Before the fireworks at the White House between the Trump team and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky European governments were increasingly discussing the possibility of an "EU army" and a NATO without US involvement. UK officials along with those in Germany and France have been playing with the notion of boots on the ground in Ukraine, an action which would no doubt precipitate WWIII with Russia.
A peace deal should have been negotiated a long time ago.For now it appears that the European elites are frantically trying to rally public support around extending the conflict and forming a centralized EU military. This will take them years and it will never come close to the same funding levels that the US provided.
Studying the synastry between the US Sibly and the NATO chart can help understand the dynamics. If we superimpose the US Sibly onto the NATO chart we can see that the Sibly Mars [21ge]* - Neptune [22vi] almost exactly on NATO’s MC [19ge] - Asc [20vi]
NATO’s Ascendant and the Sibly Neptune are among the following stars:
Zosma, Chort and Denebola are a triangle of stars that form the hind of the Lion. Denbola is the tail. This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens. It is also of those behind the scenes, of political-religious figureheads manipulating the affairs of the world for personal motive while offering salvation from the human struggle.
This then was the radix synastry. What has changed? Well Sibly directed Sun [19pi] - Saturn [21ge]* has reached an alignment with NATO’s MC [19ge] - Asc [20vi]. In previous posts I have written about the vibe change with directed Sibly Saturn square Neptune[1] which is essentially about waking up from lies and delusions and here because Neptune is conjunct the star Alkaid - “The Destroyer of Nations” (George Noonan) it is hinting at the end of the role of a war monger. European partners will just have to accept US’s changing role in NATO.
(* Trump’s radix Sun[ 22ge] is right there...implying that he is man for this job ..reality check of delusions). Neptune is also about being taken advantage of. Does Trump’s statement below not confirm this.)
PRESIDENT TRUMP: "The United States has been taken advantage of for 40 years... It's going to be very costly for people to take advantage of this country. They can't come in and steal our money, steal our jobs, take our factories, and take our businesses and expect not to be punished. And they're being punished by tariffs."
(This is not to say that the US did not have ulterior motives for doling out aid (Neptune) for advancing its own interests! Remember that the Sibly radix Mars (self-interest) sq Neptune (selflessness) will always carry this dilemma.)
And finally we note that the US Sibly Sun [13cn] - Saturn [14li] falls sharply on NATO’s Sun [14ar] - Neptune [14li].
Star myths are so meaningful that , as we shall see here too, they can metaphorically describe the current dynamics. NATO’s Sun [14ar] is placed amid the stars Alderamin and Alpheratz.
Alpheratz, the head of Princess Andromeda, and Alderamin, the Alpha star of King Cepheus. Alderamin, the Alpha star of Cepheus, is the right shoulder of King Cepheus, father of the Royal Family and Princess Andromeda. He embodies the aspect of the king turning his head the other way leaving Andromeda chained to the rocks about to be devoured by Cetus, the sea monster. Alpheratz represents the stage at which Andromeda must use her mind (head) to free herself from the psychic entanglements that tie her to the lower dimensions (see image Pegasus lifting Andromeda ...her head tied ti its navel) .
Making passage through the tumultuous waters of life, and the means to do so, is of issue. Although the stage setting in which Andromeda is trapped (chained to rocks about to be devoured by Cetus) seems complex, there is a prerequisite for her freedom--an inner metamorphosis, an emotional maturing into the readiness to receive aid. Often time, we are ready to change only when in the chains of the human struggle. And our inner readiness precedes receiving support to change. Andromeda represents the struggle for freedom from the collective and tormenting forces of the psycho-emotional human world, to claim our true galactic birthright and evolutionary destiny. Nick Fiorenza
Readers may have already guessed Trump turning his face away is symbolized by Alderamin and NATO by Princess Andromeda. The reason for this is obvious NATO is not yet ready to leave the lower realm of Cetus e.g war and destruction. Remember that Pegasus - the Flying Horse symbolizes freedom from actions based on hate, war etc. so common in human nature.
[1] Saturn-Neptune: The Vibe Shift
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