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Showing posts from March, 2017

Atlanta fire: Highway collapses after blaze

Portrait of Hermes-Mercury, Greco-Roman fresco from Pompeii A huge fire broke out on an elevated highway in the US city of Atlanta on Thursday evening, causing a large section of it to collapse. Flames leapt several storeys high above the Interstate 85 highway before the collapse at 19:30 local time (23:30 GMT), reports said. Residents said they thought the sun had set early or a storm had arrived because of the thick black smoke. March 31 On Thursday, March 30, Jupiter-Pluto completed an exact square . A chart for the mundane event drawn for Atlanta has Mercury-Uranus-Jupiter-Pluto T-square aligned  with the meridian. Mercury and Uranus on the MC are conjunct stars of Cepheus which are considered fiery by nature. Mercury (Hermes)  was the god of roads and travel[1] so that a road on fire is expected with this combination. [1]

Ancient chariot and two horse skeletons discovered

Roman charioteer (Auriga) driving a two-horse chariot An Iron Age chariot and two horse skeletons have been unearthed at a Yorkshire building site. The 2,500-year-old remains have been dubbed by experts as 'highly unusual'. The find is the first of its kind in the last 200 years and one of only 26 ever excavated in the UK.  It has been described as a find of 'international significance'. The peculiar remains were found at a new housing development in Pocklington, East Yorkshire, which has forced planners to hold off on their builds. Archaeologists working on the site say that the remains may link to a strange human burial ritual.  March 30 The chart for the solar eclipse of February 26 at Pocklington, East Yorkshire, is shown here. Notice that it is conjunct Neptune  and  is anchored by hard aspects to the...

Lightning bolt kills prophetess in Ghana

Paul Gustave Dore - Jesus Preaching “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” ― Gospel of Thomas A prophetess, Ewura Esi Amanda, has been struck and killed by lightning at Assin Fosu in the Central Region. Amanda, who is the spiritual leader of the International Christian Bible Church, was struck dead at her house on Sunday, according to a report by the Daily Guide.  The report quoted an eyewitness, Blessing Kwame Mensah, as saying that the incident happened at about 8:30 pm.  According to Mensah, the prophetess, who stayed at Assin Foso Mempasem behind Stroman Preparatory School, did not go to church that fateful Sunday (March 26). He said around 8pm it started raining heavily and the prophetess, who operates a mini mart at her house, was packing her wares into the shop when the lightning struck. March 29

UK triggers Brexit

Britain has officially launched the Brexit process, triggering Article 50 and starting a two-year countdown before the country drops out of the European Union. The historic moment came as a letter signed by Prime Minister Theresa May was delivered to the Brussels office of European Council President Donald Tusk, notifying him of the UK’s intention to leave. In a previous post [1], I have explained how the last solar eclipse of February 26 is linked to the Brexit process. Readers are urged to go through this post to better understand what follows. The 8 th house placement of the eclipse shows a need to accept the loss of elements of life that are no longer fruitful or have served their purpose. Traditional astrology relates the eighth house to crisis, divorce and anguish of mind partly related to financial obligations stemming from separations from partners. Progressing the eclipse chart to March 29, brings the progressed descendant to a c...

Investment banker commits suicide in NY

A 56-year-old partner at Paulson & Co., who was best known for losing billions of his clients' money to Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme when he ran the Fairfield Greenwich fund of funds, leaped to his death from the luxury Sofitel hotel in midtown Manhattan. Charles W. Murphy was wearing a dark business suit when he plunged to his death from the 24th floor of the 45 W. 44th St. building at around 4:42pm on Monday. In the last post, we used the sidereal Capricorn ingress chart to explain  the Westinghouse bankruptcy. The same chart applies here and we can see its progression to March 27 at NY brings the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T to the angles. Much the same story.  But here let us go a step further and examine the chart for the New Moon of March 27 also . Notice that the New Moon is conjunct Venus in the 5 th house (stock market speculation) [1] is th...

Westinghouse Files For Bankruptcy

International news services now report that Japan’s Toshiba Corporation (9502.T) is preparing to make a chapter 11 bankruptcy filing for its Westinghouse Electric subsidiary as soon as today. For most of our readers this news evokes little surprise. This is merely another chapter of a slow moving financial and accounting train wreck involving nuclear design and construction firm Westinghouse and its troubled Japanese parent, Toshiba. But like an old, leaky garbage scow there is much to clean up in its wake.Westinghouse Electric Company LLC is a US based nuclear power company founded in 1999 offering nuclear products and services to utilities internationally, including nuclear fuel, service and maintenance Uranus is associated with electricity, invention or innovation while Pluto is power hidden in the depths of the atom so that the combination is linked to nuclear power. ...

Singapore couple jailed for starving Philippine maid

A Singaporean couple have been jailed for starving their domestic worker from the Philippines, in a case that has shocked the city-state. The woman lost 20kg (44 lbs) - about 40% of her body weight - while working for them, and was given only bread and instant noodles to eat. Her employers received jail sentences of three weeks and three months.Many Singaporeans hire live-in helpers from neighbouring countries, and abuse cases are not uncommon  March 27 It has long been the custom in mundane astrology to consider maps drawn for the time of the entry of the Sun into the cardinal signs: Aries,Cancer,Libra and Capricorn. Of these, the Aries Ingress was by tradition considered the most important and possibly to be thought of as “the map of the year”. Led by Carter astrologers have begun to consider the Capricorn as the prime ingress and eventually arrived at the conclusion that the Capricorn Sidereal Ingress was of primary impor...

Brick Laying Robot SAM Makes Masons Obsolete

In the latest installment of our "Dear Bernie" series, posts intended to inform the Vermont Senator about the unintended, negative consequences of minimum wage hikes, we present SAM (Semi-Automated Mason), a brick laying robot designed and engineered by Construction Robotics out of New York.  While SAM can do the work of 6 unionized masons each day, he never requires a break, benefits or a paycheck.   March 28 Of all cardinal ingress charts, the Capricorn Ingress of the Sun is regarded as the master chart of the year. Presented here is the current  sidereal Capricorn Ingress chart for New York. Notice that the Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square straddles the meridian and is therefore significant for the place. Sun and Pluto placed in the 6 th house form the apex of the T. The 6 th house in mundane astrology rules laborers and the working class e.g. the masons here. ...

Thousands Of Americans Are Fleeing The Big Cities

Jacob Lawrence: The 'Epic Drama' Of The Great Migration Why are so many people suddenly moving away from major U.S. cities?  Recently, I wrote about the mass exodus that is happening out of the state of California, but the truth is that what is happening there is just part of a national phenomenon.  The populations of some of our largest cities are steadily shrinking, and many experts are completely mystified by the seismic demographic shifts that we are now witnessing.  Of course there are a whole host of reasons why people would want to move away from huge cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and Cleveland.  For some families, it simply comes down to wanting a better life for their children.  But as you will see below, there are others that believe that things in this country are about to take an apocalyptic turn, and the big cities will not be a place that you want to be when economic collapse, rioting, looting, civil unrest and crime are all ...

Astro-meteorology of 'Monster' storm Debbie

Mercury flying through clouds A cyclone carrying winds of up to 263km/h (163 mph) has battered popular holiday islands as it moves towards the coast of Queensland, Australia. More than 25,000 people were urged to evacuate ahead of Cyclone Debbie, a category four storm now predicted to reach the mainland about 14:00 local time (04:00 GMT) on Tuesday. About 23,000 homes have already lost power, and there are reports of damage. Authorities said it would be the area's worst storm since Cyclone Yasi in 2011. Australia's Bureau of Meteorology said the storm's "very destructive core" had already reached the Whitsunday Islands.  March 28 Readers would be aware that in the last few days Mercury has been  triggering the t-square between Jupiter/Uranus and Pluto.  Richard Tarnas links Uranus-Pluto with “the unleashing of the elemental forces of nature”. Also recall that the planet Mercury rules th...

Solar eclipse and the 'largest undeveloped' oil find in UK waters

An oil exploration firm has made what it has described as the "largest undeveloped discovery" of oil in UK waters. Hurricane Energy said one billion barrels of recoverable oil could be contained within the Greater Lancaster Area, 60 miles (97km) west of Shetland. The company hopes to begin production in 2019.  March 27 The chart for the solar eclipse of February 26 at Shetland is shown here. Notice that it is conjunct Neptune (oil) and  is anchored by hard aspects to the  Jupiter-Uranus (lucky break) opposition on the meridian axis.  Also Neptune [10pi]  is conjunct zeta Aquarii [9pi]. This was a star in the Arabic lunar mansion Al Sa'd al Ahbiyah , “The Lucky Star of Hidden Things or Hiding Places”.  Now if we progress the eclipse chart to March 27, the date of the news, the progressed descendant conjoins the eclipse triggering the configuration ...

Mercury activates Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square

US President Donald Trump has withdrawn his healthcare bill after it failed to gain enough support to pass in Congress. House Speaker Paul Ryan said he and Mr Trump agreed to pull the vote, after it became apparent it would not get the minimum of 215 Republican votes needed.  March 24 Yesterday, Republican Devin Nunez Nunes held an explosive press conference outside the White House in which he told reporters that communications from the Trump team were picked up and disseminated within the government during the 2016 campaign.  Not surprisingly, the comments ruffled some liberal feathers and the mainstream media launched an immediate smear campaign calling for Nunes to resign his post immediately. Now, according to Fox News sources, congressional investigators expect that a potential “smoking gun” from the NSA establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and possibly the president-elect h...

Astrology of the Ukraine munitions blast

Some 20,000 people are being evacuated after a series of explosions at a massive arms depot in eastern Ukraine described by officials as sabotage. The base in Balakliya, near Kharkiv, is around 100km (60 miles) from fighting against Russian-backed separatists. The dump is used to store thousands of tonnes of ammunition including missiles and artillery weapons. March 23 Of all cardinal ingress charts, the Capricorn Ingress of the Sun is regarded as the master chart of the year. Presented here is the current Capricorn Ingress chart for Balakliya, Ukraine. With the Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter-Zeus T-square straddling the meridian, the chart is warning about the danger of an explosion (Uranus-Pluto) connected with firearms or ammunition (TNP Zeus). The question then is, “when is that likely to occur?” And the answer is simply “when the progressed angles make contact once again with the T-square”.  If we now...

Hillary Clinton – a modern day Machiavelli

It’s hard to imagine Niccolò Machiavelli, Florence’s chancellor at the end of the 1400s, sneaking like a fugitive into a den of vice. Clad in simple clothes and holding a candlestick, he would descend into the underground wine cellar of his Chianti farmhouse, make his way through a secret underground passageway, and pop out in a corner of a raucous tavern to drink wine, mingle with peasants and wayfarers, and play cards with the butcher and innkeeper. March 24, 2017 Machiavelli's name is associated with treachery even today with his statement, "The end justifies the means." In Machiavelli’s [1]  horoscope a prominent Saturn-Neptune opposition aligned with the meridian is the defining aspect. The opposition is part of a Grand Cross with the nodal axis. Neptune is a planet we link to secrecy, deceit and treachery while Saturn is associated with political leaders so that Machi...

NSA To Provide Trump Wiretapping Proof

Yesterday, Republican Devin Nunez Nunes held an explosive press conference outside the White House in which he told reporters that communications from the Trump team were picked up and disseminated within the government during the 2016 campaign.  Not surprisingly, the comments ruffled some liberal feathers and the mainstream media launched an immediate smear campaign calling for Nunes to resign his post immediately. Now, according to Fox News sources, congressional investigators expect that a potential “smoking gun” from the NSA establishing that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and possibly the president-elect himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee as early as tomorrow. In mundane astrology various phenomena such as eclipses, lunations, great conjunctions, stations and ingresses are analyzed to understand ...

An Astro-analysis of Israel's raid on Syria

The Russians have now formally confirmed earlier media reports that following the Israeli air raid on Syria on Friday  (March 17) the Israeli ambassador in Moscow was called in to the Russian Foreign Ministry to be handed a stern lecture and a stiff protest.  The first report of the incident was provided by the official Syrian news agency SANA, whose report reads as follows:  According to a statement by the Command, the four Israeli aircrafts violated the Syrian airspace in al-Breij area through the Lebanese territories at 2:40 am. The Israeli warplanes targeted a military site near Palmyra in the eastern countryside of Homs, said the Army's Command, confirming that the Syria air defense forces confronted the enemy's aircrafts and shot down one of them inside the occupied territories, hit another and forced the other two to withdraw. Cardinal ingresses of the Sun ...

Solar Eclipse and the London terror attack

A police officer and a woman have been killed near Parliament in central London in what Scotland Yard are treating as a terrorist incident. The woman was among several pedestrians struck by a car on Westminster bridge, before it crashed into railings. An officer was stabbed in the Houses of Parliament by an attacker, who was shot by police. March 22; A chart for the recent solar eclipse of  26 February  at London has the Jupiter-Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-square straddling the meridian.  At the core of this T is the long term Uranus-Pluto square, the defining aspect of the decade. Uranus is the planet of mental awakening through shock. Its very nature is disruptive aiming to arouse us from our sleeping state. As an urge in our psyches, Uranus has little respect for the status quo, and none whatsoever for existing power hierarchies. This is the planet of revolution—anarchy as a temporary way of challenging or breaking down har...

Music can be used to hack electronic devices

New research has found that a number of electronic devices – including smartphones, laptops and tablets – could be susceptible to being hacked whenever the user listens to music. Findings recently published by computer security scientists from the University of Michigan and University of South Carolina has shed light on the alarming possibility, which could even affect the in-built hardware found in a modern car. March 14 A chart for the recent solar eclipse of  26 February  at Ann Arbor, MI has the now familiar Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto T-square straddling the meridian. At the core of the T-square is still the Uranus-Pluto square. The essence of Uranus in Aries square to Pluto in Capricorn is the vexing question: Who decides what is permissible in society? Do individuals have the freedom to their privacy  or do collective agencies  have the power to invade that pri...

Ryancare Is A ‘Bailout For The Insurance Industry’

The number one thing in Obamacare that Republicans are supposed to be opposed to is the individual mandate. Requiring people to buy insurance and fining them if they don’t was a massive power grab by government. Repealing Obamacare was supposed to eliminate that power, but Paul Ryan’s Obamacare-lite bill – now referred to as Ryancare – doesn’t exactly repeal the individual mandate outright. Instead, Ryancare forces individuals to pay a 30% increase directly to the insurance companies if their coverage lapses. Rand Paul is diametrically opposed to this corporate welfare and has labeled the new individual mandate as a bailout for the insurance industry. Is Paul Ryan willingly or unwillingly part of a setup to bailout the insurance industry? From his horoscope [1] it would appear so. His current most important solar arc direction is “Progressed Sun opposite radix Pluto”.  Pluto is in Virgo – a sign connected with healthcare. Natal Pluto [2...

Science set to reveal the mysteries of turbulence

A team of researchers led by The University of Manchester is on the brink of revealing some of the mysteries of turbulence – a force of nature that has chaotic influence on land, sea and air. Millions of air or sea passengers have experienced the anxiety-inducing effects of turbulence – but it still remains poorly understood by scientists. But a breakthrough experiment could help change this. The pioneering study is to be conducted by a team led by Professor Andrei Golov from Manchester’s School of Physics and Astronomy, with Emeritus Professor Joe Vinen, from the University of Birmingham, plus Dr Paul Walmsley and Emeritus Professor Tom Mullin from Manchester.  March 20 The New Moon of the current lunar cycle was a solar eclipse in Pisces and was placed in the mundane 8 th house at Manchester. The 8 th house signifies the loss of elements of life that are no longer fru...

Former IRA leader Martin McGuinness dies

Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness, Northern Ireland's former deputy first minister, has died aged 66. It is understood he had been suffering from a rare heart condition. The former IRA leader turned peacemaker worked at the heart of the power-sharing government following the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. He became deputy first minister in 2007, standing alongside Democratic Unionist Party leaders Ian Paisley, Peter Robinson and Arlene Foster.  March 21 McGuinness died in Derry, Northern Ireland. A chart for the March 26 solar eclipse at Derry is shown here.  A solar eclipse in the 8 th house is often connected with the death of a prominent person. The eclipse makes hard aspects to the Mars-Uranus-Jupiter-Pluto T-square that straddles the meridian.  Mars-Uranus in Aries  symbolizes a  revolutionary hell bent on  changing the status-quo radically. Pluto is endings-and -beginnings, or de...