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Rubio: "It’s not normal for the world to have a unipolar power."



In an interview with Megyn Kelly, Trump's choice as Secretary of State, former Senator Marco Rubio, is doing away with the unilateral moment and starting to endorse multipolarity.


Marco Rubio’s chart as provided by Astro-databank [1] is reproduced above. Following the method outlined in [2] where we looked at the synastry between Trump’s progressed Sun and the US Sibly, here we look at how Secretary of State, Marco Rubio’s progressed Sun interacts with the US Sibly. 

Rubio’s prog. Sun [28cn] ---> conj. radix Sibly Atropos [28cn] opp. Pluto [28cp]



You may see situations where people are having a hell of a time getting to "the end" because they were "hooked" in a nearly sick way. Some endings really will have "cathartic glory"--but that will only come at the very end (and there'll be some wading through hell, high water and an irrevocable commitment to change to get to that point.) There is a draw here towards COMING TO THE END OF THOSE EMOTIONAL SPURS that have kept one "down and damaged" and repeating inner conflicts; there is a hope here for "the end" of the need for control (and the odd notion one has that they actually have it!)

In Rubio’s chart a Saturn-Neptune opposition is about to be activated by transit Uranus. This resonates with a similar square between Saturn and Neptune in the Sibly primary direction discussed in a previous post [2]. 

Using Van Dam’s method currently Saturn progressed has reached a square to radix Neptune in the US Sibly. 

With its link to deception and delusions, Neptune is connected to “mirages” or appearances that belie reality. A Saturn-Neptune combination is about knowing the difference between fact and fiction. At worst, under the influence of this square those already committed to veiling the truth will be spreading even more stories intended to distract, and manipulate others. At best, this square could end the denial of reality. 

 Fundamentally, the Vibe Shift is a return to—a championing of—Reality, a rejection of the bureaucratic, the cowardly, the guilt-driven; a return to greatness, courage, and joyous ambition... The Vibe Shift is spurning the fake and therapeutic and reclaiming the authentic and concrete. 





