Many events can be explained by what astrologers call the station point. This term refers to the period when a planet slows down and stands relatively still before changing directions, and either starts going backward ("retrograde") or forward ("direct"). Pluto stationed to go retrograde on April 24 at [23cp]. This was followed by Saturn stationing on April 29 at [20cp]. Rod J. Rosenstein was born in Philadelphia on January 13, 1965 [1]. Rosenstein is a Sun sign Capricorn with his natal Sun at 23 Capricorn. The most significant transit currently taking place in his chart is “transit Pluto [23cp] conjunct radix Sun [23cp]”. Among other things Capricorn rules government and those in power. Pluto as the god of the underworld is harsh on evil doer s. Its transit through Capricorn is serving to draw back the curtain until the flaws, failings, and destructiveness of the system become so obvious, they can no longer be ignored. For this rea...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore