As fully expected, the EU is looking at options to restore Russian natural gas flowing into Europe (and even presumably via Ukraine), discussions which have of late taken on more urgency given Ukraine's front lines are collapsing and a deal to end the war is looking inevitable, but whether something takes shape sooner or later remains the big question.
Presented here is the chart of the European Union. And below is an extract from a previous post [1]
Saturn transit allows us the transformative option of bringing more of our Pluto potential into a concrete, workable form ( We get to manifest some of what has been typically kept under wraps because of hidden fears, internal taboos, shame, intimidation or ignorance of our potential).
This then is the challenge for the EU at the Saturn return. European foreign policy has thus far been dictated by the US. The Saturn return provides an opportunity for Europe to acquire integrity and stand up to being bullied. [1]
With Uranus having just stationed direct on the radix Moon [24ta] in the 10th - one leg of the powerful T-square involving Mars-Saturn-Pluto - we can see how how freedom loving Uranus is once again presenting the EU an opportunity to move away from US’ control.
Moreover using Uranian astrology midpoints for EU chart we have:
Moon [24ta] = Neptune/Zeus
Among other things, Neptune rules “natural gas” and the TNP Zeus is “fuels” [2] so the Uranus station on the EU Moon the issue of freedom from the “natural gas as fuel” dependence on the US has suddenly come up for review.
Finally, we notice that Russia’s solar arc directed Pluto makes hard aspects to the following in the EU chart.
Russia Pluto d [25sa] ---> EU radix Kronos [24ge] - Bacchus [25vi] -Siva[26sa]
Issues with denial, immaturity, and attempts to ignore consequences (Bacchus) among those with some measure of authority (Kronos) will come to mind. The ravages of an addiction are apt to be apparent, and you may have insights about the "self-destructive" (Siva) component in addictive behavior (and in the denials and rationalizations that are such a part of it.)
And a positive result of Russia’s Pluto acting on this combination could be:
You could well be aware of people who "bottom out" with an addiction; they reach that crucial "surrender" and see that they are powerless over whatever they perceive to have a hold on them.
Reference for asteroids:
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