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The Dems' Game Has Been Exposed


The Dems’ game has been revealed. The revenue stream for their national wrecking operations is suddenly cut off and it’s game-over. Everybody can see how this worked now. You funnel vast amounts of US taxpayer dollars into Non-Governmental Organizations, NGOs, spin off more NGOs below them, and add extra layers of subsidiary NGOs, and all of them pay their staffs of Dem Party foot-soldiers for do-nothing jobs — leaving plenty of time for riots and real-estate investing — a splendid racket that worked for years to support the insane antics of the Woke-Jacobin revolution. (And you paid for it.)...It was, in reality, money conjured out of thin air: debt. Before long, you are going to find out where it all went, and the picture will not be a pretty one: Into the NGO laundromat and straight out to Democratic Party members’ bank accounts, one of the greatest grifts in our history...Without that bonanza of conjured money for laying trips on the rest of us, the Democratic Party has nothing, not a single credible idea, not any plausible leadership, really no reason to exist.


Mundane astrology, also known as political astrology, is the branch of astrology dealing with politics, the government, a national party etc.

Based on data provided by Astro-Databank, the horoscope of the Democratic Party[1] is reproduced here along with an extract from a previous post. 

The horoscope of the Democratic Party has a prominent Sun-Neptune conjunction opposite Saturn aligned very significantly with the meridian. Currently directed Pluto [17cp] completes a T-square with the radix Saturn-Neptune-Sun. 

For Pluto-Neptune aspects, Martha Wescott adds: 

Pluto-Neptune: to see people gain power (Pluto) by capitalizing on the lies and delusions (Neptune) of others. They yield control out of weakness, idealism (Neptune) or failure to accept the truth (Pluto). To see the destruction (Pluto) of misplaced ideals and hopes (Neptune) and the fragile - but brittle - wish to escape confrontation and honesty (Pluto). 

In his essay, Paul Craig Roberts writes: 

America has only one enemy–the Democrat Party, an anti-American party, an anti-white party, a party of national destruction and replacement of America with a Tower of Babel, a party committed to the destruction of normality and its replacement with Sodom and Gomorrah perversity, an ideological party alienated from the country it is destroying. 

It uses the taxpayers’ money to attack America. A $375 Billion EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions of dollars to “charities” founded to collect the money and use it to undermine the United States. 

The way Democrat grift works is first appropriate money for some cause; then create a bunch of “charities” to receive the money. The “charities” pay high salaries to the Democrats and their families and friends who created the “charities,” and they use the taxpayers’ money to advance woke issues such as transgender advocacy and operations, drag queen shows for school kids, early sexualization of children, teaching white kids they are racists, and to support media lie machines. Corrupt Democrat judges are rushing to prevent Trump from ending the use of taxpayers’ money to attack taxpayers’ beliefs, values, and lives. 

NY Post reports that Democrat John Podesta handed out $375 billion in this way. Trump’s efforts to stop this blatant robbery of the US taxpayer is what Democrat judges like Amir Ali, a last minute Biden DEI appointee and a dual citizen, are issuing injunctions to kill.






