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Showing posts from August, 2023

Senator Mitch McConnell develops laryngitis

    Medical astrology is a science that demands a union of knowledge of both astrology and  medicine. Ideally, it takes years of acquiring astrological expertise and then becoming totally familiar with physiology and anatomy to qualify as a medical astrologer who with the cooperation of a physician can accurately diagnose diseases and advise clients on the best procedures for regaining health. One writer who has achieved this degree of expertise is Eileen Nauman.  In her book Medical Astrology , she has meticulously provided details of diseases linked to planets in signs. The table below from his birthchart [1] gives Mitch McConnell’s placement (currently activated by his solar arc directed Sun [21° 33' Taurus]. Transit Uranus [23ta] has recently stationed conjunct the three planets, thereby providing the necessary trigger.            Mars 21° 29' Taurus   Saturn   22° 22' T...

US Sanctions on China turn self-destructive

  The Biden administration has imposed a blockade on advanced computer chips headed for China. The action is expected to slow China’s technological development while inflicting serious damage on the broader economy. The strategy has been widely praised by the media and foreign policy experts, but a growing number of analysts wonder if the plan could backfire?   Synastry is a method of comparing two or more horoscopes. This makes it possible to find the interaspects, i.e. the aspects between the planets and axes of one horoscope to another one. It is an effective and easily understood method, and it can be combined with predictive tools such as progressions and transits.   Using the national charts [1][2[, we find China’s progressed Sun [21sa] is completing a T-square with the US Sibly Mars [21ge]-Neptune [22vi] . About Mars-Neptune Astrology King writes:   There is a tendency to be...

History in the stars: King Henry VIII

      Castor and Pollux - the Horsemen   On January 24, 1536, England's Henry VIII was involved in an infamous jousting accident that may have unwittingly changed the course of history. As the 44-year-old lunged forward, he fell from his horse and found himself trapped beneath the animal.  A 2016 study conducted by scientists at Yale University posited that in his later years, the Tudor monarch displayed symptoms consistent with a history of traumatic brain injuries. (Researchers compared the king’s injuries to those of professional American football players.) As a young man, Henry had embraced rough-and-tumble sports—particularly jousting—and he seemed to have a propensity for accidents. In 1524, the king failed to lower the visor on his helmet while jousting and suffered a blow to the head above his right eye. The injury caused serious migraines that persisted for the remainder of his life.   Henry VIII (28 June 1491 – 28...

China cancels Germany's $100 billion car order

  China cancels Germany's $100 billion car order   This post will serve as an example of the kind of details a horoscope (individual or national) can throw up. The table below gives the solar arc progressions of the Sun to the radix elements in Germany's chart.   DYNAMIC REPORT  Germany - Natal Chart  24 May 1949, 00:00, CEDT -2:00  Berlin Germany, 52°N30', 013°E22'   Selection: Solar Arc Dirns_ast   P1 (H)   Asp      P2 (H)         Type          Date                   Pos1              Pos2                  Sun (7) Cnj      Siva (7)       Sa-Na       3 Jul 2019    ...

Trump surrenders in Georgia

  Orion battling the Scorpion Good luck trying this case, DA Fani Willis. And by all means roll the TV cameras in the courtroom. You are about to supplant the Scopes trial of 1925 as the most notoriously ridiculous piece of legal work in US history.   This week, DA Willis staged the circus parade of bookings, forcing the large cast of indictees - most of them attorneys for Mr. Trump - to submit to the finger-printing and mugshot ceremony in the county jail, in case any of them had thoughts of decamping to Uruguay. The cable news peanut gallery went berserk with glee at the humiliation of election denial celebrities Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell especially. On Thursday, attorney Kenneth Chesebro, who advised Georgia GOP officials on the process of assembling alternate electors in the case of election fraud under Georgia law, demanded a speedy trial.   Will the defendants be allowed to present evidence of serious irregularities in the 2020 Georgia election results? If not,...

Niger refuses Western hegemony

    The development of the situation surrounding the possible invasion of Niger by the troops of certain countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is remarkably reminiscent of the discussions that took place on the eve of this summer's Ukrainian "counter-offensive."   But there is a significant difference. In the case of Ukraine, we are dealing with a regime that is pursuing a murderous policy towards the territory under its control. African leaders, on the other hand, are not at all willing to take risks for the interests of France and the United States. Therefore, what was a tragedy in Ukraine may turn out to be a farce in West Africa, with the end result being an amicable agreement between all parties concerned.     Presented here is the horoscope of Niger as provided by Astrotheme with AA rating from a timed official source. The most important current progression in this chart is:  Progressed...

Death of Wagner chief Prigozhin

        In Russia’s chart [25 Dec. 1991; 17:20 UT; Moscow], Uranus has been transiting opposite radix Pluto [21sc] which makes a sharp square to the horizon axis [1st -7th house cusps]. In a previous post [1], I wrote:   Transit Uranus opposite Russia’s radix Pluto is a long term transit. So what happened today to set it into motion. Well for one thing transit Mars [20le] conjoined Russia’s Ascendant [21le] and triggered the combination. In a strange coincidence it was also conjunct Wagner group chief Evgeny Prigozhin’s radix Uranus [22le]. His birthdata is 1st June 1961 so that he becomes the rebel or the catalyst for the change or rupture.   In June it was the Mars transit over Russia’s Ascendant and Prigozhin’s radix Uranus [22le], now it is the New Moon [23le] and the Uranus station[23ta] that is triggering the same combination. Here are the charts for the New Moon and the Uranus station at Moscow. Notice how powerful these charts are with their ...

Return of the Gold Standard

  With inflation plaguing the economy as the U.S. dollar is increasingly being sidelined in international trade, potentially even at risk of losing its status as the global reserve currency, lawmakers in Washington and state capitals are touting gold and precious metals as the solution. Aug. 23     Below is an extract from two earlier posts [1] [2] in which I discussed the chart for the birth of the fiat dollar.   The unilateral change in policy was made on 15 August 1971. The President spoke at 9 p.m. in the Oval Office at the White House. His address was broadcast live on radio and television. On that day, the Federal Reserve shut its "gold window," meaning foreign governments could no longer trade gold for dollars at the fixed rate of $35 an ounce. The Bretton Woods system officially ended and the dollar became fully "fiat currency," backed by nothing but the promise o...

Astrology of Hurricane Hilary

  Hurricane Hilary is a weakening tropical cyclone currently inland over Southern California. The eighth named storm, sixth hurricane, and fourth major hurricane of the 2023 Pacific hurricane season, Hilary originated from a disturbance south of the southern coast of Mexico associated with a tropical wave that entered the far eastern Pacific Ocean from Central America on August 12. The disturbance gradually grew more organized, and became Tropical Storm Hilary off the coast of Manzanillo, Colima, on August 16. Hilary quickly strengthened into a hurricane the next day. )   Hilary made landfall at about 11 a.m. local time Sunday, along the Mexican coast in a sparsely populated area about 150 miles south of Ensenada. In Astrometeorology, the cardinal solar ingress chart has a strong influence on the weather.  The chart for the summer solstice (Cancer ingress of the Sun) has the Sun anchored to a powerful T-square stra...

The Sino-US War Over Rare Earths

  INDIAN WITH SCALP LOCKS China announced a crackdown on the export of the rare earth metals gallium and germanium, which are used to build computer chips. The export ban will begin on the first of August and is part of a tit-for-tat trade war between the world's two largest economies.   The New Moon in Leo on August 16, 2023, is square Uranus in Taurus bringing unexpected change. It creates a crisis but also an opportunity for innovation and growth. ( Also think of Uranus as (electronics) and Taurus as (rare earths))   Uranus is often indifferent to the concerns of others.... conflict tends to build, with neither side backing down. The themes of ownership, mineral wealth and territory are all central to Taurus.   Taurus can be about taking, about making sure we have what serves our pleasure without regard for others . The raw materials and resources taken from faraway lands, the sovereignty seized and lives used up on cheap labour...

Thoughts on the US Sibly Sagittarius Ascendant

  "What makes life meaningful?"  This is an open-ended question asked in a 2021 survey by Pew Research Center to 17 advanced economies. Analysts found that while many people find meaning in their surroundings, both in terms of society and nature, some also mentioned religion.   As Statista's Anna Fleck shows in the following graphic, religion and spirituality was mentioned more frequently among US adults, compared to those living in other advanced economies.   This information is no surprise to anyone who cares to look at the US chart. The US national chart - the Sibly has the zodiacal sign Sagittarius rising. In his book The Astrology of America’s Destiny , Dane Rudhyar wrote:   I contend that America on the whole has found and should find the path to self-realization — that is, to who she is as a collective person — through the kind of religious approach characterizing the sign Sagittarius. The Puritan ideal is at the very ro...

‘Political Upheaval’ in Argentia at Uranus New Moon

  The Argentine peso, already at historic lows, puked immediately after far-right political outsider Javier Milei won the country's primary election on Sunday. He wants a dramatic overhaul of the country's entire political and economic system, even vowing to ditch the peso. .. After winning 30% of the vote, beating the main conservative opposition bloc (at 28%) and the ruling Peronist coalition which came in third place, it's being hailed in Argentine media as a "political earthquake"....Milei is a rock-singing libertarian outsider candidate, an admirer of Donald Trump and self-described anarcho-capitalist...   The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. A Moon phase can act as a local “step down transformer” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that it aspects. To understand how their energies are focused at any place of interest astrologers routinely draw charts of mon...

Astrology of the Hawaii wildfires

  In early August 2023, a series of wildfires broke out in the U.S. state of Hawaii. Affecting the island of Maui, and to a lesser extent Hawaiʼi (also known as the Big Island), the wind-driven fires prompted evacuations, caused widespread damage, and killed at least 36 people in the town of Lahaina. By August 9, a state of emergency was declared for the entirety of Hawaii.[2] This followed a first emergency proclamation signed on August 8, authorizing several actions, including activation of the National Guard.       The Sun square the Nodes is a phenomena known as “Moon Wobble”. With the Nodes also square Pluto, I call this a Moon Wobble on steroids. A chart for the recent Sun opposite Pluto drawn for the town of Lahaina in West Maui has the Sun-Nodes-Pluto Grand Cross angular. Progressing the chart to Aug. 8, the date of the fire, has the Grand Cross straddling the horizon and is thereby triggered. During ...

China’s Thorium Nuclear Reactor Breakthrough

  The Chinese nuclear safety body has given the go-ahead for the nation’s inaugural thorium reactor, a major step in its march towards advanced nuclear technologies.   Located in the Gobi desert city of Wuwei, in Gansu province, the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences operates a 2-MW liquid-fuelled thorium molten salt reactor (MSR). On June 7, the National Nuclear Safety Administration issued a permit granting the Shanghai Institute the ability to run the reactor for a decade starting with trial operations. The Shanghai Institute is mandated to ensure the safety of the reactor in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and technical specifications laid out in the permit.     Thorium-based nuclear power plants have the potential to be more secure, produce less radioactive waste, and be more efficient with fuel than conventional uranium reactors. China is in possession of copious amounts of...

Astrology of the Musk - Zuckerberg Cage Fight

  Castor and Pollux in Greek Mythology On Sunday morning, Elon Musk wrote on "X" -- formerly known as Twitter -- that he will be fighting his arch-nemesis Meta CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, in a mixed martial arts cage match.     A rare event like this one is an opportunity to test the principles of astrology. At her website, Martha Wescott defines the asteroid TORO as under:   TORO: Machismo; bullying; intimidation; doing hard, physical work; strength (muscular); muscle flexing-psychologically or physically; challenging others; rough treatment; competitive; football; prizefighting; toughness.   The noon charts for both the contestants are provided by Astro-Databank [1][2]. From these we have the following directed solar arc progressions:   For Musk:   Directed solar arc Toro [6li] square radix Sun [6cn]   Zuckerberg’s radix Toro [19le] is square his radix Mars [ 19sc]   Mars/Toro: -it's as though people feel tha...

The arrest of Imran Khan

      Ex-Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has called for nationwide protests after he was handed a three-year jail sentence over corruption allegations. Mr Khan was found guilty of not declaring money earned from selling gifts he received in office. He denies the charges and says he will appeal. After the verdict, Mr Khan was taken into custody from his home in Lahore. Aug. 5     All would be reformers or redeemers can take a lesson from Christ’s words when he was led away to be crucified by Roman soldiers after his betrayal by Judas.     My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?   The penalty for forsaking God includes being forsaken by God, Jesus had to be forsaken by His Heavenly Father in order to pay the full consequences of the sins of his people.   The people of Pakistan have “sinned” by not rising up against a corrupt and tryrannical government that seeks to disqualify Imran and pr...