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Israel Attacks Iran!



Israel Attacks Iran! 

Imagine a cosmic dance where two powerful celestial bodies face off, their energies clashing in a spectacular display of transformation and willpower. That’s exactly what happens during a Pluto opposite Mars transit. This astrological event is like a celestial tug-of-war, pitting the intense, transformative power of Pluto against the fiery, action-oriented energy of Mars.

Here is the Oct. 24 lunar return chart (precession corrected) for Israel where Mars opposite Pluto appears very prominently on the meridian square the Sun and TNP Zeus.  

Rising on the Ascendant are the stars Tish and Ruchbah of Cassiopeia. 

The intolerant queen, crusted with frustration due to finding herself unable to have that which she feels entitled to and at a loss of how to deal with it, becomes spitefully arrogant. Fortunately, when feeling trapped and we lash out against the world around us, the whip of arrogance (Tish, gamma Cassiopeia) often snaps back to scar our own hand, especially when applied with vengeance often leading to our own demise. 

Ruchbah (or Rucha) is a star of transformation and requires that something within our selves must die in order to have that which is truly ours. It reveals the need to first relinquish any attitudes that we deserve something (generally a status in life) that is rightfully ours, in order for it to manifest--generally occurring with ease after such surrender. Nick Fiorenza


If like Israel, you are normally the type who goes for an overkill [1], Pluto may make you fail so that you begin to understand that you have been over-reacting. On the other hand if you have been avoiding expressing your Mars, you may come across someone who is very angry with you. And.maybe all that's really threatened are some things that you need to bring up (from your own insides and past;) maybe "the threat" is a signal that it's time to "let go" of some attitudes or needs that are counter-productive.


[1] Why does Israel behave so aggressively?


