the world was their oyster."
Another warning comes from the money planet Venus placed in the 8th house of losses.
But why now? Well for one thing, Venus stationed to go retrograde on March 2. And in India’s lunar return chart it is placed in the 5th house ...The second reason for the BBC article being published now can be seen in the Last Quarter Moon of March 6 drawn for Delhi. Not only is the Moon phase square from the 5th house (stock market) to 8th house (losses), it aligns perfectly with the Saturn-Jupiter-Mars square in India’s solar return chart.
In their article Venus Retrograde March 2025: A Metamorphosis or a Calamity for Love & Finances? Hindustan Times writes :
Roughly speaking, Venus goes retrograde every eighteen months. The planet of love, beauty, and finances is usually described as moving backwards from our perspective on Earth. When Venus is retrograde, it is a time of reflection, such as old relationships revisiting past values and reevaluating attitudes toward money. https://tinyurl.com/yjzkf65m
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