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'Weary' Europeans Must 'Bear Consequences' Of War


EU high representative and foreign policy chief Josep Borrell gave a surprisingly blunt assessment of the Ukraine war and Europe's precarious position in an AFP interview published Tuesday, admitting that Russian President Vladimir Putin is betting on fracturing a united EU response amid the current crisis situation of soaring prices and energy extreme uncertainty headed into a long winter. Borrell's words seemed to come close to admitting that Putin's tactic is working on some level, or at least will indeed chip away at European resolve in the short and long run, given he chose words like EU populations having to "endure" the deep economic pain and severe energy crunch. He cited the "weariness" of Europeans while calling on leadership as well as the common people to "bear the consequences" with continued resolve.


The Greek philosopher Epictetus taught us that each individual is responsible for their own good or their own evil; their own fortune or their own misfortune; their own happiness or their own own anguish. There is no such thing as being the ‘victim.’ Suffering is self-inflicted and can be cured through a disciplining of the mind. It is not things that upset us, but our judgements about those things.


In a previous post [1] on the Saturn return in the EU horoscope, I have explained how Europe’s current suffering is completely self-inflicted. Shown here is the current Wynn Key return for the EU chart. Notice the buildup of the progressed horizon to an alignment with the Node-Uranus-Saturn T-square. (exact around 10th -15th of September). In his book The Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin provides the following key phrases: 

North Node: Association or alliance

Saturn-Node: Co-operative or team work steadily becoming more difficult. (with Uranus) -urge for freedom, a violent dispute or sudden separation. 









