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Showing posts from July, 2016

Lovers Forced To Part Years Ago Finally Find Their Happily Ever After

"If it is meant to be, it will be," is something that you will often find as an over-abused meme on your feed, often with pictures of people looking away, pondering deeply while gazing into the sea or staring at stars. However, a Mumbai couple actually illustrates that in some love stories, fate has a bigger role than you perhaps give it credit for and to employ yet another cliche -- if you're meant to be with someone, the entire universe will conspire to make it happen. It's the story of a Hindu man and a Muslim woman, whose chance at love and life was taken away due to religious prejudice, but even getting married to different people couldn't keep them apart, and many years and three children later, the duo still managed to find a way into each other's hearts. July 27. The  news comes to us just as Uranus stations retrograde. A chart for the mundane event drawn for Bombay carries a Grand Cross aligned with the horizon axi...

Hot air balloon crash near Lockhart

The Texas Department of Public Safety has confirmed 16 people are dead after a hot air balloon crash near Lockhart early Saturday morning. The accident occurred shortly after 7:40 a.m on the 700 block of Jolly Road. July 30 The accident took place just after Mercury and Mars formed an exact square on Friday July 29 at 3:48 pm. Just a few minutes later at 4:06 pm Uranus stationed retrograde. The map for the Mercury-Mars square -  a combination associated with travel accidents – has the planets very significantly straddling the horizon axis. The other notable combination is a Grand Cross straddling the MC. Here Saturn [9sa] is conjunct the star Antares. Antares which was Sin, the heart of ancient China’s huge sky-Dragon, was also called Ta-Ho, the Great Fire [1].   On the MC [10vi55]  are the stars Al Suhail (11vi23) of the Celestial Ship Argo...

Norway Considers Giving Finland A Mountain As A Present

The asterism shows an upside down mountain top. The mountain is seen right-side up in the Southern Hemisphere around midnight in mid-July. Thinking of giving a little summit to your neighbor for a 100th birthday present? What about a mountain? Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg said this week her government was considering a proposal to move the country's border 40 meters (about 130 feet) -- gifting Finland a mountain for its 100 years of independence in 2017. A chart for the Full Moon of the current lunar cycle drawn for Oslo, Norway is shown here. It is significant for the place since it aligns with the meridian axis and makes hard aspects to the Jupiter-Neptune opposition. Astrologically, Jupiter, the planet of abundance and generosity, rules philanthropy. When combined with empathetic Neptune the urge to give to others is so magnified that at times it ...

IMF’s calamitous misjudgments brought to light

The International Monetary Fund’s top staff misled their own board, made a series of calamitous misjudgments in Greece, became euphoric cheerleaders for the euro project, ignored warning signs of impending crisis, and collectively failed to grasp an elemental concept of currency theory.  This is the lacerating verdict of the IMF’s top watchdog on the fund’s tangled political role in the eurozone debt crisis, the most damaging episode in the history of the Bretton Woods institutions. The report by the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) goes above the head of the managing director, Christine Lagarde. It answers solely to the board of executive directors, and those from Asia and Latin America are clearly incensed at the way European Union insiders used the fund to rescue their own rich currency union and banking system. July 29 This news is best...

Putin, Erdogan Mend Ties

Centaur kills Lupus before sacrificing on Altar Turkey and Russia will seek to speed up the repair of frayed relations when Recep Tayyip Erdogan meets Vladimir Putin for talks in St. Petersburg next month in the wake of the failed military coup against the Turkish president.  Russia “isn’t just our close and friendly neighbor, but also a strategic partner,” Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek, who announced the Aug. 9 visit, said at talks in Moscow with his Russian counterpart Arkady Dvorkovich on Tuesday. “Today, we are here to normalize the situation and our relations as soon as possible and at an accelerated pace since they were disrupted on November 24,” he said, referring to the downing of a Russian warplane by Turkish fighter jets near the Syrian border. Astrologers have discovered a remarkable correspondence between the cosmos and the huma...

The Loneliest Young Star

Alone on the cosmic road, far from any known celestial object, a young, independent star is going through a tremendous growth spurt. The unusual object, called CX330, was first detected as a source of X-ray light in 2009 by NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory while it was surveying the bulge in the central region of the Milky Way. Further observations indicated that this object was emitting optical light as well. With only these clues, scientists had no idea what this object was. But when Chris Britt, postdoctoral researcher at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, and colleagues were examining infrared images of the same area taken with NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), they realized this object has a lot of warm dust around it, which must have been heated by an outburst. Comparing WISE data from 2010 with Spitzer Space Telescope data from 2007, researchers determined that CX330 is likely a young star that had been outbursting for several years. In fact, in...

Palestinians to sue Britain over 1917 Balfour act

Palestinian officials have said they are planning to sue Britain over the 1917 Balfour Declaration that laid out a vision for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Palestinian FM Riad Malki said the document led to mass Jewish immigration to British Mandate Palestine "at the expense of our Palestinian people". Mr Malki said the lawsuit would be filed in an international court. The Balfour Declaration was a letter dated 2 November 1917 from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland promising His Majesty's government support for the formation of the nation of Israel.   The news about the lawsuit to be filed by the Palestinian Authority takes places in the shadow of the upcoming Mars-Saturn conjunction. At Ramallah, the capital o...

Japan knife attack: 19 killed at care centre

Nineteen residents have been killed in a knife attack at a care centre for people with mental disabilities in the Japanese city of Sagamihara. Such attacks are extremely rare in Japan - the incident is the worst mass killing in decades. Police have arrested a local man, said to be a former employee of the centre, who went to a nearby police station and allegedly admitted to the attack. He reportedly said he wanted people with disabilities to "disappear". The attack has shocked Japan, one of the safest countries in the world. We will attempt to understand the news using two approaches (a) from the mundane chart of Japan [1] (b) from the chart of the Last Quarter Moon of July 27. Presented here is the precession corrected current solar return chart for Japan. Note the T-square of TNP Zeus, Uranus and Pluto straddling the angles. On the Ascendant with the TNP Zeus are stars of Bootes, the armed herdsman, sometimes dep...

A dangerous nuclear crisis looms

Astounding increases in the danger of nuclear weapons have paralleled provocative foreign policy decisions that needlessly incite tensions between Washington and Moscow. “Today, the danger of some sort of a nuclear catastrophe is greater than it was during the Cold War,” warns William Perry, “and most people are blissfully unaware of this danger.” July 23 The Western pubic doesn’t know it, but Washington and its European vassals are convincing Russia that they are preparing to attack. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has expressed his frustration with Washington’s reliance on force and coercion instead of diplomacy. It is reckless for Washington to convince Russia that diplomacy is a dead end without promise. When the Russians reach that conclusion, force will confront force [1]. Indeed astrologically speaking we may have reached a nuclear flashpoint. On August 24, Mars and Saturn will conjo...

The Indonesian Genocide of 1965-66

A non-binding international tribunal at The Hague has ruled that Australia, the UK and the United States were complicit in 1965 mass killings and human rights atrocities in Indonesia. During that period, some 500,000 to one million people died in one of the bloodiest massacres of the 20th century. What began as a purge of communists after a failed coup attempt, went on to encompass ethnic Chinese and alleged leftists, which led to the massacre being referred to as "politicide." July 21 The Indonesian killings of 1965–1966 (sometimes referred to as the Indonesian Massacres, Indonesian Genocide, or Indonesian Politicide) were large-scale killings which occurred in Indonesia over many months, targeting communists, ethnic Chinese and alleged leftists, often at the instigation of the armed forces and government. Initially it began as an anti-communist purge fol...

US Navy's newest $12.9bn supercarrier doesn't work

The U.S. Navy’s newest aircraft carrier isn’t ready for warfare. The $12.9 billion USS Gerald R. Ford -- the most expensive warship ever built -- may struggle to launch and recover aircraft, mount a defense and move munitions, according to the Pentagon’s top weapons tester. On-board systems for those tasks have poor or unknown reliability issues, according to a June 28 memo obtained by Bloomberg News. July 20. A chart for the current New Moon of July 4 drawn for Washington DC will help explain this fiasco. Notice that the New Moon which forms a T-square with Pluto and the TNP Zeus (the military) [2] straddles the meridian.  The New Moon [13cn] is conjunct the star Canopus, alpha Argo Navis – the Celestial Ship. It is opposite Pluto [16cp] which in turn is conjunct the stars of the Archer and the Eagle. These figures combine to pr...

How Japan came to believe in depression

Depression was not widely recognised in Japan until the late 1990s. July 20 So how do we explain this new realization about depression in Japan? As most readers are aware, eclipses carry  specific messages which are felt most acutely in those places where the angles aspect important planetary configurations. Most astrologers recognize that eclipses become active at least 3 months prior to their actual occurrence.  Shown here is a chart for the upcoming September 1 solar eclipse, drawn for Kyushu, Japan from where the story was filed on July 20 when the transit Sun (27cn) formed hard aspects to Saturn and Neptune.  Notice that the eclipse luminaries with Saturn-Neptune form a T-square that straddles the meridian. That Saturn-Neptune squares are linked to depression is well known as the following extract from the article Averting the Great Depression – The Saturn/Neptune square 2015-16  [1] exp...

Why the Turkish coup failed

The failed coup attempt against Erdogan provoked a flurry of excited polemics in the alternative informational space, leading to the emergence of two competing hypotheses. The author already published his own analysis on how this was actually a sloppy, last-ditch move by the US to frantically offset the game-changing geopolitical consequences of the surprise Russian-Turkish detente, but the other main theory that's going around is that this was all a false flag attempt by Erdogan to seize more power. Presented here is Turkey’s national chart. A simple analysis will show why the coup was a sloppy event with little or no chance of success. In mundane astrology, the 6 th house represents the armed forces [1]. Here Jupiter, the ruler of the 6 th , is square Neptune in the radix. Currently "the hour hand", solar arc Neptune is conj...

Sirius New Moon and the Hyde Park violence

A police officer was stabbed when a "spontaneous water fight" on the hottest day of the year so far turned violent, the Met has said. Bottles and other items were thrown at officers in London's Hyde Park after the "increasingly large crowd became hostile to police" at about 20:40 BST. Another officer was hit with a bottle, Scotland Yard said, while two members of the public suffered stab wounds. 20 July To understand the astrology behind the news, let us go back to the chart for the current New Moon at London. Notice that the New Moon [12cn53] is significantly placed in the 10 th house as part of an angular T-square. The elements of the T-square are delineated by Martha Wescott as below: Kronos-Hades : to see incidents where laws or authoritative action “just make things worse”; to  note disgust with laws or authority figures who enforce them. Pluto-Zeus : to recognize psycholog...

Will Turkey-US rift destroy alliance?

A standoff between the United States and Turkey, two largest NATO powers, over extradition of Pennsylvania-based Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen to his homeland, could shake to the ground the military alliance, experts suggest. Despite the United States denying all allegations of being involved in the Turkish coup, the Gulen issue keeps the relations between Washington and Ankara extremely tense. The US has expressed displeasure regarding the Turkish allegations of an American hand in the failed coup. Indeed, Turkish allegation has no precedent in NATO’s 67-year old history – of one member plotting regime change in another member country through violent means. Clearly, US and Turkey are on a collision course. It would be interesting to see whether we can spot this trouble in the charts of the two countries. The US Sibly Sun [13cn19] is conjunct Turkey’s radix Pluto [12cn20] on the As...

Coup in Turkey

Hours after an attempted military coup against the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, dawn is breaking in Turkey. While Mehmet Simsek, the Deputy Prime Minister, tells CNN the military coup has failed and that "the government is still in control", reports of explosions and gunfire are still coming in from Istanbul. 42 people, including police officer, have reportedly been killed in Ankara. It is unclear who is really in control of Istanbul and Ankara at this point in time. July 16 The attempted coup in Turkey comes at the Gibbous Moon of July 16. A chart for the Moon phase at Ankara has the Sun on the Ascendant and both the luminaries in hard aspect to Saturn-Uranus (which are themselves in a sesquisquare aspect). Saturn-Uranus is a combination we associate with revolution (Uranus) against the government or ruling authority (Saturn). Incidentally the Gibbous Moon and Saturn ar...

Massacre in Nice

A lorry has ploughed through a crowd during Bastille Day celebrations in the southern French city of Nice.  At least 84 people are dead, including many children, the interior ministry says. In his July forecast, Richard Nolle wrote: July continues two major themes from June: an intensified Mars Max, and an unrelenting Saturn-Neptune square. In that sense, this month is cut from the same cloth as last: full of murder and mayhem, “fires, crashes, clashes and explosions” (the Mars Max component), and socio-political-economic disintegration and deception (the Saturn-Neptune square). Into the mix there are some geophysical shock windows, harbingers of storms solar, seismic and atmospheric. Time being of the essence – the last several weeks have been very busy here – here’s the nub of it. Mars remains within a degree of its June 29 direct station all the way into mid-July, with an emphatic kicker tacked on by the Moon-M...

Understanding Boris Johnson

Yvette Cooper, the former Labour Cabinet minister, has suggested that Boris Johnson has been sent to the Foreign Office so that Theresa May will have “someone to blame” if the Brexit negotiations hit the rocks. That is one explanation for the new Prime Minister’s decision to hand this sensitive job to such an unsafe choice. Of Johnson’s many indiscretions, the worst arguably, was deliberate and gratuitous. When The Spectator ran a competition inviting readers to write poems insulting Turkey’s President Recip Erdogan, the then Mayor of London could not resist submitting a contribution which included a made up word beginning with ‘w’ that rhymed with the Turkish capital, Ankara. And official reaction from the USA was restrained, considering that Johnson has in the past described Barack Obama as ‘half Kenyan’, Hillary Clinton as having “a steely blue stare, like a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital”, Donald Trump of showing “stupifying ignorance", and George W. ...

Moscow Hit by Epic Thunderstorm, Hurricane Winds

Im-dugud-khu , “The Great Storm Bird” An enormous thunderstorm struck Moscow Wednesday night, with heavy rain and flooding. The storm began shortly before midnight. Russia's Emergencies Ministry issued a thunderstorm warning, reporting wind gusts of up to 80 miles per hour. Dozens of flights were suspended at city airports, including 15 at Sheremetyevo International Airport. July 14 The incident occurred just a day after the Moon completed its First Quarter phase. A chart for the Moon phase at Moscow forming a skewed Grand Cross with Uranus-Pluto and TNP Zeus aligned with the horizon axis. Uranus-Pluto is linked with the “sudden release of elemental forces”. Here the TNP Zeus is conjunct stars of Corvus. These stars were part of an archaic Chaldean lunar mansion whose patron god was Im-dugud-khu , “The Great Storm Bird” or “Storm Bird of the Evil Wind”  and China’s...