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Showing posts from October, 2020

Astrology of the Hyderabad floods

  In the middle of October, people across India were startled by horrific videos of flooding in Hyderabad. One video from the Falaknuma area showed a man being swept away by the gushing water. Others showed cars bobbing around like rubber ducks in a bathtub. The city’s administrators said that the rainfall between October 14 and October 21 was so intense, the city’s drainage system did not have the capacity to handle it. That would have been a credible claim if the waterlogging had been a one-off phenomenon. But Hyderabadis complain that the city has begun to flood routinely over the past decade, irrespective of the quantum of rainfall. Among the key reasons for this regular waterlogging is the rapid concretisation of the city, as buildings take over open spaces, nalas, tanks, ponds and lakes. This concretisation is the result of municipal policies relating to development, roads, transport, buildings and real estate, dictated by the Telangana government, without public debate and c...

Social media giants in Senate hearing

  Democrats and Republicans grilled Facebook, Google and Twitter at a highly partisan congressional hearing Wednesday that exposed differing views and deep distrust about the power of Silicon Valley to police the web. Senate lawmakers had invited the three tech giants’ top executives to testify as part of a broad review of decades-old federal laws known as Section 230 that spare social media sites from being held liable for the posts, photos and videos they allow or remove. Many members of Congress increasingly have come to see the rules as outdated, and Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday also said he believes it is necessary to “update the law.”   “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”   This is one of the great quotes in science.   Coming from Einstein, who simplified physics into general relativity, it is a great statement of how to conduct science.     Most individuals writing ...

France targets radical Islam amid row with Turkey

   The French government's general crackdown on radical Islamism, in response to the beheading of the history teacher outside Paris this month, has been rapid and tough - a blizzard of inquiries, closures, plans and proposals that have sometimes been hard to keep track of…. There have been protests in Libya, Bangladesh and the Gaza Strip, along with calls for a boycott of French products and a growing war of words with Turkey. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has backed the boycott, and publicly questioned Mr Macron's mental health, after the French leader defended France's secular values last week, saying the country would "never give up [its] cartoons".   Mundane astrologers use a number of different charts to get a deeper understanding of political and cultural trends, and predict probable events and actions. Event charts cast for the precise times of lunations are among the most basic tools of predictive...

Boris Johnson finally calls the EU bluff

  It finally looks like the four-and-a-half-year saga of Brexit is coming to an ignominious end. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called the final bluff of the incompetent bureaucrats in Brussels, walking away from trade talks while leaving the door open. The EU played hardball giving zero ground for four years while undermining the UK from within its own political and bureaucratic structures. It was as transparent as it was cynical, but it couldn’t sway the British people and that gave Johnson the political will to just say no. And it was this hardball negotiating stance that had worked in the past finally broke like waves along the Cliffs of Dover. The reason why it failed was that arrogance was fueled by powerful forces having their back. They believed in the power of coercion being stronger than the will of the British people.    Regular readers o...

Shiva-Parvati: Pluto-Venus

  Shiva-Parvati Transit Venus is currently forming a trine to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. In Roman mythology, Pluto was the lord of the underworld while Saturn was the founder of civilizations and of social order, and conformity.  Metaphorically Saturn can be thought of as the hard rocky layer that keeps the boiling lava (Pluto)  of earth’s interior safely deep inside.  But the balance is quite tenuous and once in a while Pluto breaks through the Saturn layer of rock causing a volcanic eruption which can destroy everything around. Compare that with the primal passions (Pluto)..more appropriately authentic needs of human beings kept in check by the social order (Saturn). Here too when Pluto moves past Saturn we have wars, rapes , murders that make a farce of all civilized behavior.  Pluto is also Shiva the destroyer. Therefore, Pluto’s  transit through Capricorn (Saturn ruled) is serving to break outmoded and artificial standards, to decimate ...

Embodying Integrity

  “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” ― Gospel of Thomas         In her article Embodying Integrity , Lisa Renee writes:  Personal Integrity is the quality of being truthful and honest with yourself and others, of intentionally aligning personal behaviors and actions to be congruently aligned with your own Personal Value System, moral principles, and ethics. It is the milestone of building a strong character guided by ones chosen personal values, and is reflected in a person that is firmly centered in purpose and directed in life by their own core self. We compromise our core integrity whenever we let others make poor decisions for us or when we betray a trust, betray our personal values, or betray that which we know is the truth for ourselves. When we compromise our Personal Integrity, we allow a back door vulnerability...

Bolivia – The people won against corruption

Bolivia went to the polls yesterday for the first election since the coup d’état in November 2019, that removed Evo Morales from the leadership and from the country and put the country under a western backed right wing coup government.   This coup was carried out for lithium, as Morales was developing the Lithium sector and had made agreements to start the long road to manufacturing batteries and electric vehicles.   Elon Musk was accused of having had a hand in the coup (Lithium prices rose sharply a day or so before) and his comment was:   “We will coup whoever we want.   Get used to it!” Oct.19   In a previous post [1], I wrote:  Mars is currently   transiting through its own sign of Aries. Here it is extremely dynamic and will dominate the second half of 2020, especially during the retrograde phase from September 9 to November 13 (28°08ʹ–15°14ʹ Aries).   Mars r...

Some manifestations of the October New Moon

   According to AFP, former French president Nicolas Sarkozy was indicted for "criminal association" in the ongoing investigation into suspicions of receiving Libyan money for his presidential campaign in 2007. After four days of hearings, the National Financial Prosecutor's Office (PNF) indicted Sarkozy, on Monday (Oct. 12), with "criminal association" in the Libyan case.   Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show.   Iran’s foreign ministry has declared the victory of “multilateralism, peace and security”, claiming the UN’s conventional arms embargo effectively expired on October 18, despi...

Twitter CEO and the lying Raven

  Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Friday reiterated his apology for how the company handled an unverified New York Post report claiming to contain a “smoking gun” email related to presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son. “Straight blocking of URLs was wrong, and we updated our policy and enforcement to fix. Our goal is to attempt to add context, and now we have capabilities to do that,” Dorsey said in a tweet.   In a spectacular, and humiliating, reversal for Twitter which two days ago sparked an unprecedented scandal with its blatant pro-Democrat censorship and dissemination ban of the "bombshell" NY Post article confirming Joe Biden's connections to both Ukraine and China, Twitter said it would no longer block the NY Post story about Hunter Biden.  The horoscope of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey [1] can explain what is really going on. Dorsey has  his Sun placed very appropriately in the 3 rd house linked to social media [1]. Pluto [13li] ...

Hollywood Is Dying

  If you have been noticing a severe decline in the quality of American entertainment over the course of the past decade, you are not the only one. 70% of Americans say they would rather stay home and watch movies instead of paying to go to theaters, even if theaters reopen. Industry spin doctors will claim that the drop in interest is due solely to the coronavirus, but this is a lie. Domestic movie attendance hit a 25 year low in 2017, and this is part of a long term slide which was building for years beforehand.   Much like for an individual, horoscopes can be drawn for an entire industry if we have the date of its origin. The first film by a Hollywood studio, Nestor Motion Picture Company, was shot on October 26, 1911. The H. J. Whitley home was used as its set, and the unnamed movie was filmed in the middle of their groves at the corner of Whitley Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard [1]. In the decades that fo...

Mercury retrograde brings a new wellness trend

   Centauress , by John La Farge Embracing cows, or "koe knuffelen" in Dutch, is more than a cute wellness trend. With immense mental health benefits, the practice has growing global appeal…Dubbed “koe knuffelen” in Dutch (literally “cow hugging”), the practice is centred on the inherent healing properties of a good human-to-animal snuggle. Oct.9   Many   events can be explained by what astrologers call the station point. This   term refers to the period when a planet slows down and stands relatively still before changing directions, and either starts going backward ("retrograde") or forward ("direct"). Mercury is about to station retrograde at [11sc40]. Shown here is the chart for the event drawn for London where the article above originated. Notice the very significant alignment of Mercury station on the IC opposite Uranus on the MC with both square the asteroid Hygiea (health and wellness).  As Mercury stations opposite Uran...

The Zionist dream has become a nightmare

    October 05, 2020 "Information Clearing House" - The future of Israel is hanging in the balance as the number of immigrants has dropped by more than a third, according to the latest statistics. While the coronavirus pandemic is being blamed for this, stories of a broken economy and general decline in living standards are thought to be behind the decrease. Popular British-born blogger Yoni Leviatan, who moved to Israel in 2009 after spending most of his life in America, believes that Israel could be in decline and is urging “a million American Jews” to follow him and move in order to salvage the Zionist dream. “Israel is teetering,” he says in his latest blog. “The societal walls are crumbling along with the economy.”   The cycles of growth and decay that a nation, much like an individual, must go through can be well understood from the major planetary transits and progressions in the horoscope of that nation. The h...

Saturn-Pluto: New Discovery enables skin regeneration

  Pullman, Wash. - A newly identified genetic factor allows adult skin to repair itself like the skin of a newborn babe. The discovery by Washington State University researchers has implications for better skin wound treatment as well as preventing some of the aging process in skin.    M undane astrology, the study of heavenly cycles upon groups and nations, is the most ancient branch of astrology. Among the various charts used in mundane astrology are eclipses, ingresses, planetary aspects, stations etc. Shown here is the chart for Mars station retrograde on Sep. 9 drawn for Pullman. As always planetary alignments with the angles are the ones to concentrate upon. Notice the sharp Grand Cross aligned with the meridian with Mars on the IC square Saturn-Pluto.  Being the planet that defines boundaries, Saturn rules the skin while Pluto symbolises regeneration, tr...