King Cepheus Princess Andromeda Secret Superstar is a 2017 Indian musical drama film, written and directed by Advait Chandan and produced by Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao. The film features Zaira Wasim, Meher Vij, Raj Arjun and Aamir Khan in lead roles, and tells the story of a child who aspires to be a singer. The story of Secret Superstar is set in the town of Vadodara (Baroda) in Gujarat, India. The people living there are the core part of this living-the-dream story of a high school girl Insia (Zaira Wasim). Insia lives with her mother Najma (Meher Vij), younger brother Guddu, and an overbearing father. Her father is completely against her dream of one day becoming a singer. The story is centred around how the young Insia manages to sneak off to Mumbai to fulfil her dreams and meets a once successful singer Shakti Kumar (Aamir Khan) while she tries to rescue her mother and brother from the violence at home. ...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore