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Saudi Arabia Is Going Bankrupt

In all the noise surrounding the latest market moves, political news and frenzy over tomorrow's Fed rate hike (or pause), an important development was missed by many when Saudi Arabia released its budget for 2019 earlier on Tuesday.
And while one can see an optimistic scenario in which everything goes as Saudi Arabia has planned, Nassim Taleb is not so sure, with a rather simple assessment: "Saudi Arabia is going to go bankrupt."

The horoscope of Saudi Arabia as provided by Astro-Databank [1] is reproduced here. To understand how the future unfolds, astrologers routinely superimpose the current position of planets (transits) onto the radix. The years that  transits of outer planets (Saturn onwards) make significant aspects (designated angular separations) to the radix  are considered especially  important and interpreted as per well laid down rules.

In 2018-2020, transit Pluto conjoins Saturn-Sun-Jupiter on the Ascendant in Saudi Arabia’s radix chart. This is a very powerful movement that has never happened before. So what does it mean?
Reinhold Ebertin in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences interprets this combination as:

Violent changes; separation and restrictions; loss of social standing and one’s wealth; the misfortune to lose everything.

Pluto’s transit over Jupiter is well documented as being associated with bankruptcy [2].

