A search is under way for the founder and owner of popular Indian chain Cafe Coffee Day, who has gone missing in the southern city of Mangalore, police say. VG Siddhartha had been in his car on the outskirts of Mangalore when he asked his driver to stop his car at a spot close to the Netravati river. July 30 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-49160816 V. G. Siddhartha went missing after a letter from him addressing to the board of directors and staff was made public in which he announces the company has not been able to create a profitable business model and he took the responsibility for it. The company was being investigated for tax evasion. A simple astrological explanation can be found in the chart for the current solar eclipse drawn for Mangalore. Notice that the eclipse falls very significantly on the IC. It is conjunct the TNPs Kronos-Hades and opposite Saturn-Pluto on the MC. Martha Wescott provides the following interpretation...
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