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Showing posts from July, 2021

Dr. Robert Koch and the COVID-19 hoax

  Note the Golden Chalice close to the lying Raven and Antilia Pneumatica , the hot air pump Robert Koch was a German physician and the founder of modern bacteriology, known for his role in identifying the specific causative agents of tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax and for giving experimental support for the concept of infectious disease. In addition to his innovative studies on these diseases, Koch created and improved laboratory technologies and techniques in the field of microbiology, and made key discoveries in public health. Based on his work, the standard for identifying a virus has become known as the   Koch Postulates.   The horoscope of Dr. Koch as provided by Astro-Databank [1] is reproduced here.   Notice that his natal Sun [18sa] is conjunct the star Ras Alhague, alpha Ophiuchus – the constellation of the healer or medicine man.   Next our attention is drawn to the radix Saturn [23cp] square Pluto [21ar] since the Jan 2020 Saturn-Pluto conjunct...

CDC says vaccinated people may transmit virus

  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended Tuesday (July 27)  that fully vaccinated people wear masks indoors in areas with high transmission as COVID-19 cases continue to rise and vaccination rates wane. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said new data shows the delta variant, which accounts for more than 80% of the new infections in the U.S., behaves "uniquely differently'' from its predecessors and could make vaccinated people infectious.     The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC or U.S. CDC) is the national public health agency of the United States. It is a United States federal agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.  Presented here is the chart for the current New Moon drawn for Atlanta, Georgia. Notice that New Moon is placed very significantly on the horizon opposite Pluto with the luminaries in the 6 th house linked to disea...

North & South Korea reopen communication hotline

  The two Koreas said they have agreed to reopen a cross-border communications channel shuttered more than a year ago, with Pyongyang hailing the move as a “big step” toward rebuilding bilateral ties. The decision was first announced by South Korea’s presidential Blue House early on Tuesday morning and quickly confirmed through the North’s state-run media outlet, KCNA.  “The South and the North agreed to restore the communication line between the South and the North that had been cut off,” the president’s office said in a statement, noting the channel was restored at 10am local time while predicting it would have a “positive effect” for the two countries.   In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the   four cardinal signs/ constellations, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. On July 17 the Sun entered sidereal Cancer. A map for the ing...

Hermit crabs drowning in plastic

    More than half a million hermit crabs in the Indian and Pacific Oceans are dying because they mistake plastic waste for a home, according to a study published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials. Australian and British researchers found that around 508,000 hermit crabs have died taking shelter inside plastic waste on Cocos (Keeling) Island, an Australian territory in the Indian Ocean. The researchers noted that the island was “drowning” in around 414 million pieces of plastic. 23 July   The Cocos (Keeling) Islands   (Coordinates: 12°07′03″S 96°53′42″E) is an Australian external territory in the Indian Ocean, comprising a small archipelago approximately midway between Australia and Sri Lanka and relatively close to the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Shown here is the chart for the Cancer ingress of the Sun on June 21 drawn for the coordinates of Cocos Islands.   The table below g...

WHO withdraws flawed Covid-19 PCR test

  Golden Fleece - Jason and the Argonauts The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020 as a means to detecting the   SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of   a Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital, Berlin), supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (For Further details see the Drosten Study) Exactly one year later on January 20th, 2021, the WHO retracts. They don’t say “We Made a Mistake”. The retraction is carefully formulated. (See original WHO document here as well as in Annex) To understand an event better, astrologers often begin by identifying the saros series   of the solar eclipse just prior to the event.   Each seemingly isolated eclipse belongs to a larger pattern, each eclipse is a member of a family and each family has particular characteristics. By back-tracking along the trail of eclipses within a...

Fierce clashes in Paris against vax mandates

  PARIS, July 21 (Reuters) - Hundreds of people protested in Paris on Wednesday against the introduction of a health pass for some activities and against compulsory vaccinations for health workers as the government seeks to curb a fourth wave of COVID-19 infections in France. The horoscope of France is provided by Astro-Databank [1].  Shown here is the current solar return chart progressed to July 21, the date of the news. Notice that the  Mars-Saturn-Pluto  square aligns with the horizon and therefore the violent energy contained in it is thereby triggered.   Saturn represents social structures and institutions   as well as the restraining control of traditional authority to maintain the status quo. Saturn is—the “order” side of law-and-order.   By contrast, Pluto, in its positive expression, represents total transformation, the urge for complete change that bubbles away in the collective and wells up from time to time in the...

Chariklo Full Moon: Return of emotional integrity

  Today’s Full Moon [1aq] is conjunct the centaur Chariklo [1aq]. Before delving into the astrology of the Full Moon, readers may like to acquaint themselves with the mythology of Chiron and Chariklo as explained by Kelly Hunter [1].   She joined Chiron in his life and knew that she had found another wisdom, the wisdom of love, finding in her heart’s desire how to reshape herself into whatever best served true love.   The following extract from Philip Sedgwick’s Soul of the Sky delineates the function of the astrological centaur Chariklo.   Long before the naming of Chariklo, I dubbed this centaur the ruler of boundaries. With a Libran perihelion   on the soul mate motivated Super Galactic Center black hole added to an early Aquarian node, she contains an almost cruel need for balance of personal autonomy within interaction. How can one sustain individuality as required by Aquarius, within the framework of an intimate, interpersonal soul-mated relationshi...

Dam Collapses in China

  A dam near the city of Zhengzhou in central China's Henan province has been destroyed by heavy flooding, after being seriously damaged in heavy storms that killed several people and brought the region to a halt, local media reported. July 20; In a previous post [1], I wrote: The New Moon and the transiting Sun in the last few days are moving through the Chinese asterism Pe-Ho, the Northern River and Nan-Ho, the Southern River.These are also conjunct a tiny star just above Nan-Ho in Canis Minor that was part of the asterism Choui-Wei, the Situation of the Waters, which governed the overflowing of rivers. The Chinese astrologers   said that if this asterism was clear and tranquil, it was a good omen, but if it faded or seemed to drift and combine with the Milky Way, the rivers of the empire would overflow and flood the land. Presented here is the chart for the First Quarter Moon drawn for Zhengzhou with the Sun amid the stars of Nan Ho. Notice the...

Pegasus: Spyware sold to governments 'targets activists'

  Bootes protecting the Virgin Rights activists, journalists and lawyers around the world have been targeted with phone malware sold to authoritarian governments by an Israeli surveillance firm, media reports say. Pegasus is spyware that can be covertly installed on mobile phones .   It was developed by the Israeli cyberarms firm NSO Group. Ironically, the   spyware is named after the mythical winged horse Pegasus which lifted Andromeda   above and beyond the reach of Cetus, the sea-monster symbolic of the controlling and devouring power of government and bureaucracy in general. To understand why the   Israeli company NSO, based in Tel Aviv,   is being exposed now, we take a look at the chart for the First Quarter Moon. Notice the Sun-Moon-Pluto T-square aligned with the angles.   Remember that Pluto is in Capricorn and that the Capricorn archetype is primarily linked to governments and those in power. T...

The revival of post-war Afghanistan

  The Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting of Foreign Ministers on Wednesday in Dushanbe, the Tajik capital, may have been an under-the-radar affair, but it did reveal the contours of the big picture ahead when it comes to Afghanistan. Eclipses synchronise with major shifts in consciousness and can act as  seed for future change . While eclipses are worldwide in scope, their influence is felt more strongly in places where they align with the angles. The total lunar eclipse of  May 26  was conjunct  stars of Ophiuchus, the healer, the restorer, determined to reform and renew. At Dushanbe, Tajikistan , the eclipse is in hard aspect to the Mars-Zeus-Pluto T-square that is aligned with the angles. Key phrase for:   Mars-Zeus: war Pluto: repair In addition the eclipse is square Jupiter [1pi] which is conjunct the star Fomalhaut –in the mouth of the Fish receiving wat...

Astrology of the shooting at National Parks Stadium

  Shots were fired outside the Nationals Park baseball stadium in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, injuring at least four people and causing some people in the audience to flee, officials and witnesses say. The game will resume on Sunday. It happened just after 9:30 p.m. when gunfire was heard in the bottom of the 6th inning between the Washington Nationals and the San Diego Padres. Police said the shots were fired outside the stadium, near the Third Base Gate. In yesterday’s blog I posted the chart for the First Quarter Moon of July 17 at Washington DC. With the Sun – Moon –Pluto forming a T-square aligned with the horizon, the potential for violence is obvious.  But more details emerge if we examine the chart in hindsight. First, with Scorpio on the cusp of the 5 th house, Pluto is its ruler. The 5 th house  rules “all public places of enjoyment and recreation, parks etc.”[1] . Next look a...

First Quarter Moon activates Sibly Pluto

  The First Quarter (FQ) Moon of July 17 makes a T-square with the Sibly Pluto which is currently undergoing a Pluto return.     Pluto acts to cleanse and purge the contents of our deepest unconscious. The shadow of our beliefs and attitudes erupts into external manifestation in the life. With Pluto in Capricorn, government and business are the primary arenas of raw power. The whole complex structure of our political and economic systems are where the Pluto Return takes aim. The “volcanic eruptions” (speaking metaphorically) of America’s Pluto Return will, to one degree or another, destroy that. The rumblings are already underway. A restart is coming, and it’s likely to be deeper and more vast than we currently foresee. Bill Herbst   The  FQ Moon is conjunct the stars Spica, alpha Virgo and Arcturus, alpha Bootes (24li).  Boötes, is of pure intent, is the Virgin's consort and protector. He stands directly over this creative process exemplified by the ...

Astrology of the Germany floods

  At least 42 people have died in western Germany and many more are missing following severe floods, police say. The worst of the flooding has been in the states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, where buildings and cars have been washed away. July 15 The cardinal ingresses  of the Sun are the primary mundane maps used in Astro-Meteorology.  Here is the chart for Sun’s entry into Cancer drawn for Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate. As always alignments with the angles are the ones to pay attention to. Here we notice Jupiter in Pisces conjunct the star Fomalhaut in the constellation Pisces Australis – the Southern Fish : The Southern Fish is a separate constellation to Pisces, lying much further to the South, though in ancient legend it is often referred to as the parent of the zodiacal pair.   The area in which it lies has an heavy emphasis upon constellations with watery imagery, the goat-fish (Capricorn...

Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro faces impeachment

  Late last month, several parties filed a petition to impeach Jair Bolsonaro, who is accused of committing 23 crimes, with the most recent accusation made in connection with the purchase of the Covaxin vaccine against COVID-19 and allegations of misconduct related to it.   Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has reportedly been rushed to hospital, CNN Brazil reported on Wednesday. Reuters, in turn, cited an unnamed source as saying that the president was hospitalised earlier in the day at an army hospital in the capital Brasilia. July 14   The horoscope of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro as provided by Astro-Databank [1] is reproduced here. The Uranus [23cn] square Neptune [27li] straddles the Ascendant [23cn] with Pluto transiting opposite.   The entire configuration has been activated by the transit of Sun [22cn] today over the Ascendant as the Moon moves towards its First Quarter phase which aligns perfectly with Pluto and the horizo...

Astrology of the South Africa riots

  The 2021 South African unrest is a series of ongoing riots and protests in the South African provinces of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng that began in Kwazulu-Natal on the evening of Friday, 9 July 2021. The unrest then spread to Gauteng on the evening of 11 July 2021.The riots began as a protest following the arrest and detainment of former South African president Jacob Zuma, who was arrested after declining to testify at the Zondo Commission, a state-backed inquiry probing allegations of corruption during his term as president from 2009 to 2018. The mundane horoscope of South  Africa [1] is presented here. Of particular interest is the current transit of Pluto over the Uranus-Neptune  conjunction that is square the MC. In a national chart, the MC rules the leaders of the nation. A hard aspect from Neptune  especially in Capricorn can point to scams and the unreliability and corruption of leaders. Among other thin...

Richard Branson rockets to the edge of space

  UK businessman Sir Richard Branson is on his way to fulfilling a lifetime's ambition: flying to the edge of space. His Virgin Galactic rocket plane has taken off for a 1.5-hour mission which will see it reach an altitude where the sky turns black and the Earth's horizon curves away into the distance. The entrepreneur says he wants to evaluate the experience before allowing paying customers aboard next year. The mission above New Mexico began shortly after 08:30 EST (15:30 BST). In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the   four cardinal signs i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events   Presented here is the chart for the Sun’s entry into Cancer on June 21 drawn for New Mexico. Mark the Saturn-Uranus-TNP Apollon T-square aligned significantly with the meridian. When tradition and security oriented Saturn and rebel and ...