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Symbolism behind Hurricane Milton



Coincidence is the visible aspect of a more pervasive framework of design that underlies all experiences. The events in our lives are connected by an intricate chain of linked analogies and astrology offers a way to see these connections. 

As an example, in a previous post Lunar Eclipse: Bridge in Baltimore collapses [1], I wrote: 

The container ship "DALI" hit the Francis Scott Key bridge outside Port Baltimore early this morning, destroying it completely. Salvador DALI had a painting called "The Broken Bridge and the Dream."


In this post I attempt to show readers a symbolic connection between Hurricane Milton and the work of John Milton. John Milton (b. 9 December 1608 ) [2] was an English poet, polemicist, and civil servant. His 1667 epic poem Paradise Lost was written in a time of immense political upheaval. At this time Milton was going through his second Saturn return which was triggering his radix Saturn [28cp] square Pluto [0ta]. Pluto stations on Oct 11, 2024 for the last time in Capricorn conjunct the US Sibly Pluto and also on Milton’s Salturn-Pluto square. Since nothing is a coincidence, it might interesting to speculate what message his epic poem Paradise Lost with its sequel Paradise Regained may have for the US. 

Milton begins Paradise Lost by stating that his subject will be Adam and Eve’s disobedience and fall from grace. In Paradise Adam and Eve exist in a state of innocent bliss. The only moral injunction they need to follow is not to eat from the tree of knowledge (compare this with the Government censoring information ...telling you not to listen to the alternative media), which, of course, they do. This has a few unfortunate consequences: they are expelled from the Garden and experience suffering. (Julian Assange? ..also read my last post Wholesale Rejection of Populace by US Government). But now they know right from wrong, so there is an evolution in consciousness. Jung called this the individuation process or self realization, the discovery and experience of meaning and purpose in life, the means by which one finds oneself and becomes who one really is, no longer a slave to powerful forces that lord over him. 

Whereas Paradise Lost depicts Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Paradise Regained is about the reversal of the damage done in Paradise Lost—Satan is no longer able to debase Jesus’ (symbolizing the individuated and fully conscious human being) mind, soul, and heart. 

The Garden of Paradise symbolises a status quo. A certain situation that is, if not without any issues, still ideal or idealised in some sense. It is the state of bliss that we enjoy when we are ignorant of a certain truth or knowledge that once we know, it is disruptive. It symbolises the containment we once felt in the world (the garden) when we were children and the “burden of knowing” was carried by our parents, teachers, and our elders (the government?). 

The wilderness is where we find ourselves when we are ejected from the Garden. The symbol of the wilderness in its biblical context is of a place where the symbolic structure and the Law break down, cultivation, curation, and care by the Father are absent, or at least not readily present, in the wilderness. We have left the side of the Shepard and are left to fend for ourselves. (were the folks in North Carolina abandoned by the government?). 

Those following the alternative media will know that the upcoming EBS is a kind of disclosure of the misdeeds of the ruling powers that could awaken people from their slumber (..the first step to Paradise Regained?) 

Astrologically speaking this can be looked upon hopefully as the final result of the US Sibly Pluto return and synchronistically of course the activation of Saturn-Pluto in Milton’s chart. 

Under Saturn-Pluto we may recognize some facet of our social system that has forced us to behave against our inner grain… especially if we us have not been too aggressive with our Plutonian drives. In this case defiance and rage (Pluto) have not been a part of our repertoire in dealing with power and authority (Saturn) , then tSaturn-Pluto allows us the transformative option of bringing more of our Pluto potential into a concrete, workable form . We get to manifest some of what has been typically kept under wraps because of hidden fears, internal taboos, shame, intimidation or ignorance of our potential. It also brings emphasis to address patterns of avoidance or fears or fabricating reasons justifying disempowerment and inaction by blaming external conditions. This requires determination and conviction to willingly choose to live authentically. [3]


Finally here is the chart for the reported time that Hurricane Milton made landfall (8:30 pm on 9 Oct near Siesta Key, Florida). Pluto about to station direct ( for the last time in Saturn ruled Capricorn) is very significantly placed plumb on the MC. Coincidence?








Mundane astrologers look at the chart of the head of government to understand the kind of issues the nation can face. In Biden’s chart we have a Grand Cross with the Sun, Uranus and the nodes, currently triggered by transit Uranus opposite radix Sun.

Now for a moment take Biden out of the picture and think of this chart as the horoscope of the US for the duration of his presidency. Here are some interpretations from Steven Forrest’s book Yesterday’s Sky. 

Sun in hard aspect to South Node: In the past you (meaning the US populace) lost your identity to someone with compelling worldly power or authority. In the present you have been left rudderless which can lead to a “lost sheep syndrome”. The result may be hatred and rage directed towards those in power. However, the resolution is to work towards an active development of your individuality. 

Uranus in hard aspect to South Node: In the past you were struck by sudden events that troubled you (remember COVID?). Perhaps the economy collapsed. You may have been overcome by someone operating outside the law. The resolution will occur through further individuation which implies the attainment of a self-sufficient feeling that one’s identity is not dependent on outward social or practical circumstances. 

Transit Uranus [27ta] is opposite Biden’s radix Sun [27sc] which forms a T-square with the nodes - a phenomenon referred to as a Moon Wobble [4]. 

During Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, resulting in more accidents, fires, plane crashes, freak accidents, floods, feats of nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence, terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals. These Cycles bring suppressed energies in people and Mother Nature to the surface, erupting and disrupting. 

Once again can it be a coincidence that this resonates with the essence of what we wrote above about - Milton’s Paradise lost and Paradise regained.


