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Von der Leyen Wins


If ye lay bound upon the wheel of change,

And no way were of breaking from the chain,

The Heart of boundless Being is a curse,

The Soul of Things fell Pain.


Ye are not bound! the Soul of Things is sweet,

The Heart of Being is celestial rest;

Stronger than woe is will: that which was Good

Doth pass to Better — Best.


I, Buddh, who wept with all my brothers' tears,

Whose heart was broken by a whole world's woe,

Laugh and am glad, for there is Liberty!

Ho! ye who suffer! know


Ye suffer from yourselves. None else compels,

None other holds you that ye live and die,

And whirl upon the wheel, and hug and kiss

Its spokes of agony.


The Light of Asia: Sir Edwin Arnold


Congratulations to all European Union citizens. With the re-election of Ursula von der Leyen, you can all expect more of the same. It should be of further comfort to Europeans within the bloc that 284 of 401 elected parliamentarians voted to put the Queen of vaccines and European militarism in charge once again. So, your leaders have matters well in hand.




With 401 votes in favour, the European Parliament elected Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission in a secret ballot on 18 July. This will be Ursula von der Leyen’s second term as Commission President. She was first elected by MEPs in July 2019. Parliament is currently composed of 719 MEPs, so the necessary majority was 360 votes. The vote was held by secret paper ballot. 401 MEPs voted in favour, 284 against, and 22 cast blank or invalid votes. 

Astrologers have long recognized that people respond differently to the same planetary combinations. Unless we understand the worldview of Quantum Mechanics, we will have difficulty appreciating how we co-create our future depending on our level of consciousness [1]. In this post we shall see how the July New Moon [14cn] has produced very opposite responses in the US and the EU. 

I discussed the US response in a previous post Silent military coup in the US? [2]. 

A silent military coup has taken place in the US under the influence of of the July 4th New Moon. At Washington, DC, the New Moon was part of a Grand Cross that straddles the meridian. The New Moon square the Nodes is a phenomenon known as a Moon Wobble which has been linked to “political upheavals”. Here the New Moon is conjunct the TNPs Kronos-Hades which is about the deterioration of the executive function or the decline of leadership.


Apart from the silent coup, in the last few days we saw Biden’s decline and his replacement by VP Kamala Harris as the new contender for the upcoming Presidential election.


At Brussels, the July New Moon along with its powerful Grand Cross straddles the horizon.

 And if we progress the chart to July 18, the date of Ursula von der Leyen’s election we will notice that the progressed lower meridian [14cn] reaches an exact conjunction to the New Moon [14cn] and TNPs Kronos-Hades which are all in hard aspect to Ursula’s radix Sun [14li] [3]. Martha Wescott delineates Kronos-Hades combination as below: 


Secret (Hades) selection of leader (Kronos)

Disgust (Hades) with leadership (Kronos)

Leadership (Kronos) held at cost of difficulty for the masses (Hades). 

(Readers new to TNPs may please refer to keywords at Martha Wescott’s website.)  

The New Moon [14cn] was exactly square Ursula’s radix Sun [14li] which is conjunct the star Algorab of Corvus. Corvus is the Latin name for both the raven and the crow. Both birds have a widespread association with trickery and the serving of self-interest. 

Her progressed Sun [20sa] is conjunct radix Saturn [20sa] which is conjunct the star Sabik of Ophiuchus. “there is a temptation to play god setting dogma or personal power above morality...involvement in intrigues and success in evil deeds”.


Uranus transits conjunct the EU Moon [24ta] from Jun 1, 2024 to April 1, 2025 stationing at [23ta] on Jan 30, 2025 is likely to be very disruptive. The Moon (female) is in the 10th house (leader), part of a T-square with Mars-Pluto-Cupido-Saturn. Pluto-Cupido: the sense of family goes through a radical change; power struggles and changes within organizations or groups; changes in membership within organizations. 

When we have not been too aggressive with our Plutonian drives, a Uranus transit to Saturn-Pluto can be explosive causing radical changes in membership within organizations (Cupido) usually following power struggles and changes within organizations or groups. 

But again this is potential not a certainty the quote from Sir Edwin Arnold’s Light of Asia so beautifully explains.





[2] Silent military coup in the US? 


