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Biden Addresses a Sparse Capitol Audience


WASHINGTON — Congressional officials have ramped up security and drastically limited the number of attendees for President Biden’s first joint address to Congress on Wednesday, preparing the Capitol for the long-awaited speech under the strictures of a pandemic and a heightened threat level after the deadly Jan. 6 riot. Inside the cavernous House chamber, Mr. Biden will address only 200 people instead of the usual 1,600 under the special security and public health protocols. April 27

The Capitol is  surrounded by thousands of heavily armed combat troops and an impenetrable razor wire. So the NYT spin about a heightened threat level is nonsense. The truth is that  Biden actually spoke  to nobody but only 200 fawning hand picked supplicants, instead of the usual 1,600 lawmakers and guests that have attended this address for over a century. 

The Solar Return is calculated for the exact time that the transit Sun conjoins the natal Sun each year. Show here is Joe Biden’s current solar return (precession corrected).  As always planetary aspects to the angles are the ones to focus on. Here  Neptune  is on the IC forming a T-square with the nodes.

On the MC is the star Denebola. About this area,Nick Fiorenza writes:

This area of late Leo is of foul breezes and smoke screens.  It is also of global-level grand spectacle, often time of a diversionary nature created by world powers with hidden agenda….. Cor Caroli, M51, and Canes Venatici in general, embody the diversionary tactics, usually of a grandiose scale and glamorous facade, a front large enough to draw attention away from what is really  going on by making the masses believe the staged show is what is of extreme importance.

Progressing the return chart to April 27 brings the Neptune-Nodes T-square to the horizon thereby triggering it and  leading to a staged event described above.

More interesting is Biden’s diurnal chart for April 27, the date of the news.  The diurnal MC [25aq] is conjunct transit  Jupiter [27aq]  and the solar return Kassandra [26aq]. Both these are square  Biden’s progressed Sun [27sc].

Asteroids in delineation  have the ability to reflect and reveal events in a  remarkable way.

In her book Mechanics of the Future : ASTEROIDS, Martha Wescott [1]  writes:

Kassandra shows that one’s advice is not heeded or not believed. One may be ignored ; people may not listen to what you have to say through Kassandra. A badly placed Kassandra produces the person who sets up a soapbox, and then doesn’t draw a crowd!



