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Globalists are truly worried


Globalists are truly worried

If you were drafted, would you willingly go to the killing fields of eastern Ukraine? What about your children? The war in Ukraine has been an endless “meat grinder” that has already claimed hundreds of thousands of Russian lives and more than a million Ukrainian lives. Those that are sane want to see if there is a peaceful way out of this mess so that the killing can stop. Unfortunately, vast numbers of leftists all over the United States and western Europe have been transformed into rabid pro-war lunatics that are absolutely obsessed with “defeating” Russia. 

Here is the French President addressing all Europeans to prepare for war with Russia[1] . German Foreign Minister Baerbock gave an impassioned speech to prepare Germans for war with Russia [2] On Tuesday, Ursula von der Leyen unveiled a brand new $840 billion program that will be known as “Rearm Europe”…

Macron announces a no-fly zone rule, Starmer tells his own people that Britain will send its own troops to Ukraine. Has the world gone mad, or are these leaders actually serious about their intentions? Ask yourself why the globalists are so concerned about Ukraine? Money laundering coming to an end after Trump stopped Ukraine aid?  Recall that Zelensky has publicly stated that he doesn’t know where  $100 billion given by the Biden administration has disappeared. Child Trafficking? Bio Labs?....essentially their existence is threatened! You don’t have to be a genius to see that of these Europeans vying for war no one is being very honest about their intentions. And of course the astrology supports this!


In Macron’s horoscope [21 Dec 1977; 10:40 am CET; Amiens] [3], a major direction is: 

Directed Asc [17pi] ----> Pandora [16pi] - Nemesis [15ge] - Neptune [16sa] - Eos [17sa]


NEMESIS: The Undoing, the Achilles Heel, the bete noir; seeking to place BLAME; scapegoating; finger-pointing; identification of the enemy, fault, or source of a problem. 

PANDORA: Encountering unexpected consequences; getting more than you bargained for; being enticed by a curiosity, new idea, person or situation-and finding that it has set you on a whole new path; agitation. 

EOS: misdirected energy (especially anger or jealousy.)



A crisis can arise when the source or cause of a problem is suggested, A person can be totally caught off-guard by the use of a scapegoat. Trying to blame someone can be a cover--in other words, someone can create a scene (to divert attention) by claiming that such and such DID "it"!



People indulge in fantasies (or white lies or out 'n' out deceptions.) BUT...with Pandora providing the adjectives, adverbs and objects in those sentences, they're gonna' get MORE THAN THEY BARGAINED FOR in the process. You may see instances when people play the savior--and, again, they then have to contend with unexpected consequences and results. Folks can kid themselves about something...and then be surprised at what the reality is. Do expect though a number of instances where a person is "taken down the pike" because they just didn't think of the future implications of their actions. 

Not surprisingly Starmer [2 Sep 1962; Southwark UK] [4] has similar directions in his chart: 

Directed Sun [11sc] -----> Neptune [11sc] - Pandora [10sc]








