ROME/MILAN, Aug 30 (Reuters) - Italian energy group Eni said on Sunday it had discovered the largest known gas field in the Mediterranean off the Egyptian coast, predicting the find could help meet Egypt's gas needs for decades to come. The Italian major said in a statement the offshore "Zohr" field could hold 30 trillion cubic feet of gas, covering an area of about 100 square kilometres (60 square miles). We are now in the shadow of the total lunar eclipse of September 28. A chart for the eclipse at Rome has the Jupiter-Neptune opposition on the horizon axis that was activated by yesterday’s Full Moon. In mundane astrology, Neptune rules “natural gas”[1] while a keyword for Jupiter is “large”. In addition, Neptune is conjunct the star Gamma (γ) Aquarius, Sadalachbia. Sadachbia, Gamma Aquarius, is the lucky star of hidden things and hiding places. Sadachbia is a part ...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore