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Showing posts from February, 2014

Ophiuchus struggles with Serpent at Full Moon

Diving partners David Malvestuto Warren Murray were about 80-feet below the surface of Bluefish Cove in Carmel , California , when this eight-legged freak (octopus) emerged ready to tussle. It grabbed hold of the gear, but once Murray started snapping pics the flash freaked out the aggressive cephalopod and it swam away. Feb. 14 [1] As in the previous post where a Chinese man narrowly escapes from a tiger we have another case of an animal attack at the Full Moon. Here is the chart for the Full Moon at Carmel which was square Saturn. Although the Full Moon is not directly aspecting the angles, Saturn is sharply quincunx the MC . We must remember that it is always the angles of a chart that so to speak “siphon” the energy in a planetary aspect and create events at any place. The MC [22ar58] is conjunct dim stars of Cetus, the sea monster. While Saturn [23sc06] is conjunct the stars Unukalhai, alpha Serpentis [22sc14]. Men, alpha Lupi, the Wild Beast [23sc40] and Age...

Man tries to feed self to tigers at Subra Full Moon

Entering the tiger enclosure at the Chengdu Zoo in China ’s southwest Sichuan province, a man made vigorous, but unsuccessful, attempts to entice the animals to eat him. The incident took place on  February 16, 2014. “I asked them to bite me and let them eat my meat, and so I did not fight back,” 27-year old Yang Jinhai told the Chengdu Business Daily. Yang, who according to his brother suffers from mental health issues, climbed a tree to breach the enclosure [1]. Shown here is the chart for the Full Moon of Feb. 15  at Chengdu . Notice that it prominently placed on the horizon axis along with “Mercury-Neptune  square Saturn” . This is a combination that is associated with mental depression and by association with a depressed person [2]. Also on the Ascendant is the star Beta (β) Aquarius, Sadalsuud [3] which roughly translated means “the lucky one”. While on the Descendant conjunct the Moon is   Subra , omicron Leonis in the Lion’s forep...

Analysis of the Ukraine national chart

In mundane astrology, a national chart is deemed to be more important than ingress or eclipse charts. In this post we will attempt to see if the Ukraine ’s national chart [1] reflects the current crisis discussed in previous posts [2][3]. As with any radix chart solar arc progressions especially those involving the luminaries and the angles are the most important. In this category we have the following: DYNAMIC REPORT Ukraine - Natal Chart  24 Aug 1991, 17:31, EET -2:00   Kiev Ukraine , 50°N26', 030°E31'  Geocentric Tropical Zodiac  Placidus Houses,  True Node Selection: Solar Arc Dirns (Current) Sun (7)    Qnx         Mon (1)   (X)           Sa-Na      29 Jan 2014                     ...

Stars bring major changes in US defence strategy

WASHINGTON, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (born October 4, 1946) will propose on Monday a reduction in the size of the U.S. Army to its smallest size since before World War Two and scrapping a class of Air Force attack jets, the New York Times reported on Sunday. The plans, which the paper said were outlined by several Pentagon officials on condition of anonymity, would be aimed at reducing defense spending in the face of government austerity after a pledge by President Barack Obama to end U.S. involvement in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan . The current precessed solar return for the Sibly has on the Ascendant [28vi52] the star Benatnash of Ursa Major linked to war and Zavijava of the Virgin linked to peace. In ancient China these stars represented Kuan-Ti , a military hero who was both the God of War and of Averting War .  The progressed solar return chart for Feb. 24 is shown here. Notice the alignments to the meridian axis. If Pluto-Uranu...

Oil Spill in New Orleans at Neptune LQ Moon

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A 65-mile stretch of the Mississippi River, including the Port of New Orleans, was closed to all water traffic Sunday  (23 Feb) as crews cleaned up oil that spilled from a barge after it ran into a towboat between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, the Coast Guard said. Officials don’t know how much oil spilled, but only a sheen was reported on the river following the collision, which happened Saturday afternoon near Vacherie , 47 miles west of New Orleans by land, said Coast Guard Petty Officer Bill Colclough. The chart for the Last Quarter Moon at Vacherie is shown above. Notice that it is prominently placed on the descendant with the horizon axis forming a T-square with  Sun-Neptune. In the previous post we gave an example of air pollution that led to a death in a NY eatery. Here the same quarter Moon linked to Neptune is very appropriately linked to an oil spill.

New York eatery gas poisoning at LQ Moon

A 55-year-old restaurant manager died and more than two dozen others were taken to hospitals Saturday (Feb.22) after being overcome by carbon monoxide at a restaurant at a New York mall, police said. Suffolk County police identified the man who died as Steven Nelson, a manager at the Legal Sea Foods restaurant at the Walt Whitman Shops in Huntington Station on Long Island . The restaurant is located in a detached building that is part of the mall, which remained open. This serves as yet another example of how a Moon phase can be very significant for a place when prominently placed on or aspecting the angles. Notice that the chart of Last Quarter Moon  is the 6 th house square Sun-Neptune  on the MC. As indicated in  reference [1] the mundane 6 th house rules the following: 6th House - public health , sanitation. Through its connection with health, the 6th House rules places serving food and drink , public health and health workers.  ...

Dogs’ brain scans reveal similarity to humans

Devoted dog owners often claim that their pets understand them. A new study suggests they could be right. By placing dogs in an MRI scanner, researchers from Hungary found that the canine brain reacts to voices in the same way that the human brain does. Emotionally charged sounds, such as crying or laughter, also prompted similar responses, perhaps explaining why dogs are attuned to human emotions. The work is published in the journal Current Biology. BBC 20 Feb. Following guidelines presented by Cyril Fagan in  “Primer of Sidereal Astrology”, Garth Allen arrived at the conclusion that the Capricorn Sidereal Ingress was of primary importance followed in rank by that of Cancer . Presented here is chart for the current Capricorn Sidereal Ingress at London progressed to Feb 20, 2014, the date on which the above mentioned study was published in the journal Current Biology. Notice that the progressed Ascendant triggers the T-square of Pluto-Uranus-Jupiter-Moon ...

Cassiopeia’s handbag exhibited at last Quarter Moon

Cassiopeia A 14th Century woman's accessory from Northern Iraq, the centrepiece of a new exhibition at London's Courtauld Gallery, may be the earliest surviving handbag in the world, writes Tanvi Misra. Made of brass and inlaid with gold and silver, the bag is the only one of its kind - which made it difficult for experts to work out what it was. Previously thought to be a work basket, document wallet, or even a saddlebag, it is now understood to be a woman's handbag made in Mosul in the 1300s. BBC 21 Feb. [1] Eclipses can be brought to life by phases of the Moon which coincide with the eclipse. As an example we see here that the last quarter moon phase of  Feb. 22 at London has its MC [23ta] on Segin,epsilon Cassiopeiae [24ta56] conjunct the solar eclipse [19ta31] of May 10, 2013 and a retrograde Mercury [20aq11] square it. For stars in the area of 20aq and 20ta, Diana Rosenberg lists “discovery of ancient artifacts” .  But more interesting is the...

The Apollo of Gaza: Ancient Bronze Statue

A statue thought to be an ancient bronze of Apollo, Greek God of poetry and love, has dropped off the radar after being found in the sea off Gaza last summer [16 Aug 2013] and surfacing briefly on eBay. It is 2,500 years old and priceless. [1][2] Modern astrology having lost its moorings with the Fixed Stars has also lost its ability to decipher the reason for such events as mentioned above reported in the BBC on 21 Feb, 2013 just two days before a Sun-Neptune conjunction at 5 Pisces. The statue was found  on 16 August under a First Quarter Moon phase which had Neptune [4pi] square the horizon axis at Gaza . On the IC [9pi]  of the chart is Gamma (γ) Aquarius, Sadalachbia[7pi] and Neptune [4pi] conjunct Alpha (α) Piscis Austrinus ,  Fomalhaut [4pi]. The astrological influences of these stars given by authorities  says it all. Sadalachbia [3] "The Lucky Star of Hidden Things". In horary it indicates the ability to discover that which is hid...

Ukraine crisis

The Euromaidan  is a wave of ongoing demonstrations and civil unrest in Ukraine , which began on the night of 21 November 2013 with public protests demanding closer European integration. The scope of the protests has since evolved, with many calls for the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovych and his government. On Tuesday, 18 Feb  at least 18 people were killed, including seven policemen, in the worst violence seen in weeks after Police stormed the main protest camp in Ukraine 's capital, Kiev , which has been occupied since November. Readers may like to revisit a previous post  [1] on the start of the Ukraine crisis on 21 Nov 2013. Here we look at the chart for the lunar eclipse of 25 May 2013 at Kiev where the eclipse axis powerfully squares the meridian and how that has contributed to the uprising and yesterday’s event. Notice that the eclipse Moon is placed in the 6 th house. About this position H.S. Green in his book “Mundane or National Astrol...

Astrology of the Ivanpah Solar Electric Plant

Take 300,000 computer-controlled mirrors, each 7 feet high and 10 feet wide. Control them with computers to focus the Sun's light to the top of 459-foot towers, where water is turned into steam to power turbines. Bingo: you have the world's biggest solar power plant, the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System.  The world’s largest Solar Thermal Power Project at Ivanpah achieved commercial operation  on December 31, 2013. Shown here is the chart of the 24 May 2013 lunar eclipse at Ivanpah. What strikes us immediately is the position of TNP Zeus (power or power plants) on the MC part of a T-square with Uranus-Pluto (technological breakthroughs). Zeus: Fire or energy controlled and directed; ability to harness energies for accomplishment Uranus: technological innovation; electricity On the Ascendant is the Galactic Center about which Philip Sedgwick writes: In mundane realms the Galactic Center maintains its place. Most typi...

Swiss immigration laws show rise of new racism

Proposals for draconian new laws targeting Switzerland 's immigrants have caused concern over the rise of a new racism in the heart of one of the world's oldest independent democracies. The Swiss People's Party (the Schweizerische Volkspartei or SVP), which has the largest number of seats in the Swiss parliament and is a member of the country's coalition government, is planning the new measures "For More Security". Feb 18, Mail Online Shown here is the chart for the Full Moon at Geneva . Notice that it is sharply placed on the meridian axis square the TNP Admetus linked to  self-containment and shunning; literal and behavioral cold [1]. The Sun [26aq] is  on the IC [27aq] conjunct the star Gienah of Cygnus [27aq]  in  tropical Aquarius  which  invites us to surrender our  isolationist way of being and  participate beyond our segregated ways based on race, creed, or culture [2]. The Moon [26le] is on the MC conjunct Alph...

Snake-handling pastor dies of snakebite

Ophiuchus – the snake handler A Kentucky snake-handling preacher who appeared in a television show about the religious practice has died of a snakebite after refusing medical treatment, authorities said on Sunday. Jamie Coots was found dead about 10pm local time on Saturday (3am Sunday GMT) at his house in Middlesboro , Kentucky , according to Middlesboro police chief Jeff Sharpe. The chart for the Full Moon [26le13] at Middlesboro is shown above. Notice that it squares the MC [1ge] and Saturn [23sc].  The star Unukalhai [22sc] conjoins Saturn. This is the alpha star of the Serpent held by Ophiuchus. "One called Ophiuchus holds apart the serpent which with its mighty spirals [gyris] and twisted body encircles his own, that so he may untie its knots and back that winds in loops. But, bending its supple neck, the serpent looks back and returns; and the other's hands slide over the loosened coils. The struggle will last for ever, since they wage it on l...

Radioactive contamination at Algol Full Moon

An alarm late Friday night (14 Feb) indicating higher than usual levels of airborne radiation led to a first-of-its-kind response at a nuclear disposal facility outside of Carlsbad , New Mexico , an Energy Department spokesman told CNN. An air monitor at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant detected the spike in an isolated area half a mile below the ground. The incident prompted an immediate shutoff of filtered air from the facility into the environment around it. The Full Moon [26le13] was in the First House just about to rise at Carlsbad , New Mexico and therefore is considered significant for the place.  The planet Saturn [23sc06] and the dreaded star Algol [26ta22] were both square the Full Moon axis. Algol’s association with nuclear related events is well documented as this reference from Skyscript [1] explains: The first atom bomb had Mars on Algol. A mushroom cloud rose over the sands of New Mexico , produced by a grapefruit-sized lump of plutonium. On Ju...

Nepal aircrash at Full Moon

( KATMANDU , Nepal ) — A Nepal Airlines plane flying in bad weather with 18 people on board was missing Sunday and feared to have crashed in Nepal ’s mountainous west, officials said. Contact was lost with the plane a few minutes after it made an unscheduled fuel stop in the city of Pokhara on its flight from the capital, Katmandu , to the town of Jumla , said Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal official Ram Hari Sharma . The incident occurred just after the powerful Full Moon of 15 Feb. which places Saturn on the MC at Katmandu square the luminaries. Saturn was conjunct the stars Unukalhai of the Serpent and Agena of the Centaur. For possible manifestations of stars in this area Diana Rosenberg list “air crashes” and gives the following examples [1]. Mansions Al Zubana and Ti were not considered favourable for travel: these stars were transited in 1935 when structurally flawed airship USS Macon, damaged by a violent gust of wind, crashed into the sea off...

Sedna Full Moon permits euthanasia for terminally ill children

Sedna's father was so frightened that the storm would fill his kayak with water and that he would drown in the icy waters that he threw Sedna overboard. Parliament in Belgium has passed a bill allowing euthanasia for terminally ill children without any age limit, by 86 votes to 44, with 12 abstentions. When, as expected, the bill is signed by the king, Belgium will become the first country in the world to remove any age limit on the practice. It may be requested by terminally ill children who are in great pain and also have parental consent. Shown here is the chart for the Full Moon of 14 February at Brussels . Notice that the luminaries are sharply placed on the meridian with Saturn squaring both ends. Just the fact that the Moon is in Leo (children) square Saturn in Scorpio (death or destruction) tells us a lot about the issue in the news. The Moon [26le13]  is exactly conjunct the midpoint Niobe/Siva [26le13]. Niobe/Siva Sorrow for a parent ...

Astrology of the Algeria air crash

An Algerian military transport plane has crashed in the north-east of the country, with 103 passengers and crew feared dead, local media say. The plane - believed to be a Hercules C-130 - crashed in a mountainous area of Oum al-Bouaghi province. It was en route to Constantine from Ouargla in bad weather, an "informed source" told radio station Ennahar. Col. Lahmadi Bouguern, spokesman for the eastern military region, told the state news agency the crash was caused by a lack of visibility and the strong winds that have buffeted the region the past few days. Shown here are the charts of the current New Moon [31 Jan] and the Waxing Gibbous Phase [10 Feb]. Both carry the Uranus-Pluto square linked to accidents on the angles. Also both have the same stars on the Ascendant. These are stars of the Virgin’s wing, the Raven’s wing and China ’s Great Red Bird. It should be easy to see how this can refer to aircrafts. The stars of Corvus the Raven were part of an arc...