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The US “Shadow-self”

In order for society to function properly, we need to be able to assume that most people are going to behave rationally. And when I was growing up, it was generally safe to make that assumption. But now things have completely changed. No matter how hard one may try, there is simply no avoiding the hordes of crazy people that seem to be taking over our society.

First coined by Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung, the shadow represents the repressed aspects of the personality that are rejected by the ego. According to Jung, “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself.” It is a blind spot over behavior, sneaking up unexpectedly and sometimes leading us astray.

The shadow dwells nebulously below the surface of our inner existence, influencing our actions and coloring our experiences. It is the stuff that fuels nightmares, creeping through unnoticed by our conscious faculties, surfacing as neurosis or even inexplicable rage.

In astrology, the 8th house deals with the shadow-self. If we have not been conscious with the way we have been behaving with others this is the place where life holds up a “psychological mirror.”

In the US national chart – the Sibly – the Sun is placed in the 8th house. In the last few years it has been receiving an opposition from transit Pluto which is about to return to its radix place in the chart. In ancient mythology, Pluto was the lord of the “underworld”. Astrologers recognize that Pluto transits bring to the surface all that has been repressed or hidden.

US foreign policy has for decades has constituted an overreaching desire to achieve and maintain global hegemony through wars.  It has focused on dividing the world through cultivating sectarian animosity and pitting neighbors against one another in vicious, unending combat.  All this was all done under the garb of maintaining global peace, security and stability. This then was the national shadow.

Traditional astrology relates the eighth house to crisis, hidden matters, anguish of mind, and deadly fears; yet psychological astrology often refers to it as a house of inner transformation and growth. It should be remembered that true transformation follows the burst of creativity that occurs after the lessons of this house have been properly digested. Only by facing our innermost fears are we able to overcome them and move on with the strength of experience and wisdom. But this house is not relevant to the period of growth, its concern is the inhibiting factors that stand in our way. It is a house of personal vulnerability, albeit perhaps a necessary vulnerability from which we may eventually gain.

Transits to planets in the 8th house often show a need to accept the loss of elements of life that are no longer fruitful or have served their purpose; the nature of the planet will indicate how the loss is accepted.

In the US Sibly, the Sun [13cn] is square Saturn [14li] placed amid the stars of Corvus, the Raven – a bird that has  a universal connection with malevolence, insincerity, glorification in the misfortune of others among other things.

Currently, Saturn is transiting opposite the US Sibly Sun. Saturn transits to the radix Sun are among the most powerful. No one likes them. They are heavy, somber, and not fun at all. All Saturn cycles are karmic in nature. They are about the transformation of symbolism into material reality which is why astrologers like to refer to them as “reality checks”.

Moreover, the Sibly Sun is conjunct the asteroids Siwa and Psyche [1].

PSYCHE: Recognition of childhood trauma; raw wounds psychologically; vulnerability; memories; insight; psychic impressionability; psychological recovery; the state of your “mental health;” head wounds; brain states.

SIVA: also SIWA: Episodic, catabolic (breakdown/through) process that precedes insight; destruction of density/fixated beliefs.

With the powerful transits taking place opposite the Sibly Sun, the US national psyche is going through a breakdown.  Whether this will lead to a breakthrough only time will tell.
