At least six people were killed and dozens injured after parcels containing explosives caused massive explosions in several locations in Liucheng county and Liuzhou city, in China's north-central Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, CCTV reported. Up to 15 explosions were heard across the city between 3.15pm and 5pm. Of those killed, five were certified dead at the blast sites, and one died after being rescued.Sept. 30; The event reported in the news comes just after the powerful total lunar eclipse of Sept.28. A chart for the eclipse has the Mars-Saturn-Neptune T-square on the angles. Mars-Saturn is a violent combination that can show up as terror attack while Neptune brings in the “sneak” element. Among the stars that form the backdrop to Saturn on the Ascendant are Omega (ω) Hercules, Kajam, a double star in the Club of Hercules and Delta (δ) Scorpius, Dschubb...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore