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Showing posts from June, 2014

Hiker, rescuer die at Washington state waterfall

A 25-year-old hiker and a 61-year-old volunteer who tried to rescue him fell to their deaths late Saturday (June 28) at a waterfall in western Washington state. Officials said that the hiker was part of a group of four walking down a logging road when he and a companion decided to hike to Pilchuck Falls near Lake Cavanaugh , approximately 35 miles northeast of Seattle . Mars has been in Libra since December 7 and leaves Libra on July 25. During this period it was retrograde between March 1 and  May 19 and formed a sharp Grand Cross with Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto on April 22-23. Moving forward from May 20,  it is still within close reach of the Uranus/Pluto square and creates significant events in those places where the now dissolving T-square is caught on the angles in important mundane charts as at the June 27 New Moon at Lake Cavanaugh. It is important to remember that angles have a wide orb of influence and can pull together aspects...

Haumea and the new Chinese leadership

Princes and kings get from the Tao The model which to all they give. It is the Way of Heaven to diminish superabundance, and to supplement deficiency. It is not so with the way of man. He takes away from those who have not enough to add to his own superabundance. Who can take his own superabundance and therewith serve all under heaven? Only he who is in possession of the Tao! Tao Te Ching Chinese President Xi Jinping has said China will never seek to impose its will on other nations, no matter how strong it becomes. Mr Xi was speaking in Beijing as he hosted leaders from India and Myanmar ( Burma ) for a weekend (June 28 -29) of talks. " China does not subscribe to the notion that a country is bound to seek hegemony when it grows in strength," he said."Hegemony or militarism is not in the genes of the Chinese. China will unswervingly pursue peaceful development because it is good for China , good for Asia and good for the world." BBC...

Man sets self on fire in Japan

A man set himself on fire in central Tokyo in protest at a proposed law which could allow Japan to deploy its military overseas. The man was taken to hospital after being hosed down but his condition was not immediately known, officials said. Japan 's government could make the change to its pacifist constitution as early as next Tuesday. The US-drafted constitution bans war and "the threat or use of force" to settle international disputes. BBC; 29 June 2014 To understand the astrological reason for this news, we will look at the Lunar Eclipse of April 15. A chart for this eclipse at Tokyo is shown here. It is obviously significant for the place since it  is angular and the meridian axis aligns with the Cardinal Grand Cross.  In addition the dwarf planet Haumea [20li29] is  conjunct Mars [16li] and the Moon [25li] Haumea appears to motivate action to reorient world powers’ militaristic destructive use of power and resources into a nurturing fo...

Two shelter dogs find friendship in one another

All creatures need comfort and companionship, not just humans. A photo of two shelter dogs who, without a real home and people to love them, found friendship in one another, is making its rounds on the Internet this week. The touching image shows Delaware , a friendly 8-month-old a pit bull mix, and Kyra, a playful 1-year-old Lab mix, spooning together in their shared space at the Fulton County Shelter in Atlanta , Georgia . June 27 Huffington Post Eclipses that are long gone are brought back to life when there are transits that activate them. Shown here is the October 18, 2013 Lunar Eclipse at Atlanta , Georgia . Notice that it is very significant for the place since it forms a T-square with Jupiter and the meridian axis. The primary stars that conjoin the Sun [25li]  are  Spica, Alpha (α) Virgo, and Arcturus Alpha (α) Bootes.  Bootes, the Herdsman-protector is concerned with the protection of  the ...

Two buildings collapse in India

The death toll in India in two building collapses in different cities climbed to at least 11, with more victims trapped in the rubble, Indian officials confirmed Saturday (June 28). A crumbling and rundown four-story building in New Delhi toppled over Saturday morning. "Ten people, including five children and three women, died," Deputy Commissioner of Police Madhur Verma said. Two others were also injured, he added. The building was around 50 years old and housed several families. Rescue efforts were hampered by cranes in the area. Officials suspects construction work at an adjoining building could be to blame. A second building also collapsed Saturday in Tamil Nadu state. An 11-story structure under construction in the capital city of Chennai toppled over, killing at least one person. The cardinal ingresses of the Sun have a traditional reputation as  important mundane events.  The progression of these charts mark out important day...

Golden Gate Bridge Casts Its First Suicide Nets

California officials approved $76 million in funding Friday (June 27)  to install an elaborate system of nets to prevent people from jumping off the iconic Golden Gate Bridge , taking action after more than 1,400 deaths in 80 years. The Friday, June 27 New Moon [5cn37] was placed exactly on the IC at San Francisco highlighting the now separating Uranus-Pluto-Mars T-square. It was conjunct the star Tejat, mu Geminorum of the Twins. Diana Rosenberg links this area to “mental and/or emotional instability, accident proneness; violence and homicide, drowning”. The constellation Gemini is often depicted as Twins joined to each other. Astrologers assign to this constellation all things that connect  including bridges [1]. As an example, the building of the London bridge [2] began with several planets in the constellation of the Twins. On the Ascendant [8ar16] are the stars alpha Reticulum [7ar40] and delta Reticulum [7ar14]. Reticulum means a netlike ...

UNESCO conference on WW I underwater heritage

Argo Navis – the Celestial Ship Tens of thousands of sailors and merchant navy personnel lost their lives in World War One but now the huge number of ships sunk in the conflict are to be offered increased protection under a UN agreement. A scientific conference on underwater cultural heritage of the First World War will take place in Bruges ( Belgium ) from 26 to 28 June. The conference, organized by UNESCO with the support of the Government of Flanders, will be followed by commemorative events. To explain this news item we will start with the chart for the lunar eclipse of October 18, 2013 at Bruges , Belgium . Notice that the eclipse is placed very significantly on the meridian axis square Jupiter [20cn] which is conjunct Castor, alpha Geminorum of the Twins. (Please note that this eclipse is triggered by the current transit of Jupiter [25cn] and the Node [25li] ) Diana Rosenberg [1] reminds us that the Twins were linked to ...

WHO Ebola virus alert

26 JUNE 2014 | GENEVA - The emergence of an Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa in 2014 has become a challenge to the 3 countries involved, as the Governments of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone work intensively with WHO and other partners to ramp up a series of measures to control the outbreak. Since March 2014, more than 600 cases of Ebola and over 390 deaths have been reported in Guinea , Liberia and Sierra Leone . The disease is first acquired by a population when a person comes into contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an infected animal such as a monkey or fruit bat. Fruit bats are believed to carry and spread the disease without being affected by it. Once infected the disease may be spread from one person to another. The Ebola virus causes a nasty infection that triggers an inflammatory reaction so intense, patients essentially drown in their own fluids as they bleed internally and externally — victims’ bodies are overtaken with a well-intentioned ...

Godavari GAIL gas pipeline accident

Fifteen people were killed and 18 injured when a massive blaze raged through a village in Andhra Pradesh’s East Godavari district following a blast in an apparently leaking gas pipeline this morning. “Bodies of 13 people charred in the incident were recovered from the gutted houses. Two others succumbed to their burn injuries while undergoing treatment at different hospitals,” Amalapuram DSP M Veera Reddy told PTI. Hindu, Jun 27 As in so many past posts, here too we will see the influence of the last solar eclipse of April 29  in this tragic accident. Shown here is the chart for the solar eclipse at Amalapuram. Notice that it is prominently placed on the MC with a quincunx aspect to the Mars leg of the highly stressful and volatile Grand Cross.  Progressing the eclipse chart by the PSSR method brings the angles to align perfectly with the Grand Cross triggering the accident. Since Uranus-Pluto square is the prime mover in the Grand Cross,...

U.S. to phase out anti-personnel landmines

(CNN) -- The United States will phase out its stockpiles of landmines designed to target people, moving closer to joining a global ban on a weapon that kills more than 15,000 people a year -- most of them civilians. U.S. officials made the declaration at an anti-mine conference in Maputo , Mozambique , (June 23 to June 26) according to a statement issued by National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden. In the previous post, we saw that the current transit of Jupiter square the Nodal axis is a trigger to the Lunar Eclipse of April 15 and is birthing “a new leadership in the world that is based in integrity to the natural world and  has the audacity to take a stand against corrupt leadership that undermines life to amass power over life”. Shown here is Cancer Ingress chart at Maputo , Mozambique progressed to the June 26, when the US agreed to phase out its stockpiles of landmines. Notice that the horizon axis triggers the Jupiter-Nodes squa...

Los Angeles River to be transformed from blight to a real river

LOS ANGELES – Even in these times of record drought, a river runs through Los Angeles . You may have to look hard to find it, though. The Los Angeles River , most of it rendered into a concrete storm drain by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers decades ago, has long been treated as an urban eyesore, attracting trash, graffiti and the homeless as it winds to the Pacific Ocean , often hidden behind industrial buildings, gritty warehouses and wire fencing. It's known mostly, if at all, as an occasional movie set. Water flow is often a mere trickle through a gully in the center, and miles of flat cement river bottom and steep banks have served as drag strip and getaway path in movies from The Italian Job to Grease. Mayor Eric Garcetti wants to transform the river into a more visible urban asset. He is trying to build support for a $1 billion plan by the Corps of Engineers to restore parts of the L.A. River from blight to a real river.  USA Today; June 23

Water crisis in Iran at Cancer New Moon

As the water crisis continues in Iran , the country's energy ministry started rationing water. Arak , Esfahan, Bandar Abbas, Tehran , Shiraz , Qazvin , Qom , Karaj , Kerman , Mash'had, Hamedan, and Yazd are the major cities which are expected to face a severe water shortage this summer, Iran 's TASNIM News Agency reported. Iran has already started water rationing in the city of Karaj . Energy ministry officials say that by cutting consumption by 20-30 percent, the country will face no difficulty in distributing enough water across the country. Tehran , Iran , June 27 Shown here is the chart for the New Moon of June 27 at Tehran . Notice that the MC [29ge] is conjunct the New Moon [5cn37]. Apart from the fact that the New Moon is in tropical Cancer – a water sign, it is also conjunct the stars of the Chinese asterism Tsing , The Well . This asterism reminded the Chinese that good water was hard to come by and digging wells was hard work, so no immoderate use ...

History in the stars: Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

Tourists, historians and diplomats have been arriving in Sarajevo to commemorate the shots fired by a young Bosnian Serb assassin on 28 June 1914 - shots that sparked World War One. But the city and country are uneasy in the historical spotlight, as the tensions behind those events are still alive today. On Sunday, 28 June 1914, at approximately 10:45 am, Franz Ferdinand and his wife were killed in Sarajevo, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by Gavrilo Princip, 19 at the time, a member of Young Bosnia and one of a group of assassins organized by the Black Hand.The event led to a chain of events that eventually triggered World War I. A chart drawn for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand is shown here. On the MC is a powerful conjunction of the Sun with Saturn and Pluto . Here the fast moving Sun was acting as a trigger to the conjunction of Saturn-Pluto that was exact thrice between October 4, 1914 to May 19, 1915. In addition...

Thousands of ducks swarm road in Thailand

A bewildered onlooker filmed the veritable tidal wave of ducks as they flocked down the road en masse. Efforts by drivers to make their way along the narrow country road proved futile as thousands of the birds flooded down the lane like a river while their collective quacking produced a deafening chorus that drowned out pretty much everything else. It isn't clear what the circumstances are in the video however it is possible that the ducks were being deliberately herded by farm workers from one place to another. June 20, Thailand The author of the news does not mention where exactly in Thailand the incident took place except for saying that it was on a narrow country road. We will, therefore,  draw the relevant maps for Bangkok , Thailand . The first map presented here is that of Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun – this phenomena occurs at the midpoint of the retrograde cycle and defines what is termed as the Mercury Synod. Notice ...

Full Moon overwhelms US Immigration facilities

Unaccompanied child immigrants from Central America have poured across the southern U.S. border in recent months. Mostly spurred by violence and poor economic conditions in Central America, the migrants also believe changes in U.S. immigration policy will allow them to stay. They aren’t completely wrong. Because border facilities are so overwhelmed, authorities often release children into the care of relatives already in the U.S. and allow mothers with children to enter the country with a notice to appear in immigration court. TIME A photograph accompanying the news item shows  migrants using trash bags and cardboard to protect themselves from the rain as they wait atop a stuck freight train, outside Reforma de Pineda , Chiapas state, Mexico , June 20, 2014. Here is the chart for the Full Moon of June 13 at Reforma de Pineda , Mexico . Notice that both the luminaries form aspects to the MC along with Jupiter. Jupiter [22cn49] is...

American student rescued from inside vagina sculpture

MAINZ , Germany -- Call it a stimulating study-abroad experience. An American exchange student sparked an "extraordinary rescue mission" when his leg became trapped inside a giant vagina sculpture. "It was a dare," fire department squad leader Markus Mozer told NBC News. "The young man had tried to pose for an unusual photo and climbed into the artwork." A total of 22 rescue workers with special equipment were deployed to the scene in the southern Germany city of Tuebingen on Friday to free the 20-year-old but a “forceps delivery was not necessary," local newspaper Schwaebisches Tagblatt noted. Surprising though it may be, this humorous piece of news  although unimportant is reflected in the stars. We start by looking at the solar eclipse [8ta52] of April 29 in tropical Taurus – a sign associated with  procreation, and  natural reproductive forces [1]. The eclipse was in a sharp sesquisquare aspect to ...