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Trump-Zelensky deal falls through


A deal was done, as far as US officials were concerned, and then Zelenskyy asked for more after engaging in a spat with VP JD Vance. ...Later, Zelenskyy went on Fox News, where he acknowledged that he 'regretted' what went down - but said he doesn't think he did anything wrong.


One of the most important lessons of psychology is contained in the quote above. There can be no growth until we recognize that we ourselves are responsible for whatever happens to us. One of ways we see this truth in astrology is through synastry. 

Synastry is the art of relationship astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship charts bring up. Each planet (and its progression) in one person’s chart interacts with the planets in the other person’s chart, creating a unique tapestry of energies. 

Zelensky’s directed Moon [5li] ----> radix Orpheus [5ar] - Niobe [4cn] - Eos [2cp] 

You may see situations where an already fragile ego is all but destroyed (Niobe) by misdirected actions (Eos). Some depression (Orpheus) will be the result of an event (or series of them) that were great blows to one's Pride (Niobe). 

Directed Sun [22pi] -----> radix Neptune[18sa] - Arachne [21pi] - Sappho[22pi] 

People may feel that they have been trapped (Arachne) by friends (Sappho) because: others were deceptive (Neptune) and there were a host of pretenses that made "the net" (Arachne) all but impossible to detect (Neptune).


Applying Zelensky’s directed Sun to Trump’s radix we have: 

Directed Sun [22pi] -----> Trump’s radix Sun [22ge] - Moon [21sa] - Lilith [21sa] - Siwa [22pi] - Tis [22sa] -Atropos[ 23ge] 



 A person is forced to review what it means to be rejected (Lilith) and what happens when one wants to be too specia (Lilith) l. It's as though this desire is on a "crash and burn" (Siwa) track; they bring a person to the place where the need to be favoured (Lilith) has all but destroyed (Siwa) a person.



You could see some endings (Atropos) are due to a desire to restore equilibrium (Tisiphone) --in other words, someone is "done" because the other was being unfair or not going by the agreed upon rules (Tisiphone).


These interpretations are from Martha Wescott. For asteroid definitions please refer to  [1].


[1] Asteroid Keywords



A further confirmation of the drama that took place in the Oval office can be clearly seen in Trump’s lunar return chart. On the meridian is Nodal axis aligned with Sun-Neptune but also the asteroid Ophelia[24pi]



You (and sometimes others) may well feel as though another has intentionally deceived you (or they "pretended" or were vague enough that you had the wrong impression) -- and now that the fog begins to lift, there may be some "Sarah Bernhardt" moments of high drama. You may want to consider that sometimes people mislead themselves because they don't really want to know. Also consider that people can be irresolute (ie., they don't know what they're doing or what they want) and can, in turn, give others a false picture of what they're up to
