It looks like a fireball has been travelling through the sky. Not so: this is actually a cloud that was captured earlier this week (Jan.24) by photographer and weather blogger Rogerio Pacheco on the Portuguese island of Madeira. He published it on his blog and described the cloud as "the hand of God". A chart for the Full Moon of Jan.25 drawn for Madeira is shown here. The luminaries are placed on the meridian axis and form a T-square with Mars and TNP Poseidon on the Ascendant. Martha Wescott links TNP Poseidon[1] to religion and spiritual influences and therefore by extension to God. Let us remember that the colour associated with Mars is “fiery red”. Completing the jigsaw puzzle is beta (β) Cassiopeia, Caph [5ta] of the middle eastern “Tinted Hand” on the descendant of the chart [2]. [1] [2] Secre...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore