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Showing posts from March, 2015

Turkey power cut hits big cities

A massive power cut has hit dozens of provinces across Turkey, with officials saying a break in connections with mainland Europe could be to blame. The cuts affected power stations and public transport, including Istanbul's tram and metro systems. A crisis centre has been set up at the energy ministry. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has said all possible causes are being examined, including terrorism. The cut hit at 10:36 (07:36 GMT) on Tuesday morning. By early afternoon the Turkish Electricity Transmission company said only 15% of Istanbul and Ankara had power. Istanbul's transport company said all of its lines were back up and running. March 31 BBC Electricity problems are invariably linked to Uranus. The Sun will conjoin Uranus on April 6 at 14:08 UT, but it is already within orb of influence. Today, the Gibbous Moon activates the Sun-Uranus conjunction prematurely and the chart for the Gibbous Moon at ...

Astro Meteorology of the Kashmir rains

SRINAGAR: Heavy rains pounded several areas of Kashmir damaging many houses and led to closure of Srinagar-Jammu national highway because of landslides with water level in Jhelum river also rising fast. Heavy rains since Saturday (March 28)  has resulted in damage to at least 44 structures, including 18 houses, due to landslides in Chrar-e-Sharief area of Kashmir, officials said. March 29; Cardinal Ingresses of Mercury can influence weather conditions quite dramatically as this example will show. On March 31, Mercury entered Aries. The 4 th house is linked to weather[1]. A chart for the ingress has 17 Cn on the 4 th house cusp. This is conjunct rho Geminorum part of the Chinese asterism  Pe-Ho , the Northern River which presided over water. Aspecting the meridian axis is the Uranus-Pluto square. Richard Tarnas associates Uranus-Pluto with “the unleashing of the elemental forces of nature” so that the rains followed by the landslide ...

How the Federal Reserve is 'screwed'

Call it a box, or perhaps even a paradox, but the Federal Reserve finds itself in an uncomfortable position heading into its first rate-hiking cycle in nearly a decade. A central bank that has prided itself on transparency during its ultra-easy cycle following the financial crisis is now doing an awkward dance with a market not quite sure what to make of the road to tightening financial conditions. The essential problem is this: When the Fed could have raised rates it didn't want to. Now that it wants to raise rates, it may not be able to, at least not without causing substantial turmoil in the same financial markets it has sought so strenuously to soothe. The Fed hasn't raised rates since June 2006. March 27 The chart for the US Federal Reserve is shown here. Notice that the March 20 solar eclipse fell on the MC and the TNP Admetus.  Admetus along with Hades squares the Sun-Pluto opposition. Key phrases for the TNPs and rele...

The Touch Of Others Makes Us Who We Are

Not only does touch seem to signal trust and cooperation, it creates them. Our sense of touch does much more than help us navigate the world at our fingertips. It is becoming clear that touching each other plays a fundamental role in our lives. It isn't just a sentimental human indulgence, says Francis McGlone at Liverpool John Moores University, UK. "It is a biological necessity." March 20; The Total Solar Eclipse of March 20 drawn for Liverpool UK is conveying several messages. We will see here that one such message is about getting in touch with the needs of our bodies. The eclipse was conjunct the star Scheat [29pi] square the TNO Quaoar[28sa] and the asteroid Terpsichore [29ge] which lie on the horizon axis. Scheat, is one of the stars of the Pegasus Great Square. The four stars of the Great Square hold the secrets of the Merkabah--body of light. The body ...

Amputee dog walks with prosthetic help

Quadruple amputee dog walks with prosthetic help. March 27 In medicine, a prosthesis, prosthetic, or prosthetic limb (from Ancient Greek prósthesis , "addition, application, attachment") is an artificial device extension that replaces a missing body part. We will see here how a chart for the solar eclipse at Loveland, Colorado explains the news. Notice that the eclipse brings the Pluto-Uranus square, linked to scientific and technological breakthroughs, to the horizon axis. The descendant of the chart [14cn] is conjunct the star Sirius. Alpha (α) Canis Major, Sirius, is a binary, -brilliant white and yellow star in the Greater dog. The IC [9ta] is conjunct  the star  Kaffeljidhma, gamma Cetus [9ta]. Kaffeljidhma, Al Kaff al Jidhmah or Al-Kaff al-Jadhma' , "The cut-short hand", is the Arabs' name for the whole group marking the Whale's head, but in modern lists is exclusively applied to this s...

U.S.-Saudi attack on Yemen likely to fail

The "proxy war" model the US has been employing throughout the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and even in parts of Asia appears to have failed yet again , this time in the Persian Gulf state of Yemen. Overcoming the US-Saudi backed regime in Yemen, and a coalition of sectarian extremists including Al Qaeda and its rebrand, the "Islamic State," pro-Iranian Yemeni Houthi militias have turned the tide against American "soft power" and has necessitated a more direct military intervention. While US military forces themselves are not involved allegedly, Saudi warplanes and a possible ground force are. Though Saudi Arabia claims "10 countries" have joined its coalition to intervene in Yemen, like the US invasion and occupation of Iraq hid behind a "coalition," it is overwhelmingly a Saudi operation with "coalition partners" added in a vain attempt to generate diplomatic legitimacy.

GMO Lobbyist Won’t Touch Monsanto’s ‘Perfectly Safe’ Chemicals

In an interview with the French television station Canal Plus, an advocate for genetically modified foods said Roundup, a weedkiller that is manufactured by chemical giant Monsanto, is safe for human consumption but refused to drink the herbicide when offered a glass by an interviewer. March 27 Shown here is the chart of the upcoming lunar eclipse drawn for  Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France where Canal Plus is headquartered. Notice the eclipse as part of T-square with Uranus-Pluto is aligned with the meridian.  Pluto is in the 6 th house connected with grains and agriculture. The following extract explains the connection of the Uranus-Pluto square to genetically modified crop and why people are standing up to the lies. It's the eve of the Uranus - Pluto square.  It's a long era (to 2015) that picks up where the mid- sixties Pluto-Uranus in Virgo 'back-to-the-land' and what's wh...

Iran nuclear deal looks imminent

Western officials are continuing to talk up the need for Iran to show flexibility in the nuclear talks, but a framework for the final nuclear settlement seems all but a sure bet in the next few days, with officials saying the text is about 2-3 pages long.The clearest sign from the US that this is no false report of another bogus deal is that Secretary of State John Kerry has formally notified Israel of some of the contents of the deal. March 27 The month of March is overshadowed by the powerful total Solar Eclipse. Solar eclipses offer opportunity to end old chapters in our lives and begin new ones.  The phases of the Moon during the eclipse lunar cycle are other ideal times to create  change in our lives.  Shown here is the chart for the First Quarter Moon at Tehran, Iran. The Moon [6cn] is on the Ascendant [8cn] conjunct the star Alhena [9cn]. Gamma (γ) G...

‘Moon Wobble’ and the German aircrash

Recent news reports reveal that the copilot in the recent crash of a Germanwings airliner had locked the pilot out of the cockpit and steered the plane into a mountain, killing himself and 149 other people, leaving the rest of humanity mystified.  Those who knew him described him as friendly, polite, quiet - something we often hear in these situations. In a previous post [1] we have seen that the recent solar eclipse was the major cause of the accident. Let us see if the solar eclipse ties in with the new information on the chart of the co-pilot Andreas Lubitz (born December 18, 1987, time and place unknown).  Notice that his radix Sun (with Saturn-Uranus)  squares the Nodal axis.  This is a phenomena known as “Moon Wobble”. Moon Wobbles were discovered in the 1930's, when research by astrologer Carl Payne Tobey (1902-1980), the original editor of Astrology Magazine, revealed that disasters occur in cycles associated wi...

Homelessness in London soars

The number of people sleeping rough on the streets of London has risen by over one-third in the past year, new government figures reveal. The crisis has prompted homelessness charities to call for sweeping reforms. Data from the Department for Communities and Local Government found that levels of homelessness in the capital rose by 37 percent between 2013 and 2014. The rest of the country also saw rises, averaging at 14 percent. The figures are an embarrassing failure for London Mayor Boris Johnson, who has always publicly claimed to put homelessness at the top of his agenda. He previously pledged to eradicate the problem by as long ago as 2012. March 27 The chart for the current solar eclipse at London is shown here. Notice that eclipse makes a T-square with the TNPs Cupido and Hades on the horizon axis. Key phrases for the TNPs when combined sum up the news. Cupido :...

Sewage could be a source of valuable metals

DENVER, March 23, 2015 -- Poop could be a goldmine -- literally. Surprisingly, treated solid waste contains gold, silver and other metals, as well as rare elements such as palladium and vanadium that are used in electronics and alloys. Now researchers are looking at identifying the metals that are getting flushed and how they can be recovered. This could decrease the need for mining and reduce the unwanted release of metals into the environment. March 23 To understand this news we go back to the lunar eclipse of April 14, 2014. Notice that at Denver, Colorado the eclipse places a prominent Jupiter-Pluto opposition, a part of the Grand Cross, on the horizon axis. Jupiter-Pluto : Hidden (Pluto) wealth (Jupiter).  Potential wealth (Jupiter) in discarded waste(Pluto). Advantages (Jupiter) from recycling or regenerating waste (Pluto). [1] Progressing the eclipse chart to March 23, 2015, the d...

12th Anniversary Of the Iraq War

Those with consciences recently marked the 12th anniversary on 19 March 2015 of the illegal and war criminal US, UK and Australian invasion of Iraq in 2003 that was based on false assertions of Iraqi possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction, was conducted in the absence of UN sanction or Iraqi threat to the invading nations, and led to 2.7 million Iraqi deaths from violence (1.5 million) or from violently-imposed deprivation (1.2 million). March 27 Time has a quality that can be understood from the chart of the moment. Shown here is chart for the start of the Iraq War drawn for Baghdad [1][2]. Here we find the Pluto opposite Hades-Saturn on the meridian. Pluto-Hades-Saturn :  Radical events like war  bring about a decline. Here Saturn-Hades on the IC are conjunct the star Bellatrix, gamma Orion. Warfare and conflict are Orion’s forte and Arabs called Bellatrix Najid , the Conqueror so that this combination describ...

US losing 'information war' to Russia

The Virgin and the Crow The United States is losing an information war to Russia, Islamic State and other rivals, says a new report that calls for a strengthening in U.S. counter-propaganda efforts and an overhaul of the government's international broadcasting arm. The study is the latest to highlight problems in the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), a federal agency created in 1994 which also is tasked with maintaining a firewall between the State Department and government-funded news operations. With an annual $730 million budget, the BBG runs U.S. government broadcasting to foreign audiences, including radio, television and digital efforts. Among them are the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, widely credited with countering Soviet influence behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War. March 25; The  Full Moon Total Eclipse occurs on April 4 but is already active . The Sun conjoins Uranus by less...

Possible Breakthrough in Russia-Japan Relations

Some analysts believe that Moscow has been trying to weaken Europe’s standing in Asia, its “target” being Japan. Russian-Japanese relations are complicated. The unsettled territorial dispute over the Kuril Islands is hampering rapprochement that would make sense, considering both nations’ economic complementarity and the rise of China.  The current situation looks good for a diplomatic breakthrough that could turn into a tectonic shift in Northeast Asia. There are at least three reasons why the Kremlin would be tempted to choose this policy: a desire to win over a key member of the Western community, which would deliver a blow to US prestige; the hidden but very real fear that the rapprochement with China is moving too fast and could go too far; and lastly, the opportunity to attract large Japanese investments to Siberia and other Russian regions. March 26; Eclipse lunar cycles are ideal times to set new six-month g...

Man Killed By Pit Bulls Near Pine Bluff

PINE BLUFF, Ark. (AP) - Jefferson County authorities say a man was killed when attacked by a pack of pit bull dogs. KATV reports ( ) that the man was attacked about 11 a.m. Saturday just northeast of the Pine Bluff city limits. March 22 The incident has occurred on March 21 just a day after the solar eclipse. Shown here is the chart for the  eclipse at Pine Bluff, Arkansas. The eclipse [29pi] is conjunct the star Scheat. The star is connected “with injuries and loss of life in catastrophes”[1]. Also notice that the eclipse is in a sesquisquare aspect to Jupiter [13le]. Conjunct Jupiter are the stars of the ferocious Lion and the Bear so that Diana Rosenberg links this area to animal attacks [2]. Finally  on the MC [22sc] are stars of the Serpent and wild beast Lupus. Once again  this area is also linked to animal attacks [3].   This case provides a perfect example of how events occur in specific places on earth when a th...

Saudi Arabia Imposes Naval Blockade On Red Sea Strait

As noted earlier, the biggest significance of any Yemen conflict has little to do with its own domestic oil production, which at 133,000 bpd is negligible, but due to its location, which not only shares a border with Saudi Arabia, but more importantly due to the Bab el-Mandeb strait which connects the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden: it is the fourth-biggest shipping chokepoint in the world by volume (3.8 million barrels a day of oil and petroleum products flowed through it in 2013) and is just 18 miles wide at its narrowest point. It’s located between Yemen, Djibouti, and Eritrea, and connects the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea.  March 26 The Crescent Moon, occurring on March 23 (22 UT), lies in sidereal Aries. The Moon conjoins Ruchbah of Cassiopeia.   Ruchbah, Delta Cassiopeia, the knee of Queen Cassiopeia, is a star of transformation— a process often occurring in a bit of initiatory fire. Ruchbah ...

Allies desert US ‘sinking ship’

Having attacked its "closest ally" UK for "constant accomodation" with China, we suspect President Obama will be greatly displeased at yet another close-ally's decision to partner up with the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). As The Australian reports, "make no mistake," the decision by Australia's Abbott government to sign on for negotiations to join China’s regional bank, foreshadowed by Tony Abbott at the weekend,  "represents a colossal defeat for the Obama administration’s incompetent, distracted, ham-fisted dip­lomacy in Asia." March 16 As we have  said before, March is overshadowed by  a powerful total solar eclipse. Shown here is the chart for the eclipse at Washington,DC.  On the MC with Saturn are the stars of the vindictive Scorpion, Ophiuchus’ powerful Serpent and strong man Herc...

Ukraine’s Oligarchs Turn on Each Other

Ukraine’s post-coup regime is facing what looks like a falling-out among thieves as oligarch-warlord Igor Kolomoisky, who was given his own province to rule, brought his armed men to Kiev to fight for control of the state-owned energy company, further complicating the State Department’s propaganda efforts, reports Robert Parry. March 25 The powerful  total solar eclipse of March 20 overshadows all other events in March. Shown here is a  chart for the eclipse at Kiev, Ukraine. Notice that the eclipse is in the 10 th house. About this position H.S. Green writes in his Mundane or National Astrology [1]: Unfortunate for the Monarch and Government; unpopularity, discontent, discredit, dissensions or death. The forces of law and authority are weakened in some way. The  horizon axis of eclipse chart  aligns with the  Mars-Uranus-Pluto square. Uranus-Pluto : Disruption i...