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Wholesale Rejection of Populace by US Government




Nothing illustrates the contempt and outright hatred the government has for us than what is happening in North Carolina. FEMA has spent all its funds, all their tax money, on migrants, who, btw, are illegal economic migrants. And Kamala emerges from her shroud and offers people who have lost their houses, their towns, their businesses, their cars, their possessions, pets and family members $750. On what planet does her team not realize this is criminal behavior? ...James Delingpole ran an interview with a South African former Satanist this past week. He described what they want, how they go about it, how their world is structured. Oct 5

 Eclipses accelerate processes of change underway, and the speed of fast moving events are at their quickest pace when eclipses occur in cardinal signs such as Libra. When an eclipse impacts our lives significantly, there is a dissolution of the way things have been and who we have known ourselves to be that can feel as dramatic. [1] 

The necessity of facing fears and coming to terms with difficulties and whatever needs to be overcome is a major theme of the Libra Solar Eclipse, as the eclipse is forming a harsh square aspect with Mars in Cancer and the TNPs Kronos and Hades.


he Oct 5 solar eclipse [10li] is in the US Sibly 10th conjunct radix Saturn [14li] and square radix Sun [13cn] in the 8th house. The transiting TNPs Kronos -Hades and the planet Mars activated by the eclipse (anger and disgust with government) are conjunct the Sibly Sun in the 8th house. 

In a previous post The US “Shadow-self” [2] I wrote: 

In astrology, the 8th house deals with the shadow-self. If we have not been conscious with the way we have been behaving with others this is the place where life holds up a “psychological mirror.” Only by facing our innermost fears are we able to overcome them and move on with the strength of experience and wisdom. But this house is not relevant to the period of growth, its concern is the inhibiting factors that stand in our way. It is a house of personal vulnerability, albeit perhaps a necessary vulnerability from which we may eventually gain. 

US foreign policy has for decades constituted an overreaching desire to achieve and maintain global hegemony through wars. It has focused on dividing the world through cultivating sectarian animosity and pitting neighbors against one another in vicious, unending combat. All this was all done under the garb of maintaining global peace, security and stability. This then was the national shadow.And the shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself. It is a blind spot over behavior, sneaking up unexpectedly. 

The eclipse [10li] is conjunct the star Gienah of Corvus- the Raven linked in ancient times to “The Great Storm Bird” or “Storm Bird of the Evil Wind”. This is an obvious connection to the hurricanes devastating the US. 

In his commentary on Richard Wilhelm’s story of the Rainmaker [3], Jung wrote: 

“…but if one thinks psychologically, one is absolutely convinced that things quite naturally take this way [speaking of the rainmaker’s ability to create rain]. If one has the right attitude then the right things happen. One doesn’t make it right, it is just right, and one feels it has to happen in this way. It is just as if one were inside of things. If one feels right, that thing must turn up, it fits in. It is only when one has a wrong attitude that one feels that things do not fit in, that they are queer. When someone tells me that in his surroundings the wrong things always happen, I say: It is you who are wrong, you are not in Tao; if you were in Tao, you would feel that things are as they have to be. Sure enough, sometimes one is in a valley of darkness, dark things happen, and then dark things belong there, they are what must happen then; they are nonetheless in Tao”.



[1] Gray Crawford

[2] The US “Shadow-self”  

[3] Hurricane Michael reflects disturbed US “chi”


