A 27-year-old French national was recently arrested in India for allegedly making a nude video shot at the popular hanging bridge "Lakshman Jhula" in Rishikesh, police officials said on Saturday. Police said they received a complaint last Tuesday from Ganjendra Sajwan, a resident and local politician, about the incident, following which the woman was arrested on Thursday. https://sptnkne.ws/D4uB Astrologers routinely cast charts for the ingress of a planet into a new sign. Here is the chart for the Sun ’ s entry into Virgo drawn for Rishikesh. Notice that the Mars-Saturn-Pluto square aligns significantly with the horizon axis. Saturn represents social structures and institutions as well as the restraining control of traditional authority to maintain the status quo. Saturn is conservative and cautious—the “order” side of law-and-order. By contrast, Pluto represents total transformation, the urge for complete change that bubbles away in t...
Mundane Astrology: The Art of the Big Picture with Star Lore