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Showing posts from March, 2020

Trump, Putin Discuss The End Of U.S. Shale Oil

Dionysus and Hebe President Donald Trump said he’s concerned oil prices have fallen too far and called Vladimir Putin on Monday to discuss Russia’s oil-price war with Saudi Arabia. March 30 In a previous post [1], I discussed (a) the synastry between Putin and the US Sibly (b) a minor 2 ½ degree per year progression of the US Sibly Sun (c) the current Neptune transit all focusing on the radix US Sibly Neptune [22Virgo] and Mars [22gem] square.   In a natal/ radix chart, Neptune-Mars can describe the ideal or illusion or fantasy (Neptune) of strength and potency (Mars). People may feel extremely vulnerable and weak (Neptune) afraid of being attacked (Mars) when the combination is triggered. And since Neptune rules oil, it is not surprising that the vulnerability of the US oil industry has been exposed. Here will look at the Russia-US Sibly Davison Relationshi...

Astrology of the Croatia earthquake

The Balkan nation has been shaken by a 6.0-magnitude tremor that came just days after the country went on lockdown in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Croatian capital Zagreb is experiencing the aftermath of a major earthquake that destroyed buildings in the city and left some parts of it without electricity. Among the horoscopes regularly cast by astrologers are those for the New Moons and Full Moons. Presented here is the chart for the upcoming New Moon of March 24 drawn for Zagreb. Notice that this chart is very significant since the Sun and Moon form a T-square with the nodes aligned the horizon.. This is phenomenon known as Moon Wobble. Moon Wobbles [1] were discovered in the 1930's, when research by astrologer Carl Payne Tobey (1902-1980), the original editor of Astrology Magazine, revealed that disasters occur in cycles associated with the conjunction (0°), opposition (180°) and square (90°) from the Sun to the Moon's No...

COVID-19 and the Sibly lunar return

Among the predictive tools used by astrologers is a planetary return chart. This is a chart drawn for the exact time that a planet (most often the Sun and Moon) returns to the place it occupied at birth. A solar return chart is valid for a year while a lunar return chart describes conditions prevailing for a month. Presented here is the current lunar return chart for the US Sibly. As always planets that aspect the horizon or meridian axes are the ones to pay attention to. Here aligned with the horizon is the Moon’s nodal axis along with TNPs Cupido-Hades and the centaur Pholus and minor planet Quaoar. The Pholus-Quaoar conjunction will   impel us to mobilize and expand upon efforts to address society's discordant and impious mode of participation with the natural world and to reestablish natural order in this chaos, especially regarding environmental, ecological, agricultural, and health-related issues. This is a significant planetary dynamic that may elicit some ...

Sacred Love

Cupid and Psyche – Eternal Soul Mates As the popular saying goes, "Love is Blind". But what happens when two visually impaired people fall in love? "You get a very different kind of love; a love that's not about physical beauty; it's love beyond appearances," says award-winning Indian photographer Niraj Gera. In a recent photo series called Sacred Love, he tells the story of a blind couple in 13 photographs. March 17 The elements of a horoscope are symbols. A horoscope is, therefore, an organization of symbolic images and narratives of the possibilities of human experience. On my blog site regular readers will have seen several examples of how the same planetary configurations amidst the same stars give rise to several possibilities taking place all over the world. What makes the difference? It is really dependent on human free-will. The following extracts from a previous post on the a...

Putin Unleashes Strategic Hell On The US

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” ― Gospel of Thomas … if there was ever a moment where Putin and Russia could inflict maximum pain on the United States via its Achilles’ heel, the financial markets and its unquenchable thirst for debt, it was this month just as the coronavirus was reaching its shores. And I do believe this move to break OPEC+ and then watch Mohammed bin Salman break OPEC was Putin’s big judo-style reversal move. And by doing so in less than a week he has completely shut down the U.S. financial system. Synastry is a method of comparing two or more horoscopes. This makes it possible to find the interaspects, i.e. the aspects between the planets and axes of one horoscope to another one. It is an effective and easily understood method, and it...

The Horoscope of the US Federal Reserve

I begin this post with an extract from Bill Meridian’s excellent article The Horoscope of the US Federal Reserve [1]. This will help us to not only understand how the major chart configurations have worked in the past but also give us an idea about what to expect right now. The Fed's horoscope is dominated by major axes or groupings: 1) Mars and Neptune rising opposite Jupiter. 2) The Sun opposite Pluto, both squaring the zero Aries Midheaven. The first grouping is descriptive of the Fed's tendency to inflate the currency. How could any entity with a hard Mars-Jupiter-Neptune aspect be expected to exercise restraint and maintain a stable currency? An insider tells me that these planets do describe the idealistic zeal or misguided ideas with which most Fed employees go about their jobs (note Neptune ruling the ninth house and Mars the tenth). The Sun-Pluto-Midheaven T-square describes the Fed's propensity to accumulate power in a subtle fashion wi...

The Great Unpatterning Continues

The human mind is conditioned to look for patterns in order to establish a baseline of normal expectations upon which to plan out future actions. This perceptual framework exists to give us safety and security, so disruptions in the patterns upon which it is based often feel weird, threatening, and scary. They make us feel insecure, because our cognitive tool for staying in control of our wellbeing has a glitch in it. When you’re talking about a species that has been consistently patterned towards its own destruction, though, a disruption of patterns is a good thing. Our ecocidal, warmongering tendencies have brought us to a point that now has us staring down the barrel of our own extinction, and that is where we are surely headed if we continue patterning along the behavioral trajectory that we have been on. Only a drastic change of patterns can change that trajectory. And we are seeing a change of patterns. This great unpatterning is going to continue, in many wild and unexpe...

Coronavirus and the US Sibly

  What makes astrology supremely relevant is that it discloses an unsuspected dimension of the world we think we know so well. It is as though we have become accustomed to see only the horizontal yarn of the weaving, the weft, and are largely unaware of the warp. We are accustomed to break down our world, in order to understand it, into certain categories, recognizing what belongs to this category, what belongs to that. That is ‘scientific’. However, astrology is about learning to think in new categories. It embodies a system of new categories that are as different from the ones to which we are habituated, as the warp is from the weft. In this system objects and events that at first sight appear to have nothing whatever to do with each other are shown to be intimately connected. Conversely, things we naturally tend to associate may be distributed otherwise in the astrological scheme. Understanding the world around us depends on our power to perceive patterns of meaning, to make...

Putin breaks up OPEC

OPEC+ is no more, after a torrid 24 hours in which Russia overturned the balance of power in the oil world, leaving the members of OPEC+ dazed and confused, shocking Saudi which now faces social unrest with the price of oil far below Riyadh's budget, and - in a repeat of the Thanksgiving 2014 OPEC massacre - sending oil prices plunging by the most since the financial crisis. And now, Bloomberg has the stunning backstory behind Friday's announcement that Russia is quitting its output deal with OPEC and its allies, after last week's Vienna summit meant to back a proposal by oil producers to cut output collapsed, causing a 10% plunge in oil prices, with some markets seeing their biggest one-day falls since the financial crisis. Events on earth are driven by the energies provided by the planets. To better understand these energies, astrologers routinely cast horoscopes for exact planetary aspects. While the...

Israel Hits a Brick Wall

Elections are supposed to solve problems by reordering government, adopting new policies, and putting new people in control. But how many elections must Israel have before it realizes it can do none of those things because it’s caught in an intractable constitutional bind? So Netanyahu is back where he started. No matter how many times Israelis go to the polls, they find that that a stable ruling majority is still out of reach [1]. The primary reason for the hung election results is that the Zionist idea is being threatened by a growing number of the population that is turning anti-Zionist challenging Zionism as an ideology for the basis of Israel. It may surprise those unfamiliar with astrology that the horoscope of a nation can reveal deep psychological issues that the population must confront before it can move forward. Here I continue from a previous post [2] where I wrote about some of those issues. Currently, Israel’s solar arc progressed Sun is on top of its r...

Saudi Arabia – The End of an Era

Pluto ends Saturn’s rule when he begins to eat his children - Mythology Yesterday we predicted a return to MbS' infamous Ritz-Carlton Riyadh shakedown of 2017 after a dramatic Friday morning raid on the homes of King Salman's brother, Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz al Saud, and Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz al Saud. Mar 7 The horoscope of Saudi Arabia has a very significant Sun-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction on the Ascendant. Transiting Saturn-Pluto is now moving over the radix combination in Capricorn. The sign Capricorn can be symbolically related to a rock that has formed over a long period of time. On a collective as well as individual level, the conditioning patterns and the realities it has created have crystallized to such a degree that consciousness is primarily resistant and largely impenetrable. To lose control is to en...

Erdogan meets Putin in Moscow

Archer and the Eagle Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin are meeting today in Moscow in an attempt to resolve differences over the conflict in Syria—this time, with very high stakes. Tensions have risen between Turkey, which backs some rebel groups, and Russia, which backs the Syrian regime. The leaders haven’t met face-to-face since Syrian forces launched an offensive in rebel-held Idlib, drawing in thousands of Turkish troops and displacing nearly 1 million people who Erdogan fears could end up crossing the border into Turkey. March 5 Eclipses tend to bring about endings and new beginnings. The influence of an eclipse is strongly felt if it aligns with the horizon or meridian. Lunar eclipses can be about releasing   bonds within ourselves that glue us to involvements that are less than we truly want or deserve. They are also about the emotional and experiential aspects of our relations with others and with the world in general. ...

Symbolic meaning of the Ophiuchus explosion

Largest explosion since the Big Bang NASA and others have published evidence for the biggest explosion seen in the Universe since the MS 0735+74 explosion. This extremely powerful eruption occurred in the Ophiuchus Supercluster, which is located about 390 million light years from Earth. A paper describing these results appears online on February 27 in The Astrophysical Journal. This explosion was caused by a super massive black hole spraying out jets of extremely active particles. The lead author of this paper is Simona Giancintucci (Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC). The worldview underlying astrology sees all of reality as symbolic in nature. To the symbolist, the heavenly bodies are threads within a great tapestry of affinities and correspondences. Astrologers believe that when our attention is drawn by a cosmic phenomena, the object involved has a special meaning for us at several levels. The ...