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Showing posts from January, 2013

Eclipse prods Franco-German WW2 reconciliation

Oradour-sur-Glane (Occitan: Orador de Glana) is a commune in the Haute-Vienne department in the Limousin region in west-central France . The original village was destroyed on 10 June 1944, when 642 of its inhabitants, including women and children, were massacred by a German Waffen-SS company. A new village was built after the war on a nearby site but on the orders of the then French president, Charles de Gaulle, the original has been maintained as a permanent memorial. German investigators have now [Jan 30,2013] opened a new inquiry into the wartime massacre of 642 people by SS troops in the central French village of Oradour-sur-Glane.They acted on evidence uncovered in the archived files of East Germany's Stasi secret police about six soldiers, then aged 18 or 19, who are still alive. Regular readers would by now be familiar with the fact that the effect of eclipses last long after they are over and gone. Shown above is the solar eclipse of 21 st May 2...

Eclipse reveals mysteries of Spider Silk Strength

Mysteries of Spider Silk Strength Unraveled Jan. 27, 2013 — Scientists at ASU are celebrating their recent success on the path to understanding what makes the fiber that spiders spin -- weight for weight -- at least five times as strong as piano wire. They have found a way to obtain a wide variety of elastic properties of the silk of several intact spiders' webs using a sophisticated but non-invasive laser light scattering technique [1]. As in the previous post [2], we begin by looking at the 13 th November 2012 solar eclipse at 21sc57 conjunct Unukalhai, of the poisonous serpent ruling poisons and all manner of poisonous creatures . A spider would fit in perfectly here. To home in on the arachnid  we look at the chart of the Total Solar eclipse at Phoenix , the location of Arizona State University to which the above news item relates. Regular readers would be aware that an eclipse is significant for a place if planets occupy the angles and especially i...

Unukalhai and the poisoned Borneo elephants

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia –  Ten endangered Borneo pygmy elephants have been found dead in a Malaysian forest under mysterious circumstances, and wildlife officials said Tuesday that they probably were poisoned. Carcasses of the baby-faced elephants were found near each other over the past three weeks at the Gunung Rara Forest Reserve, said Laurentius Ambu, director of the wildlife department in Malaysia 's Sabah state on Borneo island. In one case, officers rescued a 3-month-old calf that was trying to wake its dead mother. Poisoning appeared to be the likely cause, but officials have not determined whether it was intentional, said Sabah Environmental minister Masidi Manjun. We start by looking at the 13 th November 2012 eclipse chart at Gunung Rara.  Notice that the eclipse is very significantly placed on the Ascendant conjunct  Unukalhai - a pale yellow star situated on the neck of the Serpent. Sometimes called Cor Serpentis, the Serpent's Heart (a snak...

Astrology of the Brazil nightclub fire

At least 180 people have died in a fire that swept through a nightclub in southern Brazil , police say. They say the fire began when a band on stage started a fireworks display at the Kiss nightclub in the city of Santa Maria, in Rio Grande do Sul state.  Reports say there was only one exit and panic spread as people tried to get out.  Many of the dead were students celebrating the end of summer. Students at many Brazilian universities return to school on Monday. Shown here is the solar eclipse of May 21, 2012  in Gemini (the sign associated with schools and students [1]) at Santa Maria . Notice that it is placed in the 5 th house .  H.S. Green [2] writes: “Unfortunate for theatres, amusements and places of entertainment” The Ascendant of the chart [14cp30]  is conjunct the star Vega [15cp30]  Alpha (α) Lyra, Vega, is a pale sapphire star in the Lyre. Readers can see below that Manilius’ description fits a nightclub perfectly....

Violence in Egypt on Full Moon

The second anniversary of the Egyptian revolution on Friday was an unhappy affair but the violence that accompanied it was merely a precursor to the greater bloodshed that came on Saturday. Together, the two days of turmoil brought the precarious state of modern Egypt into full display—with dual sources of unrest and potential mayhem. At 10. a.m. on Saturday, the first batch of verdicts were delivered in Egypt ’s worst-ever instance of soccer violence *. After announcing the death sentence for 21 civilian soccer fans for a Port Said team, the judge practically ran out of the courtroom. [*On February 1, 2012, after a match between Cairo’s Ahly Club and Port Said’s Masry Club, fans of Masry stormed the field and attacked their rivals. Police on the scene largely stood aside and in the ensuing violence and stampede, 72 people–mostly Ahly fans–were killed.] Here is the chart for  Jan 26; 10 am at Cairo . Notice Pluto-Uranus on the angles. Pluto-Uranus: Power stru...

Venus and empowerment of feminine in US military

WASHINGTON — Senior defense officials say Pentagon chief Leon Panetta is removing the military’s ban on women serving in combat, opening hundreds of thousands of front-line positions and potentially elite commando jobs after more than a decade at war. The groundbreaking move recommended by the Joint Chiefs of Staff overturns a 1994 rule prohibiting women from being assigned to smaller ground combat units. Readers may recall the much talked about  the rare Venus transit over the face of the Sun that occurred on June 6,2012. Just two days before this event was a lunar eclipse about which Nick Fiorenza wrote: Our Full Moon eclipse brings us from our original Perseus-Pleiades Eclipse New Moon theme to the perspective provided by Ophiuchus and Hercules. The Lunar Partial Eclipse is the second stage of our eclipse lunar cycle. It provides an opportune time to surrender emotionally as well as any need to be in control. It invites us to surrender our very human mold, t...

Giedi Prima - the Goat - teaches Sydney cops a lesson

A magistrate in Australia has dismissed charges against a man fined after his goat ate flowers outside the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney . Comedian Jimbo Bazoobi, real name James Dezarnaulds, had been ordered to pay the A$440 (£293; $464) penalty for damaging vegetation last August.Police had argued that Mr Dezarnaulds acted recklessly in allowing the hungry goat to approach the flower bed. But the magistrate said there was no evidence he had put Gary to the deed. Magistrate Carolyn Barkell said Mr Dezarnaulds had no control over what the animal might eat, and was unaware of his preference for flowers over grass. She added that the fine should never had been issued. " Gary the Goat taught the... cops a valuable lesson... don't bite off more than you can chew," Mr Dezarnaulds said after the verdict. Shown above is the chart for Waxing Gibbous lunar phase  at Sydney on Jan 23, 2013, 3:19 UT, the date of the judgement. Note the pos...

World Economic Forum and the 2012 Venus transit

More than 2,500 alpha men and women from more than 100 countries will descend on Davos this week to spend four days discussing the world's urgent need to adopt "resilient dynamism". This, the organising watchword for this year's annual gathering of panjandrums at the World Economic Forum, is allegedly the way out of the crisis. It is meaningless. Who, for example, would support non-resilient stagnation? Western capitalism, and, arguably, global capitalism, has arrived at an apparent dead end. It is in profound trouble. There will doubtless be the usual appeals for more free trade, more scientific research and more investment in skills as the expensively clad executives move from seminar and sonorous keynote speech to reception and back to the dinner table. But what there will not be at Davos is a willingness to countenance a sea change in the way capitalism is organised. What the IMF team shows is that as the share of national income devoted to profits and ...

Stray dogs turn hunters

Fear of the inexplicable has  impoverished the existence of the individual….How should we be able to forget those ancient myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons inside us  are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us. Rainer Maria Rilke KANPUR : Stray dogs devoured 31 black bucks, including five males and 26 females, in the enclosure at Kanpur Zoo on Saturday night. Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav suspended zoo director K Praveer Rao and five others. The shocking incident brings to fore the abysmal security at the zoo, particularly for endangered species like the blackbucks inside Kanpur zoo. Shown above is the Capricorn Ingress chart at Kanpur progressed to Jan 20. Notice that the ingress Sun [0cp00], Pluto [8cp57];  asteroid Diana [6cp...

The Geneva treaty on mercury pollution

More than 140 countries have agreed on a set of legally binding measures to curb mercury pollution, at UN talks.Delegates in Geneva approved measures to control the use of the highly toxic metal in order to reduce the amount of mercury released into the environment. Mercury can produce a range of adverse human health effects, including permanent damage to the nervous system. The UN recently published data that showed mercury emissions were rising in a number of developing nations. The deal was agreed after all-night talks. UN Environment Programme (Unep) spokesman Nick Nuttall told Reuters: "A treaty to start to begin to rid the world of a notorious health-hazardous metal was agreed in the morning of Jan 19." As with several examples presented in past blogs we attempt to show here how an eclipse can carry a message that the world wakes up to long after  it is gone. The eclipse we  analyse here is the total eclipse [21sc57] of Nov 13, 2012 which was con...

Astrology of Lance Armstrong’s confession

Oprah Winfrey's exclusive no-holds-barred interview with Lance Armstrong  took place on Monday, January 14, in Austin , Texas . After years of tenacious spin that he was innocent, Lance Armstrong has backpedaled in a confessional interview with Oprah Winfrey. He admitted unequivocally to using performance enhancing drugs in his seven Tour de France wins. After winning various legs of the Tour de France, Armstrong's sporting career ground to a halt in 1996, when he was diagnosed with cancer. He was 25. He told Winfrey that he then developed a "ruthless and relentless" attitude that helped him survive. But he carried it with him into his sports career, "and that's bad," he said. Shown above is Armstrong’s horoscope. The time of birth is not known so that a noon horoscope has been drawn. We notice that his Sun [25vi07] is conjunct Pluto [29vi23] and the star Alkaid  [26vi32] of Ursa Major. According to Ptolemy, Ursa Major is like Mars. It is ...

Cassiopeia and the Australia gold nugget find

Australian amateur prospector finds massive gold nugget. An amateur prospector in the Australian state of Victoria has astonished experts by unearthing a gold nugget weighing 5.5kg (177 ounces).The unidentified man, using a handheld metal detector, found the nugget on Wednesday, lying 60cm underground near the town of Ballarat . Its value has been estimated at more than A$300,000 ($315,000: £197,000). The horoscope for the entry of the Sun into Capricorn  [also called ‘Capingress’] is considered  by several astrologers as the most important chart for the entire year. Shown above is the Capingress at Ballarat where this unusual discovery took place. Notice the following: A sharp Yod configuration  with Jupiter[8ge] at the apex forming quincunx aspects to Saturn [8sc] and Pluto [8cp]. Venus at [6sg] is opposite Jupiter. At Ballarat , the Yod is anchored to the Ascendant [22cn44].  Saturn [8sc]  at the IC is opposite Alpha (α) Cassiopeia, Sched...

Astrology of the Texas secession movement

EL PASO , Texas , Jan 15 — More than 125,000 people had signed a petition to secede from the country a few days after President Obama was re-elected. Bad news for thousands of people who wanted to see Texas secede: The state is still in the U.S. The White House has responded to a petition asking that Texas be allowed to break away from the country, saying the Founding Fathers who created the nation "did not provide a right to walk away from it." Jon Carson, director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, issued the response quoting Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address and a Supreme Court opinion after the Civil War. It said America was created as a "perpetual union," but one that allows people with different beliefs to debate the issues. To see this news in the light of astrology, we will look at the solar eclipse of  May 21,2012 which by the rules of  mundane astrology (indicated below) was very significant for the US . ...