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Workers Fired For Refusing Vaccine To Get Compensation

  Cornucopia Symbol: Embodying Abundance and Prosperity On Oct. 23, a federal jury in the U.S District Court for the Northern District of California sided with six former San Francisco Bay Area Regional Transit (BART) workers who had refused to get the vaccine for religious purposes. BART was ordered to pay the group more than $7.8 million, with each individual receiving between $1.2 million and $1.5 million, the Pacific Justice Institute, which represented the transit workers in the trial, said in a statement on Oct. 24.   Some events may appear trivial but they often reveal the energy of some important astrological combinations at work which readers might be able to use in their lives. Here is the chart for the Sun-Pluto square of Oct. 22 drawn for San Francisco. Notice that it is part of a powerful T-square with Mars-Pluto aligned with the meridian and Sun as the apex planet o
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History in the stars: Bones Of The Buddha

  Bones Of The Buddha - Documentary   In this post we shall see that this discovery took place under very appropriate star patterns. According to the documentary, Buddha’s bones were discovered on 18 January 1898 at Birdpur in UP, India just ten days after the lunar eclipse of 8 January 1898 that aligned with the meridian implying that it was significant for the place. Further confirmation comes from progressing the eclipse chart to 18 January which brings the eclipse axis to the horizon thereby triggering it on that date.  To understand the complex planetary combination of the lunar eclipse let us first list the elements of the configuration (in hard aspects) along with their definitions.   POSEIDON [16vi07]: Uplifting people/ideas; psychic vibrations; persuasion; intellectual or spiritual influences; ideological or moral stances; spread of ideas; advertising; interest in business practices/ethics; inspiration; religion; mediums; cl

Israel Attacks Iran!

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Bill Gates to stand trial in Netherlands

  A Dutch court has ruled that billionaire and global vaccine proponent Bill Gates will face trial in the Netherlands over his involvement in misleading the public about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. The case, brought forward by seven plaintiffs who claim to have suffered vaccine injuries, marks a significant blow to Gates, who has been a key figure in pushing COVID-19 vaccination efforts worldwide. Oct 23.     Bill Gates’ horoscope as provided by Astro-Databank [1] is reproduced here. Transiting Pluto has been moving over the descendant of his chart during the covid pandemic years. Before leaving his descendant for good, Pluto stationed direct on 11 October. Pluto’s stationing always brings buried issues to the surface, and the additional influence of Mars charging into opposition has ignited amplified extremes. On Oct. 22 just a day before the ne

BRICS: A New World Order In The Making

  A CHILD BORN FROM AN EGGSHELL With the BRICS Summit 2024 accurately described as “A new world order in the making”, this report notes, the current BRICS member countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates – collectively represent around 46% of the world’s population and over 36% of global GDP—and nearly three dozen states have expressed interest in joining BRICS or deepening cooperation with the group, and many of them have sent top level delegations to Kazan.   While eclipses are worldwide in their scope, they are especially influential in places where they align with the horizon or meridian. The Full Moon eclipse of Sep 18 is therefore very significant for Kazan, Russia where it falls on the horizon making (a) a T-square (b) a Kite Formation.   The eclipse is in a T-square with Jupiter-Neptune. Neptune-in-Pisces's idealistic understanding of our indivisible collectiv

Bird flu kills cattle in California

    TIPTON, Calif. — There’s a sickness hovering over Tulare County‘s dairy industry.  On a recent 98-degree afternoon, dead cows and calves were piled up along the roadside. Thick swarms of black flies hummed and knocked against the windows of an idling car, while crows and vultures waited nearby — eyeballing the taut and bloated carcasses roasting in the October heat. Oct 20   The news comes just as the Sun begins a square aspect to Pluto which recently stationed direct. A chart for the Sun-Pluto square drawn for Tipton, Ca has it placed straddling the horizon axis implying that it is significant for the place. On the Ascendant with the Sun [29li] are the asteroids Lacrimosa (death) - Diana (animals). On the MC is the asteroid Askalaphus (health issues).   For stars on the IC conjunct Pluto, Diana Rosenberg lists: “epidemics, lung ailments, n

Will Israel Strike Iran?

  US investigators are trying to find out how a pair of highly classified intelligence documents were leaked online. The documents, which appeared on the messaging app Telegram on Friday, contain an alleged US assessment of Israeli plans to attack Iran. Military analysts say the phrasing used in the headings looks credible and is consistent with similar classified documents revealed in the past.   In the horoscope of an individual or a nation, aspects made by the directed Sun and Moon are among the most important. Currently the directed Moon in Israel’s chart is the one making major directions as detailed in the table below:    DYNAMIC REPORT    israel - Natal Chart  14 May 1948, 16:00, EET -2:00  Tel Aviv Israel, 32°N04', 034°E46'  Geocentric Tropical Zodiac  Placidus Houses, True Node     Selection: Solar Arc Dirns_ast   P1 (H)              Asp              P2 (H)  Type     Date              Pos1              Pos2