About the upcoming solar eclipse, the website Astrology Matters writes:
Solar Eclipse (29 March, 9° Aries)
The solar eclipse in Aries, ruled by Mars, brings a surge of boldness and initiative. Aries’ connection to Aries and Scorpio highlights personal leadership, transformation, and courage themes. This eclipse acts as a cosmic reset, urging individuals to take decisive action, especially in areas lacking confidence or assertiveness. It may ignite new beginnings or ambitious projects, but the Scorpio influence reminds us to ensure these initiatives align with deeper emotional or psychological truths. Globally, this eclipse could catalyze discussions around leadership, conflict resolution, and empowerment. https://astrologymatters.com/eclipses-2025/
While eclipses are worldwide in their scope of influence, they are very significant when the land on the Ascendant or MC as this one does at Washington DC. We can already see that key phrases in the above passage apply to changes being brought about by Trump....decisive action...ambitious projects, conflict resolution, and empowerment.
The influence of an eclipse is filitered through the stars that form the background. Here the primary star is Algenib of Pegasus (see image).
Algenib (9deg), Gamma Pegasus, tip of this horse's wing, is a fortuitous star and marks the center of sidereal Pisces. Algenib brings attention to our vibrational resonance. Algenib articulates our need and capacity to lift our selves above Cetus, the techno bureaucratic monster of collective human consciousness, that is, above the psychic-emotional fear-based dramas of life. This does not mean being in denial of it, but to create the personal clarity to not be entangled or caught in it. Algenib asks us to refine the entire spectrum of self, our mental, emotional and physical density, to become vibrationaly light enough to lift ourselves above the dramatics of human life.
The highlighted portion in the above extract from Nick Fiorenza can be seen to apply so very clearly to Trump’s actions to remove the control exercised by unelected bureaucrats…and more since the eclipse is placed on the Ascendant (cusp of First House) which in mundane astrology rules:
First House In Mundane Astrology:
The common people or general state of the nation. The country and its inhabitants as a whole; its general condition of prosperity and health or the reverse.
In other words the underlined sections above can be read as what is required of the US populace if it is to prosper and lift itself above the bureaucratic monster created by the Deep State!
Readers may be curious to know what this eclipse requires of individuals in general. Of course the challenge of the primary star Algenib must be met. The Sabian symbol of the eclipse degree offers even greater clarity.
KEYNOTE: Revision of attitude at the beginning of a new cycle of experience.
This phase is the fifth of the second five-fold sequence, and in it we find expressed the capacity to restate the problem inherent in the first phase, i.e. the problem of focusing one's energies upon emotional drives and cultural values which exclude far more than they include. The subsequent stages of development taken together have added considerably to this attitude; as a result, there arises in the consciousness a desire to reformulate at a new level much that had been taken for granted because it indeed originally had been an evolutionary necessity. The very concrete emotion-arousing images of the past can now be reinterpreted as "symbols" with a wider scope of meaning.
Initially our cultures protect us by teaching us that outsiders are enemies and the tribe in order to maintain its cohesion must protect itself with all kinds of customs and belief systems. For the most part we do not question our leaders who lay down the rules of what we must do or believe. Eventually when the stranglehold on our minds and bodies becomes impossible to bear we are not only willing but ready to work towards freedom (symbolized by the Flying Horse Pegasus which in the myth frees chained Princess Andromeda.)
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