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Why EU - the US vassals are panicking



Waking from a Dream Painting by Nancy Fruchtman 



It’s shock and awe time for Uncle Sam’s allies in the clown car who have mindlessly gone along for the ride. Not only is freshly re-minted US President Donald Trump reversing course at breakneck speed but, if his newly declared priorities are any indication, he seems to be headed, pedal to the metal, all the way back to the 80s.


Synastry is the art of relationship astrology. It is a fascinating and illuminating study of how individuals or groups interact with one another. No matter how hard we try we cannot get away from the issues that our relationship charts bring up. Each planet (and its progression) in one person’s chart interacts with the planets in the other person’s chart, creating a unique tapestry of energies.



The EU’s progressed Sun’s [10sa] is currently making hard aspects to the following radix elements of the US Sibly. 

Ascendant [12sa] - Uranus [9ge] - Tisiphone [11ge] - Ceres [9pi] 

TISIPHONE: Seek justice for "crimes against kinship, family;" dose of one's own medicine 

URANUS: Friends, friendship & group dynamics; disdain for convention; desire to "dance to one's own drummer;" eclectic; sudden or unusual; magnetic and electrical energy; abrupt; indifferent; misfit; flash of insight; intellectual aptitude; random element.fairness; just desserts; how and where and if one gets what they deserve. 


That Oriental expression (oft quoted by Dan Rather,) that "Revenge is best served COLD" will be evident. In other words, there will be moments when "a punishing action that is considered deserved will be undertaken with detachment" and an almost scary rationality. There's a nearly eerie suggestion here: one is "cold" and without emotion as they serve up their brand of justice. Also, you may see circumstances in which retribution is swift, unpredictable, and having an unexpected quality--one that defies rules of conventionality. MLW



In mythology, Tisiphone was one of the Furies, and among her jobs was to punish those who committed "crimes against family or kinship." And some modern day counterparts of Tisiphone are going to be making recurrent appearances in your experience. Some times, this means that you're gonna' be too aware of the ways that a mother can "do wrong" by her children. Other times, you'll see that children can go too far in keeping a "list" of all the nurturing and love they DIDN'T get...and then seek revenge (against the mother or others who are seen as symbols of her.) I think you'll also be aware of destructive behaviors and actions that strongly affect mothers and children, and there may be some punishments that deal with food issues or mealtimes (because, unfortunately, Food is a symbol-extension of The Mother!) MLW


If you can think of the US as the “mother” and the EU as the dependent “children” then the above can be seen to describe perfectly what we can expect in the near future. 

Finally a chart for the Full Moon at Brussels has the South Node-Neptune aligned very significantly with the horizon.


Neptune represents our dream (delusions?) ...... The South Node is the spot in the heavens that shows us our connection to the past, and points out the need to let go. When Neptune opposes the South Node, the bottom falls out of any dream or utopian idealism as soon as reality hits. Of all planets Neptune is adept at undermining things from within. In the material world he causes things to decay. And on the spiritual level he will eat away at everything we believe in by discrediting and casting doubt on all that we hold to be true and sacred. But Neptune cannot undermine if he did not at the same time hold before us some ideal to be contrasted with its faulty reality. If a true reality is to be appreciated and outwardly realized then a false reality must be shown up for what it is. When we truly come to understand Neptune, we may find that he is actually the revealer of reality. [2]


[1] European Union 1 Nov. 1993; 0:00 CET; Brussels

