Diving partners David Malvestuto Warren Murray were about 80-feet below the surface of Bluefish Cove in Carmel , California , when this eight-legged freak (octopus) emerged ready to tussle. It grabbed hold of the gear, but once Murray started snapping pics the flash freaked out the aggressive cephalopod and it swam away. Feb. 14 [1] As in the previous post where a Chinese man narrowly escapes from a tiger we have another case of an animal attack at the Full Moon. Here is the chart for the Full Moon at Carmel which was square Saturn. Although the Full Moon is not directly aspecting the angles, Saturn is sharply quincunx the MC . We must remember that it is always the angles of a chart that so to speak “siphon” the energy in a planetary aspect and create events at any place. The MC [22ar58] is conjunct dim stars of Cetus, the sea monster. While Saturn [23sc06] is conjunct the stars Unukalhai, alpha Serpentis [22sc14]. Men, alpha Lupi, the Wild Beast [23sc40] and Age...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore