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Showing posts from September, 2014

Wildlife Populations Have Dropped by More Than Half

Vertebrate species populations have dropped by more than half over the course of 30 years, according to a new report from WWF, marking a larger decrease than ever previously documented. The Living Plant Report measured more than 10,000 representative populations of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish and found a 52% decline between 1970 and 2010. The facts are grimmer for some species: freshwater dwellers showed an average decline of 76%. The study chalked up most of the decline to human impact. Habitat loss and hunting and fishing were the primary culprits, and climate change was the next largest threat, the report said. TIME; Sept.29 We are now in the shadow of a powerful Lunar Eclipse about to occur on October 8, 2014.  This eclipse was discussed in a previous post on the UN Climate Summit [1]. There it was placed on the horizon axis. Here it is placed on th...

Guinea's artisanal gold miners

Outside the dusty, one-road town of Kouremale on the border of Guinea and Mali, underground gold deposits have attracted thousands of young men looking to make a living from artisanal mining. Conditions are tough and dangerous. In November last year an artisanal gold mine collapsed, killing at least 14 people. Accidents are common. It is also estimated that between 20,000 and 40,000 children work in Mali 's artisanal mines, often from a young age. The precious ore is hacked and shovelled from pits and tunnels before being transported to another site where the gold is extracted, often with the unregulated use of highly toxic mercury. BBC; Sept.29 To understand this news we will go back to the last Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014 which took place in tropical Taurus [9ta52]. A chart for the Eclipse drawn for Kouremale has it significantly placed on the Ascendant [7ta15]. This New Moon Eclipse conjoins Hamal of Arie...

The desert aircraft ‘boneyards’

What happens when an aircraft is no longer needed? In the desert dry of the south-western US, vast ‘boneyards’ are homes to thousands of aircraft, Stephen Dowling writes. If you find yourself driving down South Kolb Road in the Arizona city of Tucson , you’ll find the houses give way to a much more unusual view; rows of military aircraft, still and silent, spread out under the baking desert sun. On and on, everything from enormous cargo lifters to lumbering bombers, Hercules freighters and the F-14 Tomcat fighters made famous in Top Gun. BBC; Sept. 18 In astrology the planet Pluto is linked to “obsolescence”.  Obsolescence is the state of being which occurs when an object, service, or practice is no longer wanted even though it may still be in good working order. To understand this news we will go back to the chart of the April 15 lunar eclipse. Notice that for Tucson , Ar...

Astrology of the Ebola Virus

The first reported case of the Zaire strain of the Ebola virus, [1] the one that is currently starting to affect West Africa in 2014 was seen on 26th August 1976 in Yambuku, Zaire, now called the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ebola is a disease that initially came from a region close to the Ebola river that runs through the DRC. A chart for the New Moon that occurred on 25 August 1976 – a day before the Ebola outbreak – is shown here. The New Moon [2vi] is conjunct the medical asteroid Asclepius [4vi] . The Ascendant is conjunct Neptune and Antares, alpha Scorpi – the heart of the Scorpion and omega Ophiuchus – the medicine man  shown struggling with the poisonous snake. Among other things, this area is linked to epidemics and Diana Rosenberg [3] lists the following examples: Neptune was here at the September, 164 CE Solar Eclipse with a path of totality through Mediterranean lands: Roman troops returning from Mesopotamia brought disease with them: the P...

Giant ‘Freedom Protest’ Underway in Hong Kong

A civil disobedience pro-democracy movement aiming to paralyse parts of Hong Kong with a massive sit-in has issued its demands. Occupy Central says it wants the Chinese government to scrap rules outlining the election of the next chief executive in 2017. It also wants the resumption of public consultation on democratic reforms. Thousands of protesters are camped outside government headquarters in central Hong Kong . Occupy Central leader Benny Tai announced the launch of the campaign to the cheers of supporters on Saturday (Sept.27). BBC We are now in the shadow of a powerful Lunar Eclipse about to take place on October 8. In  Hong Kong the eclipse Moon is placed in 12 th house that deals with “human rights” [1] The eclipse Moon is conjunct Uranus. The Uranus-Full Moon conjoining stars include Alderamin of  Cepheus and Alpheratz of Andromeda [2]. Uranus  reveals where and how we wish to break...

India politician jailed for corruption

One of India 's most colourful and controversial politicians, Jayaram Jayalalitha, has been jailed on corruption charges in a high-profile case which has lasted for 18 years.  The chief minister of the southern state of Tamil Nadu was found guilty of amassing wealth of more than $10m (£6.1m) which was unaccounted for. She has to pay a multi-million dollar fine and resign as chief minister. A former actress, her life has been marked by a series of high and lows. The verdict was delivered by a special court in Bangalore amid tight security. BBC; Sept.27 Once again to understand this news we will go back to the lunar cycle of the March 30, 2014 New Moon and more specifically the April 15 Total Lunar Eclipse  that occurred in that cycle.  The New Moon was conjunct Uranus within 2.5°, with the Sun and Moon activating the catalytic T-Square, specifically Uranus, impelling spontaneous, electrical, and radical ...

Catalonia president signs independence referendum decree

The president of the Spanish region of Catalonia has signed a decree calling for a referendum on independence. Artur Mas wants Catalonia to hold a Scottish-style vote on 9 November, but does not have the backing of the central government in Madrid . Spain quickly denounced the move, calling the plan unconstitutional. BBC; Sept.27. To understand this news we will go back to the lunar cycle of the March 30, 2014 New Moon and more specifically the April 15 Total Lunar Eclipse  that occurred in that cycle. A brief  summary of the lunar theme entitled “Actualizing Revolutionary Change” [1] by Nick Fiorenza is presented below: This lunar cycle stimulates a radical change in authoritarian control of resources, especially of those trying to control, dominate or suppress others. It invites us to make radical changes in our personal lives that lift us out of our own entrapments. The April 15 Total Lunar Eclipse...

Cancer kills three 9/11 firefighters

Three firefighters who were on duty at Ground Zero during the 9/11 attacks have died on the same day from cancer, fire officials have said. Lieutenant Howard Bischoff, 58, and firefighters Robert Leaver, 56, and Daniel Heglund, 58, died within hours of one another on Monday (Sept.22) . BBC; Sept 26 Shown here is the chart for the upcoming solar eclipse of 23 October at New York . Notice that the eclipse is placed very significantly on the descendant [29li]. The eclipse  is already active since transit Mercury [29li -0sc] is now conjunct the descendant [29li] and the eclipse degree [0sc]. In a mundane chart the 6 th house rules [1]: 6th House - public health, sanitation, food, national service , army, navy, police, civil service , trade unions, working class. This is, therefore, also the house of fire services , especially since the TNP Zeus [2] associated with fires is right there. Further we ...

Brain repair 'may be boosted by curry spice'

A spice commonly found in curries may boost the brain's ability to heal itself, according to a report in the journal Stem Cell Research and Therapy. The German study suggests a compound found in turmeric could encourage the growth of nerve cells thought to be part of the brain's repair kit. Scientists say this work, based in rats, may pave the way for future drugs for strokes and Alzheimer's disease. Researchers from the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine in Julich , Germany , studied the effects of aromatic-turmerone - a compound found naturally in turmeric. BBC; Sept 25. The  current New Moon [1li] of September 24 at Julich , Germany is significant since it is placed on the Ascendant.  It is semisquare Jupiter [14le] which is conjunct the asteroid Aesculapia [14le] and trine Uranus [15ar]. In her article entitled Jupiter/Uranus: Bright Ideas and Breakthroughs , Kelly Surtees writes [1]: Jupiter b...

Richard Branson offers staff unlimited holiday

The boss of Virgin Group, Sir Richard Branson, is offering his personal staff as much holiday as they want. On his website, he said that his staff of 170 could "take off whenever they want for as long as they want". He added that there was no need to ask for approval, nor say when they planned to return, the assumption being that the absence would not damage the firm. BBC; Sept 24 To understand this news we go back to the April 15 lunar eclipse at London where Sir Richard Branson is based. The eclipse Moon [25li] was placed in the 5 th house part of a stellium containing Mars[16li] – the ruler of the 6 th   house. In mundane astrology, the 6 th house rules “the working class” while the 5 th deals with “leisure” [1]. The Full Moon conjoins the stars Spica and Archturus and  the asteroids Vesta and Ceres.   VESTA : Commitment to work; using work as a compensation; dedication to accomplishment...