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Showing posts from March, 2019

Full Moon and the US Midwest floods

Aquarius - the Water Pourer At least 1 million acres (405,000 hectares) of U.S. farmland were flooded after the "bomb cyclone" storm left wide swaths of nine major grain producing states under water this month, satellite data analyzed by Gro Intelligence for Reuters showed. Farms from the Dakotas to Missouri and beyond have been under water for a week or more, possibly impeding planting and damaging soil. The floods, which came just weeks before planting season starts in the Midwest, will likely reduce corn, wheat and soy production this year. Iowa, the top U.S. corn and No. 2 soy producing state, had the most water, covering 474,271 acres, followed by Missouri with 203,188 acres, according to Gro Intelligence. That was in line with estimates given to Reuters this week by government officials in Iowa and Missouri. Among the several tools   Astro-Meteorology uses for predicting the   weather are   lunation charts (i.e...

Brexit: What to expect

MPs have rejected Theresa May’s EU withdrawal agreement on the day the UK was due to leave the EU. The government lost by 344 votes to 286, a margin of 58, and means the UK has missed an EU deadline to delay Brexit to 22 May and leave with a deal.  Mrs May now has until 12 April to seek a longer extension to the negotiation process to avoid a no-deal Brexit on that date.   Mar. 29 In his second book, The Changing Sky , Steven Forrest presented a model for sorting through the many possible planetary configurations that present themselves in a transits and progressions reading. This system, termed "The Four Nets," is applied to the jungle of astrological symbolism, each net catching creatures in descending orders of size. In the First Net, we see all the astrological biggies—major transits and directions   to and from   the Sun, Moon and Ascendant for example . By the time we get to the Third or Fourth Nets, we are l...

Astrology of Pakistan’s Oil Find

Neptune – god of seas and ocean Pakistan may soon hit the oil jackpot, and that will be good news for not only the country itself but all of South Asia as well as China and Gulf nations. The modern state of Pakistan was established on 14 August 1947, 9:30am, Karachi, gaining independence from the British together with India. A chart based on this data has proved to be a very reliable indicator of events in Pakistan [1]. Presented here is the solar return chart (precession corrected) relocated to Islambad, Pakistan’s current capital. Neptune [15pi] is on the IC (4 th house cusp). And it is well known that it   has rulership over oil as well as the ocean [2] and in addition is placed on the 4 th house cusp about which Deborah Houlding writes: This house also rules hidden treasure and the treasures of the earth, such as mines and minerals, gems, oil, wells and water supplies. Look a...

Algeria Ruling President May Step Down

Auriga - the Charioteer Algeria is now a month in to mass "Arab Spring"-style protests, which have brought a record number of people into the streets demanding the removal of ailing 82-year old president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, and now it appears the military is prepared to act against the two-decade long ruler who has rarely been seen in public since suffering a stroke in 2013. March 27 The horoscope of Algeria based on the proclamation of its independence July 3, 1962, 10:38 am CET, Algiers, Algeria,[1].   Based on this data, shown here is the precession corrected solar return progressed to March 27, the date of the news. Notice that the progressed MC is conjunct the Sun – Hades – Kronos combination opposite Saturn. Saturn-Hades: to be aware of severe sickness or debilitation of long duration. Saturn-Kronos: events through the patriarch, elder statesman or aging leader. On the Ascendant is the asteroid Atropos (endi...

Nunes Readies Criminal Referrals

Tantalus punished in Underworld And now Sperry is reporting that Nunes is preparing criminal referrals: "House Intel has evidence Clinton operatives & hi-level FBI & DOJ officials started Trump-Russia investigation in "late 2015/early 2016" &that House GOP will be making criminal referrals to AG" From an astrological viewpoint, the period "late 2015/early 2016"   is very interesting. The first of three squares between Saturn [7sa] and Neptune [7pi] took place on November 26, 2015. A chart for the exact square drawn for Washington, DC   has the square straddling the horizon – implying that its energies would influence this place very significantly. A   square between Saturn and Neptune is   about knowing the difference between fact and fiction. For some time, it may appear that   Neptune, the pla...

The horoscope of Rachel Maddow

The horoscope of Rachel Maddow as provided by Astro-Databank [1] is reproduced here. Her current solar arc progressed Ascendant [13vi] is conjunct natal TNP Zeus [12vi] which forms one leg of a T-square with Mercury [16pi] and Saturn [15ge]. The current New Moon of March 6 fell conjunct transit Neptune and Vesta both of which also conjoined Rachel’s Mercury.   Incidentally, Nick Fioenza’s   blogpost [2] for the March New Moon is very appropriately titled Dissolving Illusions - Clarifying Visions. Mercury (trickster) is the god of quick thinking, magic, illusion, communication, and also the divine manipulator. Mercury is considered the protector of thieves and businessmen; the light-footed Hermes is skilled in storytelling and games. On the negative side, he can be crafty, calculating and false. About Mercury-Saturn, Liz Greene writes: The curious expression of the chronic and uncontrollable liar is also one of the less attractive facets of Mercury-Satu...

Astrology of the Israel election

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could face more corruption charges after new details of his role in the so-called submarine affair emerged. The submarine affair – often known as Case 3000 – refers to a series of allegations against close associates of Netanyahu, who it is claimed lobbied Israeli defence officials to sign a deal with German firm ThyssenKrupp. The associates are also believed to have “skimmed” the deal, keeping huge sums of the multi-billion-shekel deals for themselves. In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun have a traditional reputation as important mundane event. Of these the Capricorn Ingress chart is considered by many astrologers to be the most important and often referred to as the Annual Chart.   The chart for the   Capricorn Ingress at Tel Aviv is shown here.   As always configurations aligned...

Mueller report at Full Moon

The New Moon represents the seed idea for the lunar month that follows.   You can think of the Sun implanting an idea into the Moon but just as the New Moon is not visible so also the “seed idea” remains hidden. The idea then gradually unfolds or manifests through the various phases of the Moon reaching the stage of full visibility at the Full Moon. The   current New Moon took place on March 6. It was conjunct Neptune and Vesta and the star Achernar. The title of Nick Fiorenza’s New Moon blogpost [1] is   Dissolving Illusions – Clarifying Visions. Neptune is of inspiration, ideals, dreams and visions. However it can leave one lost in a dream world, unable to see if ideas and visions have any real substance or viability, which can leave one living in illusion, self-deception, confusion, or behind a veil or mask. Thus the issue of discernment arises as well. Vesta is the asteroid of mental clarity. It brings attention to that which is of true i...

The message of the Equinox Full Moon

The deputy speaker of Germany's Bundestag has called for U.S. Ambassador Richard Grenell to be sent home after he criticized Germany over its planned NATO spending. Kubicki said it is intolerable that "the U.S. ambassador would once again interfere in political questions of the sovereign Federal Republic." "If a U.S. diplomat acts like a high commissioner of an occupying power, he will have to learn that our tolerance has its limits," Kubicki said.   March 19 The news from Germany can serve as an excellent example of the Equinox Full Moon’s message. At Berlin, the Full Moon is significantly placed square the horizon axis.   The Moon is in Libra , the sign of relationships and partnerships of any kind. Sun in Aries, on the other side, is all about the Self. The Sun is at 0° Aries and is conjunct Chiron, at 1° Aries. The Aries-Libra axis is about balancing your needs with those of others. Chiron in Aries is...

Alarming increase in US child mental illness

The number of young people visiting US emergency rooms with psychiatric problems is rising, driven largely by a surge in teens and minority youth seeking urgent help for mental illnesses, a new study suggests. Between 2011 and 2015, there was a 28 percent increase in psychiatric emergency department (ED) visits among young people ages 6 to 24, the study found. March 18 A national chart can reveal surprising detail when we add asteroids to our study. The tables below give a list of asteroids that aspect the radix Sun in the US Sibly. 140 Siwa 10 cn 40' 7" Sun 13 cn 19'20" 16 Psyche 14 cn 51'29" 4580 Child 10 pi 24'41" Rx 1027 Aesculapia 16 pi 12'14" In the period 2011-2015, Pluto was transiting opposite the Sibly...