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Showing posts from January, 2023

US admits defeat in Ukraine

  An exhausted and defeated soldier The RAND Corporation, a highly influential elite national security think tank funded directly by the Pentagon, has published a landmark report stating that prolonging the proxy war is actively harming the US and its allies and warning Washington that it should avoid “a protracted conflict” in Ukraine....The US ending its financial, humanitarian and particularly military support promptly would cause Ukraine to completely collapse, and RAND cites several reasons why doing so would be sensible, not least because a Ukrainian victory is regarded as both “improbable” and “unlikely.”..What this proposal ignores is that Western leaders have consistently proven they cannot be trusted to respect or adhere to treaties they have signed and brokered with Russia, such as the Minsk Accords, which former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has admitted were never intended to be implemented, but rather to buy time for Kiev. It may be the case then that Moscow won’t b...

Microsoft Services Outages at New Moon “Wobble”

    Numerous Microsoft services are experiencing problems early on Wednesday, with thousands of people complaining about the issues on social media.     Most readers are familiar with tropical astrology which is based upon the seasonal cycle of the Northern Hemisphere. Few in the west are familiar with sidereal astrology which maintains the alignment between signs and constellations via corrective systems known as ayanamsas to allow for the observed precession of the equinoxes.   The entry of planets into a new constellation is a momentous event in sidereal astrology. On Jan. 24, Saturn entered sidereal Aquarius - a mundane event completely missed out by the followers of tropical astrology.   A chart for Saturn’s ingress into sidereal Aquarius drawn for Redmond, Washington, where Microsoft is headquartered is shown here. As always planets on the angles are the ones to focus on. Here we notice Mercury (computers, software, co...

Food and Fuel crises in the EU

  Ceres - the Goddess of grain   The worldwide food and fuel crises saw a spike in protests in countries across Europe in 2022, research by the American University has found.   The English astrologer C.E.O. Carter maintained that in mundane astrology, the chart of the nation or any politically incoporated body must remain dominant. This is the doctrine of Subsumption: horoscopes fall into a hierarchial order, each with less field as one descends, but yet itself being the dominant horoscope of others yet lower down the scale. So for example the horoscope of a nation is higher up in the hierarchial order compared to mundane charts of ingresses, eclipses, planetary conjunctions etc.   Presented here is the chart of the European Union. As always in mundane astrology, the first house (Ascendant) and the Moon represent the public or inhabitants in general. Directions to these significators can help understand the condition of the masses. Current...

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern resigns

   New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced her sudden resignation, emphasizing she no longer has “enough in the tank” to continue in the post.     The horoscopes of nations are a store house of information. The mundane horoscope of New Zealand is based on the coming into effect of the Constitution Act on 17 January 1853, at 00:00 hrs [1]. Notice the Sun-Mars conjunction on the IC square Pluto forming a T-square with the meridian. The upper meridian (the 10 th house cusp) rules the nation’s leader - the Prime Minister.   Progressions and transits to a nation’s chart can faithfully reflect the changes that occur. The table below gives the current solar arc progressions of Saturn.   DYNAMIC REPORT   New Zealand - Natal Chart 17 Jan 1853 NS, 00:00, LMT -11:39:08 Wellington New Zealand, 41°S18', 174°E47'   Selection: Solar Arc Dirns   P1 (H)     Asp    P2 (H)  ...

Kindness is the Best Cure for Depression

  Six of Pentacles The study, which was conducted by Ohio State student David Cregg and professor of psychology Jennifer Cheavens of the same institution, found that performing acts of kindness could improve one’s anxiety or depression in a way which varies from other therapeutic techniques.   The cosmic clock ticking, as planets pursue their motion and form celestial patterns, provides a flavor, a meaning, or a message for each passing moment in time. Among these transits, the Mars synod on Dec.7 at when the Sun reaches an opposition to retrograding Mars is regarded by, astrologers as as a momentous event which colors the period around it.   The study mentioned in the news was published on 12 th Dec. 2022 just five days after the Mars synod. A chart for the synod drawn for the co-ordinates of Ohio State University has the Sun-Moon-Mars-Jupiter-Neptune T-square aligned with the angles.   As with many challenging planetary pairings, Mars a...

Mars station: US flights grounded after software glitch

  A software glitch in the US Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) system, which is used to send essential information to aircraft, has prompted the regulator to halt all further domestic departures in the US.     Many events can be explained by what astrologers call the station point. This term refers to the period when a planet slows down and stands relatively still before changing directions, and either starts going backward ("retrograde") or forward ("direct").   On October 30, 2022, Mars turned retrograde. After about two and a half months of retrograde motion it now prepares to go direct on January 12, 2023, at 8 degrees Gemini 08′. In the US Sibly this is the position of radix Uranus on the descendant at the midpoint of the TNPs Kronos/Hades. In  Uranian astrology this can be written as:   Asc = Uranus = Kronos/Hades   Among other things Kronos rules flights and aircrafts wh...

Full Moon and the Brazil riots

  Thousands of protesters have ransacked Brazil's Congress, presidential palace, and Supreme Court in Brasília. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was on an official state trip to Sao Paulo and Congress was on recess, leaving government buildings largely empty. Supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro refuse to accept that he lost October's election and have been calling for military intervention and the resignation of Lula.   National horoscopes are a treasure house of information. As in the chart of an individual, predictive tools such as progressions and transits can be applied to national charts to identify periods when radix elements are activated and manifest as events. Reproduced here is the national chart of modern Brazil as provided by Astrodienst [1].   The most important current progression in this chart is: “Solar arc progressed Sun [17sc] square radix Moon [17le]”.   In mundane astrolog...

Dog attack at Sirius Full Moon

  A 7-year-old girl has died from injuries suffered from a dog attack according to the East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office. EBRSO states that they were contacted by emergency officials and the St. George Fire Department in regards to a dog attacking a small child in the 25000 block of Kendalwood Road around 6:35 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 6. The girl was transported to a local hospital where she later passed away from her injuries.     The phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. A New Moon or Full Moon can act as a local “step down transformer” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that it aspects. While the lunation affects the entire world, it is most strongly felt in those places where it aligns with the angles (horizon or meridian).  The Full Moon of Jan. 6 fell which was conjunct the star Siri...

Social media may alter brains of children

  Habitually checking social media as a young teenager is linked to hypersensitivity to peer feedback and may potentially lead to permanent changes in the brain’s reward and motivation centers, neuroscientists at the University of North Carolina suggested in a study published on Tuesday (Jan.3) in JAMA Pediatrics.   In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. Of these the Capricorn ingress chart is of special importance and is often referred to as an annual or world chart. But as always places where significant planets or planetary combinations align with the angles serve as focal points for events that exemplify the message of the ingress chart.   The chart for the Capricorn ingress drawn for Chapel Hill, the location...

Mental health issues keep UK youth inactive

  Mental health issues are keeping Britain’s younger population out of work at record levels, at a time when the country struggles with a worsening economic crisis, Bloomberg reports, citing official data. According to data compiled by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the country’s young working age people are suffering from long-term health issues that are keeping them out of work at increasingly alarming rates.           National horoscopes are a treasure house of information. As in the in chart of an individual, predictive tools such as progressions and transits can be applied to national charts to identify periods when radix elements are activated and manifest as events. The mundane horoscope of the UK with only the elements relevant to our discussion is shown here. The 6 th house in a mundane chart rules “the working class” [1]. With Pisces on the cusp of the 6 th it is ruled by N...