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Karoline Leavitt Shuts Down CNN’s Kaitlan Collins


Kaitlan Collins

CNN Reporter INTERRUPTS Karoline Leavitt – Instantly REGRETS It!

Karoline Claire Leavitt (born August 24, 1997)[1] is a government official who has been serving as the White House press secretary in the second Trump administration since January 2025.  

Kaitlan Collins (born April 7, 1992)[2] is an American journalist who is a news anchor on CNN. She is the former co-anchor of CNN This Morning. 

With mainstream corporate journalists like Kaitlan Collins becoming little more than apologists and cheerleaders for the Biden regime, it was time for the White House press secretary to expose their hypocrisy in a one to one exchange.


Here is Kaitlan Collins’ noon horoscope. Currently solar arc Pluto (converse) at [19li] forms a T-square to her radix Sun [18ar] - Uranus [18cp] -Neptune [19cp] # 

In his book Combination of Stellar Influences, Ebertin interprets the combination as below: 

Uranus-Neptune: Wrong ideas; one-sidedness; instability; want of clearness 

---with Pluto: Unable to make a firm stand; the abandonment of resistance; the necessity to give in. 

Notice how this “abandonment of resistance” occurs just as Mars stations direct [18cn] opposite her radix Uranus [18cp] -Neptune [19cp]....acting as the “minute” hand trigger to the Pluto “hour” hand # 


PS: Karoline Leavitt’s radix Saturn [20ar] and secondary progressed Saturn [18ar] are conjunct Kaitlan Collins’ Sun [18ar] square Neptune [19cp] and in hard aspect to the Democratic Party’s Sun [17cp]-Neptune[16cp] conjunction opposite Saturn[16cn] 

Reproduced below is an extract from a previous post on Saturn-Neptune [3] 

A Saturn-Neptune combination is about knowing the difference between fact and fiction. At worst, under the influence of this square those already committed to veiling the truth will be spreading even more stories intended to distract, and manipulate others. At best, this square could end the denial of reality.




