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Tragedy at the ‘Diversity Festival’ in Germany


Three people were killed and four more were seriously wounded during a stabbing spree at the Festival of Diversity in the German city of Solingen on Friday evening, police said. The sole suspect remains at large. 

According to eyewitnesses, the perpetrator started attacking people at random at around 9:45 pm local time at Solingen’s Fronhof square, where many arrived to celebrate the city’s 650th anniversary.


In Germany’ chart  (24 May 1949; 0:00 CET, Berlin) perhaps the most important current solar direction is Sun [14le] conjunct radix Pluto [14le] triggering the Mars-Pluto - 4th - 7th square. The August New Moon [13le] fell within about a degree to the Sun-Pluto directed conjunction. At 9:45 pm, the reported time of the event, on Aug.23 the Ascendant is [14ta] triggering the Sun-Pluto direction. So you can see how the “hour”, “minute” and “second” hands of the cosmic clock worked together to precipitate the event. 

Some positive manifestations of a properly utilized Sun-Pluto energy are: 

* The exposure of something that's been hidden or festering, can't avoid it any longer

* Reaching a personal bottom line

* A change of thought, a change of mind

* A renewal or rebirth related to a more mature, sober understanding of the situation

Going further we can see that we are dealing with a fourth house to seventh house square in the radix chart.


4th - 7th square

Foundation and roots of nation’s existence (4th house) [1] challenged by enemies, criminals, fugitives (7th house) [2]


Moreover, the Sun-Pluto directed conjunction [14le] and the New Moon [13le] are conjunct the star Acubens of Cancer about which Nick Fiorenza writes: 

 Acubens indicates a tenacious hold and stubborn resistance to release the patterns we hold that keep us entrapped in our limiting life scenarios. 

Readers may refer to a previous post [3] to see how this star is related to the current British riots against foreigners [3]. 

The next significant direction in the chart is: 

Ascendant (solar arc directed) = [22 Pisces] opp. Cupido [22vi] - Apollon [18vi] 


TNP Apollon is “cosmopolitan connections” that it can refer to associations with foreigners. Cupido is “group or family unity”. In the current context it raises the question of whether Germany’s unity can be preserved if it opens itself to foreigners. 

This direction has been triggered by transit Saturn [18pi] square Jupiter [17ge]. 

 Lynn Bell in her article Saturn in Pisces - Dissolving Boundaries explains: 

Just as the fish in the Pisces constellation swim in opposite directions, Saturn in Pisces is ambivalent. Saturn asks us to enlarge and encompass more, but we can feel frightened when our boundaries lose solidity. We can feel destabilized by a lack of control and overwhelmed by chaos.  

Often with a square between over expansive Jupiter and down-to-earth practical Saturn we may get carried away with idealism (Jupiter) and refuse to see some things and then be forced to deal with harsh realities (Saturn). A methodical analysis of the potential choices and paths available will reveal that the current changes taking shape can lead to both challenges and new opportunities. 

The tragedy unfolded at a festival in Solingen’s central square, the Fronhof, where thousands were gathered for the Festival of Diversity, marking the city’s 650th anniversary. A chart for the Aquarius Full Moon of August 19, which fell very significantly on the horizon, can help explain the issues involved. Above all Aquarius, the sign of universal brotherhood, stands for the acceptance of the diversity of human beings. The Full Moon axis was square Uranus in Taurus - a very resistant sign focused on security. 

Uranus (shocks,creative breakthroughs) and Taurus (earth) are an interesting combination to attempt to fathom. Taurus — the sign that, out of the entire zodiac, is the most resistant to change — meets the planet that insists upon it. Uranus challenges the status quo and forces both the individual and society to change and, in particular, to break with the past. 

Likewise Aquarius may see the constructive development of civilization through inventions and social improvements.  It may also mean revolution and a complete upheaval of State and civilization by the power of  new ideals which the existing society blindly refuses to tolerate, or against which it must fight because it cannot possibly assimilate it.





[3] Astrology of the British riots


