Zelensky is believing his own BS, and the press loves him because of the Neocon propaganda. To refuse a cease-fire, claiming you need a security deal first, was not just BS, but it was based on the fact that the EU claims they are behind him, and he thought the press was so negative about Trump that he would win before the cameras
The computer forecast the failure of this meeting. The problem is that the EU needs war with Russia because their economy is collapsing from COVID, Climate Change NET ZERO, and then sanctions on Russia. The EU is very anti-Trump. They have spent months demonizing him, reporting that there is no way he would be elected. Every issue of the Economist is nothing but hatred of Trump. The European press has set the tone and encouraged the split with the United States. They have also demonized Putin so much that it is now impossible for the EU to shake hands with Putin.
Zelensky’s arrogance and delusion was stunning (here is the astrology [1]) but understandable given that a number of western leaders in the European Union have been rallying even more support for him. Does Zelensky and his support base actually believe they can just ignore Trump and Putin and continue with their game? What are Zelenskyy’s alternatives without much U.S. help - wait for a return of the Democrats to the White House in four years? Hope for a rearmed Europe? Pray for a Democratic House. Or swallow his pride, return to the White House, sign the rare-earth minerals deal, invite in the Euros (are they seriously willing to patrol a DMZ?).
Europe is of course to blame for making him feel so unique and irreplaceable and no doubt this will just make Trump more determined than ever (see the astro [2]) that a quick fix to Ukraine will simply come in pushing for early presidential elections.
Trump will now put the EU in its place and show the whole world how ineffective Europe is when it wants to play at being a superpower but doesn’t want to pick up the tab.
In previous posts I have outlined the astrology behind the coming demise of the EU.
[3] Ursula Von Der Leyen Panics As Globalist Stranglehold On Europe Breaks
[4] Full Moon Chaos Precursor To New Order
[5] Why EU - the US vassals are panicking
To these posts I will simply add two charts that show the intense pressure the EU is facing right now. The first is the EU lunar return for March and the second is the progressed solar return for March 2, the date of the Starmer meeting with the EU leaders. Both have the distinctive Pluto-Vulcanus opposition aligned with the angles. The second, in addition, carries a Mars-Pluto opposition which is essentially a power struggle.
Pluto-Vulcanus: to see the incredible power of resentment and buried emotions; to be willing to do whatever it takes to gain the upper hand or dominate others; to have interactions that might be described as “a psychological contest of strength”
[1] https://x.com/star_guide/status/1896022777620312323
[2] https://x.com/star_guide/status/1896025788992143426
[3] https://javed22.blogspot.com/2025/02/ursula-von-der-leyen-panics-as.html
[4] https://javed22.blogspot.com/2025/02/full-moon-chaos-precursor-to-new-order.html
[5] https://javed22.blogspot.com/2025/01/why-eu-us-vassals-are-panicking.html
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