Medusa and the birth of Pegasus
The news of Trump’s election last week has caused most European elites to scramble like scared children on hearing “boo!”. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and French President Emmanuel Macron are consoling themselves by urging Europe to “come together” in the wake of Trump’s stunning election victory. The collapse of Germany’s coalition government of Chancellor Olaf Scholz is an early casualty of the Trump impact.
In a previous post on the European Union Von der Leyen Wins[1], I wrote:
Uranus transits conjunct the EU Moon [24ta] from Jun 1, 2024 to April 1, 2025 stationing at [23ta] on Jan 30, 2025 is likely to be very disruptive. The Moon (female) is in the 10th house (leader), part of a T-square with Mars-Pluto-Cupido-Saturn. Pluto-Cupido: the sense of family goes through a radical change; power struggles and changes within organizations or groups; changes in membership within organizations.
So why is above extract significant right now? Well for the simple reason that the November Full Moon which is conjunct Uranus activates the EU T-square mentioned there. Just a while back the EU chart went through its first Saturn return (square radix Pluto) about which I said that it offered the transformative option of bringing Pluto potential into a concrete, workable form - standing up to “father figures” by overcoming hidden fears of intimidation.
Now with Uranus - the planet of freedom transiting over the EU Moon in the 10th triggering the Mars-Pluto-Moon-Saturn T-square, a new opportunity presents itself to the EU to break free from the vassalage to the US.
Since the Full Moon is conjunct the star Algol - Medusa’s head, it may be worthwhile to ponder the deeper meaning of the myth. In the article Medusa’s Many Faces: The Evolution of a Myth [2] the author writes:
Within the collective unconscious, raw, instinctive force imaged as Medusa was transformed into a symbol and reintegrated as an aspect of Athene—the father-bound daughter encounters her instinctive sexual power, splits, and banishes it, then reclaims it in symbolic form. From this perspective, the myth describes a symbolic process of disintegration and reintegration.
And just so that we can see how pieces fall together, a chart for the Full Moon at Washinton DC has it placed very significantly along the horizon symbolically indicating where the pressure to change is coming from.
Several topics chosen at my blogsite have the aim of provoking a thought process. Since the Uranus Full Moon is affecting everyone, we should at least begin to think about what kind of freedom it might offer in our own lives.
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