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Showing posts from October, 2024

Kamala In Fox Interview Meltdown

    Kamala Harris appeared in a Fox News interview with Bret Baier Wednesday night, where she alternated between deflection, blame, and then had a complete meltdown when shown a clip of Donald Trump.     Astrology cannot predict the future [1]. But an analysis of the horoscope of Kamala’s chart can  indicate the challenges she faces. The most important current directions in the chart of Kamala Harris are:   Directed Saturn conj. Moon [27ar39];opp Sun [27li48] (separating).   Robert Hand describes this energy as below:   Saturn Opposition Sun   This may be a very discouraging time.. and you may feel quite incapable of dealing with the adversities that often accompany this transit. These adversities may come from a number of sources. First of all, other people may oppose your plans in several areas. This is not usually a good time for successfully attaining your goals. You may feel physica

Trump defends tariffs

  The Sheepfold by Anton Mauve   Former President Donald Trump sat down with Bloomberg Editor-In-Chief John Micklethwait for an interview in partnership with the Economic Club of Chicago - where he knocked several tough questions out of the park, while starting - and ending, with a standing ovation. Trump slammed Micklethwait to his face over tariffs - saying "It must be hard for you to spend 25 years talking about tariffs as being negative and then have somebody explain to you that you're wrong." To which the crowd erupted in applause.   The Trump interview with Bloomberg took place at the first anniversary of the Oct. 14, 2023 solar eclipse in Libra. Since the eclipse at Chicago has the a powerful T-square comprising the eclipse - nodal axis - Pluto aligned very significantly with the meridian it is delivering a special message at that place.   With the South node

The matrix is collapsing as pedophile blackmail becomes mainstream

  The Abduction of Ganymede, by Eustache Le Sueur Sometimes hundreds and even thousands of years of history unfold in a matter of weeks. Think of the sacking of Rome or the first unification of China. We are in such a moment now. The entire Western control matrix is collapsing and we are headed for some sort of climax.  The biggest sign of this in the past week has been the awakening of the majority of the Western population to elite pedophile blackmail and weather warfare. The people in the truth movement have known about this for a long time. However, we have been in a bubble and preaching to the choir for most of this time. The vast majority of the people remained clueless. What is different now is people who don’t pay attention to the news and only read gossip columns are becoming aware en masse. More importantly, the military and intelligence community are now finally taking action as a result.

Israel Army Chief Halevi Killed

  Herzi Halevi Israel Army Chief Halevi Killed   In a previous post [1] on Netanyahu’s chart, I wrote:   I would like to begin with a very important Pluto transit square to his radix Sun [27li] that has been active for sometime now and will reach a kind of crescendo in October when Pluto stations direct at [29cp] triggering the T-square Sun-Admetus-Hades-Jupiter-Pholus.   Next we look at the horoscope of the Total Solar Eclipse of April 8 at Tel Aviv placed in the 6 th house. In mundane astrology, the 6 th house rules “the armed forces” [2]. The eclipse is opposite the TNP Zeus  (the military) and square the TNP Kronos (head; chief) [3] so together we are looking at a military chief - a commander-in-chief!   About the eclipse, Gray Crawford writes:   Total eclipses return us to primordial Chaos and Creation. In spite of all our technological trappings of modern civilization, total eclipses continue to force techniques of control

First Ever Communication Between People in Dreams

  REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Researchers at REMspace, a California-based startup, have achieved a historic milestone, demonstrating that lucid dreams could unlock new dimensions of communication and humanity’s potential. Using specially designed equipment, two individuals successfully induced lucid dreams and exchanged a simple message. Oct 8     Humanity is entering a stage where a powerful configuration involving harmonious aspects between the three outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto is building up to release its transformative energy over the next few years. Uranus and Pluto will form a trine with Neptune in the middle sextile both ends. As we wait for these outer energies to percolate into human consciousness, we can get a preview of what is to come when important mundane events highlight them. For example here is the current

Isles of regularity in three-body problem

  Love Triangle - A 3 body problem When three massive objects meet in space, they influence each other through gravity in ways that evolve unpredictably. In a word: Chaos. That is the conventional understanding. Now, a researcher from the University of Copenhagen has discovered that such encounters often avoid chaos and instead follow regular patterns, where one of the objects is quickly expelled from the system. "But our millions of simulations demonstrate that there are gaps in this chaos — 'isles of regularity' — which directly depend on how the three objects are positioned relative to each other when they meet, as well as their speed and angle of approach." Oct.11     Our brains are exquisitely tuned pattern-matching machines. When faced with an unfamiliar situation, we are wired to fit what we see to stored patterns–experiences or int

New Zealand government dissolves at Pluto station

  Pluto - Roman God of the Underworld A woman named Janine is single handily dissolving the New Zealand Government. Through a series of Notice of Liability, Affidavits and Liens to key players of the various corporations that make up the government, she is at the point where she can take over assets. In various initiatives she has already begun to tell the departments what they are to do. Sep. 24   As of 8th October 2024 one woman, Janine of the House of Arabella has completed a lawful process by which she is now the Commander of the Crown Corporations that constitute the New Zealand government. In a Proclamation released on Rumble the new Commander of New Zealand spelled out the implications of this transfer of power. The proclamation can also be read here Oct 11   I was pleasantly surprised t

Symbolism behind Hurricane Milton

    Coincidence is the visible aspect of a more pervasive framework of design that underlies all experiences. The events in our lives are connected by an intricate chain of linked analogies and astrology offers a way to see these connections.   As an example, in a previous post Lunar Eclipse: Bridge in Baltimore collapses [1], I wrote:   The container ship "DALI" hit the Francis Scott Key bridge outside Port Baltimore early this morning, destroying it completely. Salvador DALI had a painting called "The Broken Bridge and the Dream."   In this post I attempt to show readers a symbolic connection between Hurricane Milton and the work of John Milton. John Milton (b. 9 December 1608 ) [2] was an English poet, polemicist, and civil servant. His 1667 epic poem Paradise Lost was written in a time of immense political upheaval. At this time Milton was going through his second Saturn return which was triggering his radix Saturn [28cp] square Pluto [0ta] . Pluto stati

Wholesale Rejection of Populace by US Government

      Nothing illustrates the contempt and outright hatred the government has for us than what is happening in North Carolina. FEMA has spent all its funds, all their tax money, on migrants, who, btw, are illegal economic migrants. And Kamala emerges from her shroud and offers people who have lost their houses, their towns, their businesses, their cars, their possessions, pets and family members $750. On what planet does her team not realize this is criminal behavior? ...James Delingpole ran an interview with a South African former Satanist this past week. He described what they want, how they go about it, how their world is structured. Oct 5   Eclipses accelerate processes of change underway, and the speed of fast moving events are at their quickest pace when eclipses occur in cardinal signs such as Libra. When an eclipse impacts our lives significantly, there is a dissolution of the way things have been a

Empire Of Lies Crumbles

  About nine months ago, the WSJ Editor-in-Chief admitted to Davos elites that legacy media outlets no longer had a monopoly on information and narratives. In other words, misinformation and disinformation campaigns to brainwash the masses were no longer working.   "We owned the news. We were the gatekeepers, and we very much owned the facts as well ... Nowadays, people can go to all sorts of different sources for the news. And they're much more questioning about what we're saying," WSJ EIC Emma Tucker said. Oct 7     Below is an extract from a previous post [1] on the US media:   In the US Sibly, the Moon is positioned in the third house in hard aspect to Sun and Saturn. Saturn, which also rules the 3rd house, is conjunct the stars of Corvus – the lying raven ....   The Crow is a talking bird, and these are people in love with gossi

Israel and the Solar Eclipse

From wrong to wrong the exasperated spirit Proceeds, unless restored by that refining fire   - T. S. Eliot's Little Gidding This is it. Something has happened. And this ‘something’ was for many unexpected, for others much hoped for. Now we have to reckon with what will happen.  Under the right moon   There are choices that cannot be made without considering certain esoteric data, the influence of which can be decisive for the success of a strategic operation. Israel knows this well, applying the notions of the Jewish Kabbalah to all political and military choices. This time the timing was not lacking even in the response: on the eve of one of the most delicate lunar transits of the century – with the Moon entering Libra with an eclipse attached with Mars opposed to Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, which will perfect the opposition at the end of the month, a conjunction harbinger of great clashes and which opens a two-year period of important battles – the Islamic Republic of

Astrology of Hurricane Helene

  Hurricane Helene that struck the southeastern region of the United States last week on 26 September, about which American weather scientists beyond shockingly revealed: “More than 40 trillion gallons of rain drenched the Southeast United States in the last week from Hurricane Helene”, and it has now been officially documented: “The at least 215 deaths confirmed so far make the storm the third-deadliest of the 21st century, after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and Hurricane Maria in 2017...The only other hurricane deadlier than Helene over the past 60 years was Camille that struck in 1969”.   As Hurricane Helene survivors exclaimed “the stench is unbearable” as dead bodies piled up yesterday, this report notes, Marxist radical Vice President Kamala Harris, whom President Donald Trump aptly branded “Comrade Kamala”, made her first visit to the apocalyptic hellscape the region has become—in her short photo op visit.   Astrologers routinely draw

Leftist Media Warns Trump May Use Lawfare Against Democrats

  Are Democrats suddenly realizing that after years of encouraging race riots, encouraging leftist mobs to target conservative politicians and Supreme Court judges, subverting individual liberties in the name of public health, colluding with Big Tech companies to censor millions of Americans in violation of their 1st Amendment rights, using the legal apparatus as a weapon against their primary political adversary and promoting the idea of assassination which led to two separate attempts on Donald Trump's life, they might be due for some payback?   Perhaps the great fear that leftists seem to harbor over the return of Donald Trump is not due to his supposed "racism" or "fascism." Maybe they are afraid of Trump because they fear Karma.       Like individuals political parties have a horoscope from which very significant information can be glea

Is Netanyahu dead?

  Houthis Fire Missiles At Israel's Ben Gurion Airport As Netanyahu Arrives ...Not only that, Italian P3 Freemason and Mossad sources say Netanyahu was rushed to the Souraski hospital in Tel Aviv after his plane from the United States was hit by two Yemeni Houthi missiles while landing at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. Hospital sources then confirmed he was declared clinically dead.   This news is from Ben Fulford and not on any mainstream media. Knowing how media is suppressed that may not be surprising. In a previous post [1], I wrote:   In Netanyahu’s horoscope (Oct. 21, 1949) the most important solar direction is:   Sun [13cp] making hard aspects to his radix elements: Orpheus [11ar] - Pandora [12cp] - Siva [15li] - Neptune [15li]   The combination Orpheus-Pandora translates to “unexpected death”. If we superimpose this combination on Israel’s chart we have a T-sq