London has proposed giving Kiev even more weapons and security guarantees just short of membership in the US-led military bloc, in order to encourage negotiations with Moscow, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday. Paris and Berlin reportedly support the initiative and have already advised President Vladimir Zelensky to talk, though he has refused. The panic in the combined West is palpable as it tries to put an end to a war that it knows it will lose. In a recent post [1] we have looked at Zelensky’s horoscope to better understand the Ukraine war. Here we look at the Five of Swords - the Minor Arcana Tarot Card assigned to his radix Sun which incidentally will be squared by the transiting Nodes in March. This card referred to as the Lord of Defeat is thought of as totally negative. Insecurity can increase the need to prove oneself. By adopting an acerbic and uncompromising at...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore