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Showing posts from November, 2019

London attack and the New Moon

A stabbing attack on London Bridge is being treated by police as "terror-related", the Met has said. The police said they were called to a stabbing just before 14:00. A number of people were stabbed and one man has been shot by police, the force said. Nov.29 Charts for the phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. This is especially so at places where they make hard aspects to the horizon or meridian. Moon phases act as   local “step down transformers” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that they aspect. The incident on London Bridge has taken place just three days after the New Moon of Nov.26. A chart for the New Moon at London is shown here. Notice the New Moon makes hard aspects to the Pluto-Saturn-Zeus square straddling the meridian. This is a combination linked to fires and explosions [1] as well as incidents involving guns and general tension. ...

Explosion in Texas plant at New Moon

A huge explosion early Wednesday has injured three people at a Texas chemical plant, and the strength of the blast shattered windows and damaged doors of nearby homes, startling sleeping residents. After dark smoke billowed for hours from the plant after the 1 a.m. blast, another large explosion ripped through the plant in the early afternoon, sending up a huge ball of fire. Nov. 27 Charts for the phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. This is especially so at places where they make hard aspects to the horizon or meridian. Moon phases act as   local “step down transformers” for powerful energies generated by far away stars and planets that they aspect. The explosion at the Texas plant has taken place just a day after the New Moon of Nov.26. A chart for the New Moon at Port Neches,Texas where the plant is located is shown here. Notice the New Moon makes hard aspects to the Pluto-Saturn-Zeus square straddli...

US Sibly and the December Full Moon

Former Vice President Joe Biden lashed out at Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for launching an investigation into whether Biden abused his office when he had Ukraine's top prosecutor fired while he was looking into Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian gas company paying Hunter Biden to sit on its board. Nov.23 Astrological progressions are one of the main means used in Horoscopic astrology to forecast future trends and developments (the other means is transits, which are simply the ongoing movements of the planets across the sky). As its name implies, astrological progression involves a method of progressing the Horoscope forward from the moment of the birth or beginning of the subject into the future. There are several methods of progression. One such method involves moving all planets by 2.5 degrees per year. As always the progression of the Sun is the m...

US Sibly and the Horowitz report

  Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told Fox News Wednesday that Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz's report on allegations of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant abuse during the 2016 election will be released on Dec. 9. The cosmic clock ticking, as planets   pursue their motion and form celestial patterns, provides a flavor, a meaning, or a message for each passing minute. Astrologers track and interpret these passing transits using several methods. One such method is the solar return chart. A Solar Return chart is an astrology chart calculated for the moment when the Sun returns to its exact natal position. It is a powerful technique for examining the themes and issues that will arise during the solar year - the year that runs from birthday to birthday. The return chart can be made for an individual or even...

OPCW Accused of Evidence-Tampering

Claims that President Bashar al-Assad’s forces have used chemical weapons are almost as old as the Syrian civil war itself. They have produced strong reactions, and none more so than in the case of the alleged attack in April last year on the opposition-controlled area of Douma near Damascus in which 43 people are said to have been killed by chlorine gas. The United States, Britain and France responded by launching airstrikes on targets in the Syrian capital. Were the strikes justified? An inspector from the eight-member team sent to Douma has just come forward with disturbing allegations about the international watchdog, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which was tasked with obtaining and examining evidence.   15 Nov. 2019; According to reports the chemical attack took place on 7 April 2018, at 4:30 pm UTC [1]. A chart for this data drawn for Douma is shown here. As always planetary combinations on the angles are the ...

The US “Shadow-self”

In order for society to function properly, we need to be able to assume that most people are going to behave rationally. And when I was growing up, it was generally safe to make that assumption. But now things have completely changed. No matter how hard one may try, there is simply no avoiding the hordes of crazy people that seem to be taking over our society. First coined by Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung, the shadow represents the repressed aspects of the personality that are rejected by the ego. According to Jung, “The shadow personifies everything that the subject refuses to acknowledge about himself.” It is a blind spot over behavior, sneaking up unexpectedly and sometimes leading us astray. The shadow dwells nebulously below the surface of our inner existence, influencing our actions and coloring our experiences. It is the stuff that fuels nightmares...

Eclipse ends Evo Morales’ term as President

Evo Morales was and remain’s Bolivia’s first indigenous president since elected in December 2005, taking office in January 2006. In October, he was reelected for the third time, defeating challengers Carlos Mesa and Chi Hyun Chung, his popular support topping theirs combined. His victory margin over lead challenger Mesa exceeded 10% to avoid a runoff. James Petras earlier explained that no president in Bolivian history “secured consecutive electoral victories (now four), and ruled democratically for such an extended period of time…with political stability” as Morales. Eclipses tend to bring about endings and new beginnings. The influence of an eclipse is strongly felt if it aligns with the horizon or meridian. A chart for the July 16, 2019 lunar eclipse at Sucre, Bolivia has it aligned with the horizon and opposite Saturn-Pluto. Mars’ square to the ongoing Saturn-Pluto conjunction is the big...

India refuses to join the RCEP

India officially refused to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) following several days of heated negotiations on the issue during the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit in Bangkok (Nov.4). Prime Minister Narendra Modi is reported to have said, "The present form of the RCEP Agreement does not fully reflect the basic spirit and the agreed guiding principles of RCEP." Among the greatest errors made by modern practitioners of astrology is the use of transits to explain events. This is somewhat like looking at the second hand of a clock instead of the hour hand to tell the time. In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun can be likened to the hour hand of the celestial clock. Of these the Capricorn   Ingress chart (Capsolar) is considered by many astrologers to be the most important and often referred to as the Annual Chart. A mundane horoscope, such as an ingress chart, becomes very signif...

Pluto in Capricorn unsettles the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church has initiated an investigation after two nuns returned to Italy pregnant after completing a missionary trip in Africa. According to Italian outlet ANSA, the two unidentified nuns - who are from Africa and had taken vows of chastity - belong to different holy orders in Sicily, one in Ragusa and the other in Militello. In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun have a traditional reputation as important events. Of these the Capricorn   Ingress chart is considered by many astrologers to be the most important and often referred to as the Annual Chart. A mundane horoscope, such as an ingress chart, becomes very significant for a place when planets or planetary combinations occupy the horizon or meridian axes. Presented here is the current sidereal Capricorn Ingress chart for Rome, Italy. Notice the alignment of a powerful Grand Cross with the meridian.   Here the Sun-Pluto-S.Node in Capricorn is conjunct ...

The Final Solution

Over 11,000 experts from around the world have banded together to call for solutions to the 'climate emergency,' including population control - which "must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually reduced—within a framework that ensures social integrity." Nov.6 In mundane astrology, the cardinal ingresses of the Sun (entry into the   four cardinal signs, i.e. 00 deg of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn ) have a traditional reputation as important mundane events. On Sept. 22, the Sun entered Libra, so that we are now in the Libra quarter. A chart for the Libra ingress (autumn equinox) drawn for Corvallis, Oregon State University where the authors of the research are located is shown here. Notice the powerful T-square aligned very significantly with the horizon. Mars’ square to the ongoing Saturn-Pluto conjunction is the big news.   Mars is the planet of war and when it faces off with Pluto, the planet of power, and Saturn, the ...

North Node activates July 2 solar eclipse

Eclipses occur several times a year, and there seems to be nothing special about them. But in fact total eclipses of the Sun and the Moon cause a lot of important events – both in the world and in the lives of ordinary people. We feel the influence of eclipses on us the strongest when they occur close to our birthdays or aspect a particular point in our birth chart – an axis or a planet. The tighter the orb of the aspect, the more substantive events an eclipse brings. An eclipse is most powerful when it falls within 1° of our personal planets or axes. In such cases we feel that something decisive is going to happen in our lives, and that we’ll begin a new stage (related to the things that the axis or planet represents) in our lives. Eclipses can be activated when planets move over them. The North Node (Rahu) is  currently moving over the degree [10cn] of the July 2 solar eclipse bringing it back to life. Readers with birthdays around July 2 or with major planetary pla...

Solar eclipse affects Delhi air quality

India's top court has accused state governments of "passing the buck" on air pollution and failing to take action to tackle Delhi's toxic smog. Levels of dangerous particles in the air - known as PM2.5 - are at well over ten times safe limits in the capital. City authorities have responded by launching a car rationing system. Cars are not believed to be the main cause of Delhi's toxic air, with experts pointing instead to crop burning by farmers in neighbouring states to clear fields. Experts say emissions from vehicles are just one of several factors that have turned the city into - in Mr Kejriwal's words - a "gas chamber". The cosmic clock ticking, as planets pursue their motion and form celestial patterns, provides a flavor, a meaning, or a message for each passing minute or for a whole epoch. Of all these transits, astrologers regard a solar eclipse as a momentous event which colo...

Denmark changes its mind at Mercury retrograde

This week, Denmark granted Gazprom approval for its Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, a project that is set to bring 55 billion cubic meters of Russian gas into Europe annually. It is one of the most controversial pipeline projects in the world and is now moving ahead despite strong opposition from multiple EU members and the United States. Nov.3 Denmark gave permission on Oct.30 for a natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany to pass through waters in its exclusive economic zone, meaning that the project, Nord Stream 2, can be completed despite sharp criticism from the United States, Ukraine and Poland. The approval comes just as Mercury turns retrograde and close to the New Moon of Oct.31. About the New Moon and Mercury retrograde, Nick Fiorenza writes: The New Moon Uranus alignment emphasizes our need to unlock our acquired limitations to create progressive change ...