The Abduction of Deianeira by the Centaur Nessus (1755),Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée
In this post I intend to discuss the possibilities of a Grand Trine of MARS - SATURN - POSEIDON that is currently forming.
To begin here is an extract from Adam Elenbaas where he explains how the current Mars Retrograde in Cancer trining Saturn in Pisces can give very positive results.
So, the first one on my list is an old pattern but a new result. Now, the reason I say this is because Mars is retrograde. Mars, any planet retrograde, can bring up things from the past. When we go backward, it is as though the symbolism of that backward movement points toward things that are backward in time—memories, patterns from the past, history, ancestry, especially in the sign of Cancer, with the Moon here in Cancer on Sunday as well. So, things involving family history, childhood, or the ancestral past, the deep past, the archaic past. When we are going backward in time through Mars Retrograde, which is one real possibility for retrograde, then we connect with Saturn in Pisces, and the potential here for Saturn, representing the process of maturation and wisdom, is such that we may be going back to something that has happened before, but there's a different result this time because of maturation and reflection. The retrograde often implies revision and reflection—going back to revise and reflect—and contacting Saturn in a constructive trine can mean I have a new and more mature way of understanding something or doing something.
In an earlier post Saturn in Pisces: Healing Release Of Outworn Structures [1] we saw an example of how a man unjustly kept in prison for 13 years was finally released under this influence. Use this as a symbol or metaphor.
Since Saturn [18pi] is exactly conjunct the centaur Nessus [18pi] we can begin to think along the lines of how we have responded to Nessus in the past and how a new maturity can change our response.
Nessus was killed by Heracles in revenge for having sex with Heracles’ wife Deianeira. He manages to kill Heracles in return using Deianeira as a kind of unwitting contract murderer whom he deceives into ending her husband’s life years later.
There may be some form of abuse of trust, and it may be subtle — until you see it clearly for what it is. An abuse pattern indicated by Nessus can be psychological, physical or sexual in nature; it can involve ‘potentially inappropriate’ [but not necessarily inappropriate] contact or behavior; and it can involve revenge. Nessus has themes that feel like the return of karma that may have an extremely long trajectory, like a boomerang that takes the long way around the world.
Actions have consequences, and once you notice those effects, you can almost always discover the source. Nessus is a very helpful diagnostic tool in handling situations with these themes of betrayal, deception, murder, sexual abuse and sexual infidelity. It works just as well to reveal something about where and how we’ve been hurt in the past, and how we’re likely to hurt others — and how we can heal that pattern and its resulting injuries. [2]
So although Nessus comes with a particularly nasty myth, its effect is not necessarily malefic; it can just as easily help with resolving difficult situations as it can be involved with their creation.
Since the TNP Poseidon is one leg of the Grand Trine we are likely dealing with themes involving moral or religious judgements Perhaps people were too conservative to trust their intuition... folks may have had have limited thinking and carry fears or inhibitions that are based in their religious training. This then can be one reason why the influence of the centaur Nessus is rejected. Benjamin Adamah gives another reason:
The core issue of a dominant Nessus is the difficulty in expressing oneself in relation to the other, because someone has the feeling or illusion that the other person wants to invade the personal privacy of one’s own being.
Whatever be the reason Nessus was rejected in the past, the current Grand Trine is offering a resolution and better understanding of the Nessus in our lives particularly in light of Mars’ station in the nakshatra Punarvasu - representing a deep inner strength to restart, replenish, and grow after a period of setback, with a strong association to the themes of rebirth, expansion, and boundless potential. [3]
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